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コンシェルジュ スイート以上の客室では、
ペントハウス スイート以上の客室では、
さらにスムーズなご旅行にするために、上記すべてに加えて以下が含まれるアルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金をお選びください。
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam non mauris quam. Sed placerat augue nulla. Etiam tristique orci mollis magna tincidunt, a malesuada metus ultricies. Praesent dapibus porta leo sit amet iaculis. Fusce viverra neque id nulla commodo, nec sagittis orci rhoncus.
アムステルダム スキポール空港にご到着後、税関および手荷物受取所(バゲージクレームエリア)を出たところで担当者がお客様をお迎えし、アムステルダムのホテルにお送りいたします。チェックイン時間は3:00pmです。
まず、18世紀のザーン地域の街並みを再現したザーンセ スカンスに立ち寄ります。ここではオランダ名物の風車や、木靴作りなどの伝統的な仕事をする人々の様子を目にすることができます。ガイドツアー終了後は、さらに周辺を散策して自由時間をお楽しみください。
朝食とチェックアウトを済ませて、美しい中世の街ハーレムに向けて出発します。市庁舎やグランド マーケット スクエア、聖バーヴォ教会としても知られるグローテ教会といったランドマークを巡りながら、ハーレムの歴史あるダウンタウンを散策します。
アムステルダム スキポール空港に到着後、税関および手荷物受取所(バゲージクレームエリア)を出たところでお出迎え
午後3時00分 ホテルにチェックイン
ラディソン ブル(または同等のホテル)に宿泊
•お客様のフライトの詳細を受け取っていない場合、あるいはお客様のフライトが変更され、デスティネーション サービスの地上チームに連絡がなかった場合、送迎サービスはご提供できません。その際は、お客様に地上プログラムのホテルまで自費でお越しいただく必要があります。出発前にフライトに変更が生じた際は、すぐに予約部門にご連絡ください。
7:15am ホテルにて朝食
8:15am ガイドとともにバス乗り場へ移動(徒歩、650m弱)
8:30am ヴァン・ゴッホ美術館へバスで移動
9:00am ヴァン・ゴッホ美術館を見学(オーディオガイド付き)
10:30am 運河の桟橋まで少し歩いて移動
10:45am 運河クルーズ
12:30pm ガイドと散策
1:30pm ガイドとの散策を終え、ホテルへ歩いて移動
ラディソン ブル(または同等のホテル)に宿泊
7:45am ホテルにて朝食
8:45am ガイドとともにバス乗り場へ移動(徒歩、650m弱)
9:00am ザーンセ スカンスへバスで移動
9:30am ザーンセ スカンスのガイド付きツアー
10:15am ザーンセ スカンスにて自由時間
11:15am モニッケンダムへバスで移動
12:00pm モニッケンダムをガイドと散策
12:30pm モニッケンダムにて自由時間
2:30pm チーズ農家へ移動
2:45pm チーズ農家を見学
3:30pm ウォーターランドのブロークへ移動
3:45pm ウォーターランドのブロークでガイド付きウォーキングツアー
4:30pm アムステルダムへ移動
5:00pm バス降り場からホテルへ移動(徒歩、650m弱)
5:15pm ホテル到着
ラディソン ブル(または同等のホテル)に宿泊
7:15amより ホテルにて朝食
9:00am チェックアウトを済ませて、ガイドとともにバス乗り場へ移動(徒歩、650m弱)
9:30am ハーレムへバスで移動
10:15am 市内中心部をガイドと散策(グローテ教会の見学など)
11:30am 「Jopenkerk」にてビールを堪能
12:00pm 少し歩いてバスへ
12:15pm 港へ移動
1:00pm 港に到着&乗船
Radisson Blu Hotel(ラディソン ブル ホテル)
Rusland 17, 1012 CK Amsterdam, Netherlands
電話番号:+31 20 623 1231
ラディソン ブル(または同等のホテル)でのご宿泊3泊 - スーペリアルーム
ご注意:地上プログラムはすべて、参加人数が限られており、参加状況によってはご利用いただけない場合があります。最小催行人数に達しないプログラムはキャンセルになることがあります。表示価格は、予想外の交通費上昇、地上での手配、通貨変動などの理由により変更となる場合があります。一度ご購入いただきますと、価格は保証され、変更することはございません。地上プログラムは、出航日の90日前までにお申し込みいただく必要があります。出航日の90日以内にキャンセルされた場合は、100%のキャンセル料を申し受けます。There are no refunds for unused portions of any program. 予定された地上プログラムの1日目にご到着にならなかったお客様はツアーキャンセルと見なされ、ホテルのお部屋はキャンセルされます。
価格:$2,199 per guest based on double occupancy.
