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コンシェルジュ スイート以上の客室では、
ペントハウス スイート以上の客室では、
さらにスムーズなご旅行にするために、上記すべてに加えて以下が含まれるアルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金をお選びください。
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam non mauris quam. Sed placerat augue nulla. Etiam tristique orci mollis magna tincidunt, a malesuada metus ultricies. Praesent dapibus porta leo sit amet iaculis. Fusce viverra neque id nulla commodo, nec sagittis orci rhoncus.
Explore both cosmopolitan London and the quintessentially British countryside in the Cotswold’s, admiring a variety of popular attractions such as Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London and the elegant city of Bath including a visit to the ancient Roman Baths.
Operational Note: Venues and sites in London are not able to be confirmed for groups until we are much closer to operation dates. For this reason, should a venue or site not be available during your voyage or needs to be moved to another date, guests will be advised prior to departing for the program. Guests should refer to their final cruise documents received 21 days before sailing for the most up to date itinerary for their voyage.
午前中に下船します。世界七不思議にも数えられ、ヨーロッパで最も有名な先史時代の遺跡、ストーンヘンジを経由して、セントラル ロンドンのホテルまでお送りします。遺跡の入場料は含まれており、オーディオガイドを聞きながら散策できます。
テムズ川のほとりにあるハンプトン コート宮殿は、1515年にトマス・ウルジー枢機卿が建てた、壮大なレンガ造りの宮殿です。後にウルジーは失脚し、邸宅はヘンリー8世が没収。拡張されてヘンリーと彼の2番目の妻アン・ブーリンの住まいとなりました。
Explore with a Hampton Court guide the Tudor bedrooms, oak panelled corridors, and extensive Royal kitchens. 壮麗な教会や大ホールも外せない見どころです。17世紀末のウィリアムとメアリーの時代に、クリストファー・レン卿によって宮殿がどのように改修されたのかもぜひご覧ください。宮殿内の随所に飾られているロイヤル コレクションの芸術作品を鑑賞したり、噴水を眺めながら敷地内を散策したり。有名な「ハンプトン コート宮殿の迷路園」に挑戦してみるのも良いでしょう。
Return to the city for a 2-course lunch in a London restaurant to enjoy a ‘Taste of Britain’ menu followed by a cruise along the Thames River. Sip a glass of champagne as you pass by the iconic Tower Bridge, St Paul's Cathedral, and the Palace of Westminster. (Boat is not exclusive to RSSC).
In the afternoon enjoy a guided panoramic tour of the city, starting from Parliament and Westminster Abbey, peer along Downing Street, home of