*ホテルおよび地上プログラムの価格は、クルーズ前日の無料のラグジュアリーホテルでの宿泊パッケージとの併用はできません。該当する場合は、クルーズ前のホテルの複数泊の価格情報について、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesまたは旅行代理店にお問い合わせください。地上プログラムのキャンペーンには利用規約が適用されます。
With its windows on the quaint harbor in Denmark's capital, the fully serviced Copenhagen Marriott hotel offers spacious accommodations with exquisite water and Copenhagen city views, luxury Marriott bedding with down comforters and rich linens. During your visit at this Copenhagen, Denmark luxury hotel, you'll be enticed by superb dining and you can enjoy the well equipped Barrett's fitness gym featuring sauna, steam bath and massage facilities with professionally trained massage therapists.
PH# 45 88 339 900
宿泊日数:1泊、価格:$479 per guest based on double occupancy.
宿泊日数:1泊、価格:$459 per guest based on double occupancy.
宿泊日数:2泊、価格:$808 per guest based on double occupancy.
宿泊日数:2泊、価格:$768 per guest based on double occupancy.
宿泊日数:3泊、価格:$1,137 per guest based on double occupancy.
宿泊日数:3泊、価格:$1,077 per guest based on double occupancy.
Concierge Level Rate
宿泊日数:1泊、価格:$479 per guest based on double occupancy.
宿泊日数:1泊、価格:$459 per guest based on double occupancy.
宿泊日数:2泊、価格:$808 per guest based on double occupancy.
宿泊日数:2泊、価格:$768 per guest based on double occupancy.
宿泊日数:3泊、価格:$1,137 per guest based on double occupancy.
宿泊日数:3泊、価格:$1,077 per guest based on double occupancy.
Discover the fairytale magic of Denmark through landmark attractions in Copenhagen before traveling outside the capital to explore Egeskov Castle, cosmopolitan Odense and the fishing village of Dragør.
After disembarking the ship in Copenhagen, you will start your program with a visit to the fishing village of Dragør, which was founded in the 12th century as a garden area that grew produce for the royal family. Over time, herring fishing and processing became a more important enterprise. While walking through the narrow, pedestrian-only streets, you will see dozens of well-preserved buildings from the 18th and 119th centuries. There are also numerous small shops selling local gift items, art galleries and a scenic harbor dotted with waterfront cafés and restaurants.
In time you will proceed to your hotel in the city center where the remainder of the day is at leisure. 当日の昼食および夕食は各自お召し上がりください。
Your Junior Suite is outfitted with a stylish lounge area, high ceiling, large bathroom and rain forest shower.
Note that we are limited to 5 Junior Suites. Once sold out, waitlists can only be cleared should we receive a cancellation.
Previously the city’s main post office, your recently (2020) renovated hotel sits right next to Tivoli Gardens and is filled with Scandinavian contemporary art. During your stay you might choose to enjoy the roof-top outdoor, heated lap pool and bar and don’t miss the on-site bakery serving fresh bread, traditional treats and coffee to locals and guests alike.
You will start the day with a unique visit to the ByBi honey factory and learn about all the work they are doing with bees in and around Copenhagen. They encourage residents to follow their model and become beekeepers to cultivate a regenerative system where bees, flowers and humans thrive. You will learn about their efforts while touring the factory. Sampling honey produced in different parts of Copenhagen will clearly demonstrate how the tastes vary by location and environmental factors.
A hands-on cooking class follows, during which you will learn to make smørrebrød, a traditional Danish open-faced sandwich. This national dish is more complex than it may sound, as there is a whole culture around how to make and eat one of these layered rye bread sandwiches, which you will have for lunch.
Canals are abundant in Copenhagen and there’s no better way to see Denmark’s capital than by cruising the waterways after lunch. Along the way, you will see some of the city’s stunning architecture, which the guide will describe in detail. You will also notice the many urban parks and green spaces, which provide a natural habitat for birds and bees, especially honeybees.
Next take a peek at the theatrical side of Copenhagen on an insider’s tour of the Danish Royal Theatre. Its architectural elements are extraordinary, particularly the ceiling paintings, so be sure to look up. You will also see what goes on behind the scenes as you explore the backstage and the rooms where the theatrical costumes are created. Peering into Queen Margrethe’s private salon will be among the highlights.
Return to your hotel where the remainder of the day and evening are at your leisure. 夕食はお客様各自のご負担となります。
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will venture into the outskirts to explore the island of Funen, home to the Renaissance-era Egeskov Castle. Although a noble family lives in the castle, they open it to the public during the day. As you meander through the elegant interior, you may view the banquet hall, the music room and the Victorian room, whose furnishings reflect the family’s heritage.
The castle grounds are just as magnificent as you will discover while walking through the park-like gardens. The castle parks at Fredensborg and Frederiksborg, as well as those of Versailles, inspired the nearly 300-year-old garden design. Hedges, some as high as 25 feet, separate the various themed gardens.
Continuing on, you will head to Odense for lunch before exploring the city. As an introduction to its allure, you will visit the home of famed author Hans Christian Andersen, who was born in Odense. You can expect it to be a fascinating journey into his creative universe and beloved fairy tales such as “The Little Mermaid” and The Ugly Duckling.”By the end of the tour, you will have gained a much deeper understanding of the author and what inspired his creativity.
Although Odense is synonymous with Andersen, you will discover its other charms during free time. The downtown invites walking and there are plenty of shops and attractions worth a look.
After your independent exploration of Odense, you will return to your hotel. The remainder of the evening will be at leisure with dinner on your own.
Enjoy breakfast and check out in time for your transfer to the Copenhagen Airport.
Transfers will be coordinated with the departure flight details provided.
For guests with late flights, luggage storage will be available at the hotel until your transfer.
•お客様が出航の21日前にクルーズに関する最終書類をお受け取りになる際に、その時点で最新の詳細が記載された旅程表が発行されます。乗船したら、デスティネーション サービスチームが最新の詳細を記載した最終旅程表をお渡しします。修正が必要ないかどうか、最終旅程表を慎重にご確認ください。
8:00am Disembark the ship in Copenhagen and meet your guide
8:30am Meet your guide and coach at the pier
9:00am Walking tour of Dragør
11:00am Drive to the hotel
11:30am Arrive at the hotel - evening at your leisure, lunch and dinner on own.
3:00pm Check-in at your hotel. ご到着後すぐにお部屋をお使いいただけるよう最善の努力はいたしますが、保証はいたしかねます。Luggage can be stored at the hotel until your room is ready so that you can begin your independent exploration of the city or enjoy the facilities of the hotel
Overnight at Villa Copenhagen or similar hotel
7:00am Breakfast at the hotel
9:00am Meet guide in hotel lobby and transfer by coach from the hotel to ByBi for factory tour
9:30am ByBi bee experience
10:45am Transfer to cooking class
11:00am Danish open-faced sandwich cooking class and lunch
1:00pm Transfer to canal cruise
2:00pm Canal cruise
3:00pm Transfer to Danish Royal Theatre
3:30pm Tour the Danish Royal Theatre
4:30pm Drive back to the hotel
5:00pm Arrive at the hotel - evening at your leisure, dinner on own
Overnight at Villa Copenhagen or similar hotel
7:00am Breakfast at your hotel
8:00am Meet guide in hotel lobby, Depart for Egeskov Castle
10:30am Tour of Egeskov Castle
12:00pm Drive to Odense
12:30pm Lunch at local restaurant
2:30pm Visit H.C. Andersen Museum
3:30pm Free time in Odense
4:30pm Drive back to Copenhagen
6:30pm Tour ends at hotel, evening at leisure, dinner on own
Overnight at Villa Copenhagen or similar hotel
7:00amより ホテルにて朝食
12:00pm Hotel check-out time at the hotel
TBA Transfer to the Copenhagen Airport based on flight details
For guests with late flights, luggage can be stored at Reception until your transfer time
•All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the same hotel used on the LAST NIGHT of your program.
•When you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. チェックアウト時間は12:00pmです(変更される場合があります)。プログラムの4日目以降は、朝食以外のお食事は各自でお召し上がりください。
•All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure the cruise line has their most up to date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. クルーズ開始日の14日前までにフライトの詳細が届かない場合、送迎サービスは手配されません。
•Should you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.
•Should you have a late departing flight you may wish to book an extra night so that you have occupation of your room until your departure. 12:00pmまでにお部屋を空けていただきますようお願いいたします。デイユースはホテルで直接お支払いいただいた場合にのみご利用いただけます。
Pool and Wellness
To enjoy a dip in the pool, visit the hotel website (Pool & Wellness page) to book a time ahead of your arrival. 60-minutes per night stay is included. You may book additional time for a fee of DKK95. This is a hotel regulation.
In June you can expect long, bright days and nights as the sun only sets for a few hours. Temperatures fluctuate between 20°C (68°F) and 11.6°C (53°F).
Comfortable clothes, walking shoes, a light jacket and umbrella.
Danish Kroner (DKK)
All power sockets in Copenhagen provide a standard voltage of 230V with a standard frequency of 50Hz. You can use your electrical equipment if the outlet voltage in your own country is between 220V-240V. Copenhagen uses power outlets and plugs of types C, F, E & K. An adaptor will be required for electrical plugs from the United States.
A passport is required. Check with your local Danish embassy for any visa requirements for your nationality for Denmark.
Villa Copenhagen
Copenhagen Central Post Building, Tietgensgade 35-39, 1704 Copenhagen, Denmark
•3 nights at the Villa Copenhagen or similar (Junior Suite) with breakfast
•Open-faced sandwich cooking class (including lunch with 1 x rum or gin/tonic or beer per person)
•3-course lunch on Day 3 with 1 glass wine/beer per person
•Tours and entrances per the itinerary
一度ご購入いただきますと、価格は保証され、変更することはございません。地上プログラムは、出航日の90日前までにご購入いただく必要があります。出航日の90日以内にキャンセルされた場合は、100%のキャンセル料を申し受けます。There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.
価格:$4,399 per guest based on double occupancy.
Discover the fairytale magic of Denmark through landmark attractions in Copenhagen before traveling outside the capital to explore Egeskov Castle, cosmopolitan Odense and the fishing village of Dragør.
After disembarking the ship in Copenhagen, you will start your program with a visit to the fishing village of Dragør, which was founded in the 12th century as a garden area that grew produce for the royal family. Over time, herring fishing and processing became a more important enterprise. While walking through the narrow, pedestrian-only streets, you will see dozens of well-preserved buildings from the 18th and 119th centuries. There are also numerous small shops selling local gift items, art galleries and a scenic harbor dotted with waterfront cafés and restaurants.
In time you will proceed to your hotel in the city center where the remainder of the day is at leisure. 当日の昼食および夕食は各自お召し上がりください。
Previously the city’s main post office, your recently (2020) renovated hotel sits right next to Tivoli Gardens and is filled with Scandinavian contemporary art. During your stay you might choose to enjoy the roof-top outdoor, heated lap pool and bar and don’t miss the on-site bakery serving fresh bread, traditional treats and coffee to locals and guests alike.
You will start the day with a unique visit to the ByBi honey factory and learn about all the work they are doing with bees in and around Copenhagen. They encourage residents to follow their model and become beekeepers to cultivate a regenerative system where bees, flowers and humans thrive. You will learn about their efforts while touring the factory. Sampling honey produced in different parts of Copenhagen will clearly demonstrate how the tastes vary by location and environmental factors.
A hands-on cooking class follows, during which you will learn to make smørrebrød, a traditional Danish open-faced sandwich. This national dish is more complex than it may sound, as there is a whole culture around how to make and eat one of these layered rye bread sandwiches, which you will have for lunch.
Canals are abundant in Copenhagen and there’s no better way to see Denmark’s capital than by cruising the waterways after lunch. Along the way, you will see some of the city’s stunning architecture, which the guide will describe in detail. You will also notice the many urban parks and green spaces, which provide a natural habitat for birds and bees, especially honeybees.
Next take a peek at the theatrical side of Copenhagen on an insider’s tour of the Danish Royal Theatre. Its architectural elements are extraordinary, particularly the ceiling paintings, so be sure to look up. You will also see what goes on behind the scenes as you explore the backstage and the rooms where the theatrical costumes are created. Peering into Queen Margrethe’s private salon will be among the highlights.
Return to your hotel where the remainder of the day and evening are at your leisure. 夕食はお客様各自のご負担となります。
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will venture into the outskirts to explore the island of Funen, home to the Renaissance-era Egeskov Castle. Although a noble family lives in the castle, they open it to the public during the day. As you meander through the elegant interior, you may view the banquet hall, the music room and the Victorian room, whose furnishings reflect the family’s heritage.
The castle grounds are just as magnificent as you will discover while walking through the park-like gardens. The castle parks at Fredensborg and Frederiksborg, as well as those of Versailles, inspired the nearly 300-year-old garden design. Hedges, some as high as 25 feet, separate the various themed gardens.
Continuing on, you will head to Odense for lunch before exploring the city. As an introduction to its allure, you will visit the home of famed author Hans Christian Andersen, who was born in Odense. You can expect it to be a fascinating journey into his creative universe and beloved fairy tales such as “The Little Mermaid” and The Ugly Duckling.”By the end of the tour, you will have gained a much deeper understanding of the author and what inspired his creativity.
Although Odense is synonymous with Andersen, you will discover its other charms during free time. The downtown invites walking and there are plenty of shops and attractions worth a look.
After your independent exploration of Odense, you will return to your hotel. The remainder of the evening will be at leisure with dinner on your own.
Enjoy breakfast and check out in time for your transfer to the Copenhagen Airport.
Transfers will be coordinated with the departure flight details provided.
For guests with late flights, luggage storage will be available at the hotel until your transfer.
•お客様が出航の21日前にクルーズに関する最終書類をお受け取りになる際に、その時点で最新の詳細が記載された旅程表が発行されます。乗船したら、デスティネーション サービスチームが最新の詳細を記載した最終旅程表をお渡しします。修正が必要ないかどうか、最終旅程表を慎重にご確認ください。
8:00am Disembark the ship in Copenhagen and meet your guide
8:30am Meet your guide and coach at the pier
9:00am Walking tour of Dragør
11:00am Drive to the hotel
11:30am Arrive at the hotel - evening at your leisure, lunch and dinner on own.
3:00pm Check-in at your hotel. ご到着後すぐにお部屋をお使いいただけるよう最善の努力はいたしますが、保証はいたしかねます。Luggage can be stored at the hotel until your room is ready so that you can begin your independent exploration of the city or enjoy the facilities of the hotel
Overnight at Villa Copenhagen or similar hotel
7:00am Breakfast at the hotel
9:00am Meet guide in hotel lobby and transfer by coach from the hotel to ByBi for factory tour
9:30am ByBi bee experience
10:45am Transfer to cooking class
11:00am Danish open-faced sandwich cooking class and lunch
1:00pm Transfer to canal cruise
2:00pm Canal cruise
3:00pm Transfer to Danish Royal Theatre
3:30pm Tour the Danish Royal Theatre
4:30pm Drive back to the hotel
5:00pm Arrive at the hotel - evening at your leisure, dinner on own
Overnight at Villa Copenhagen or similar hotel
7:00am Breakfast at your hotel
8:00am Meet guide in hotel lobby, Depart for Egeskov Castle
10:30am Tour of Egeskov Castle
12:00pm Drive to Odense
12:30pm Lunch at local restaurant
2:30pm Visit H.C. Andersen Museum
3:30pm Free time in Odense
4:30pm Drive back to Copenhagen
6:30pm Tour ends at hotel, evening at leisure, dinner on own
Overnight at Villa Copenhagen or similar hotel
7:00amより ホテルにて朝食
12:00pm Hotel check-out time at the hotel
TBA Transfer to the Copenhagen Airport based on flight details
For guests with late flights, luggage can be stored at Reception until your transfer time
•All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the same hotel used on the LAST NIGHT of your program.
•When you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. チェックアウト時間は12:00pmです(変更される場合があります)。プログラムの4日目以降は、朝食以外のお食事は各自でお召し上がりください。
•All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure the cruise line has their most up to date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. クルーズ開始日の14日前までにフライトの詳細が届かない場合、送迎サービスは手配されません。
•Should you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.
•Should you have a late departing flight you may wish to book an extra night so that you have occupation of your room until your departure. 12:00pmまでにお部屋を空けていただきますようお願いいたします。デイユースはホテルで直接お支払いいただいた場合にのみご利用いただけます。
Pool and Wellness
To enjoy a dip in the pool, visit the hotel website (Pool & Wellness page) to book a time ahead of your arrival. 60-minutes per night stay is included. You may book additional time for a fee of DKK95. This is a hotel regulation.
In June you can expect long, bright days and nights as the sun only sets for a few hours. Temperatures fluctuate between 20°C (68°F) and 11.6°C (53°F).
Comfortable clothes, walking shoes, a light jacket and umbrella.
Danish Kroner (DKK)
All power sockets in Copenhagen provide a standard voltage of 230V with a standard frequency of 50Hz. You can use your electrical equipment if the outlet voltage in your own country is between 220V-240V. Copenhagen uses power outlets and plugs of types C, F, E & K. An adaptor will be required for electrical plugs from the United States.
A passport is required. Check with your local Danish embassy for any visa requirements for your nationality for Denmark.
Villa Copenhagen
Copenhagen Central Post Building, Tietgensgade 35-39, 1704 Copenhagen, Denmark
•3 nights at the Villa Copenhagen or similar (Superior room) with breakfast
•Open-faced sandwich cooking class (including lunch with 1 x rum or gin/tonic or beer per person)
•3-course lunch on Day 3 with 1 glass wine/beer per person
•Tours and entrances per the itinerary
一度ご購入いただきますと、価格は保証され、変更することはございません。地上プログラムは、出航日の90日前までにご購入いただく必要があります。出航日の90日以内にキャンセルされた場合は、100%のキャンセル料を申し受けます。There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.
価格:$2,599 per guest based on double occupancy.
料金およびカテゴリーの残室数は、予告なしに変更されることがあります。各客室カテゴリーの空室状況については、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesまでお問い合わせください。旅程および寄港地は、天候、その他の要因により、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesの単独裁量によって随時変更される可能性があります。
クルーズ代金に関する規定および条件については、こちらをクリックしてください。記載の料金には、航空券諸税、燃油サーチャージ、各種手数料が含まれています。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のアルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金には、航空券、ホテル、送迎、利用可能な場合はプライベートカーサービスのクレジットが含まれます。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のオールインクルーシブクルーズ料金には、ホテル、送迎(可能な場合)が含まれます。表示された航空代金および空席状況は航空券の購入、発券まで変更される可能性があります。料金は2名様1室利用のお一人様分で、すべての割引が適用されています。航空会社によっては、受託手荷物や優先搭乗、座席指定優先サービスなどを含む(ただし、これらに限定されない)個人的費用が別途課される場合があります。
すべての旅程は変更される可能性があります。また、地図上に記載されている航路のラインは必ずしも船の実際の航路は示していません。表示料金は、1部屋2名様ご利用の場合の大人お一人様あたりの料金で、特に明記がない限り、米ドル建てで表示されています。ご旅行条件、クルーズの旅程、Regent Seven Seas Cruises社(RSSC)の責任、健康診断書あるいは旅行に必要な書類、責任の制限などについて、詳しくはご利用の旅行代理店担当者までご連絡いただくか、当サイト内の問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。チケット契約書および保険情報を含む規約全文はwww.rssc.com/legalでご覧ください。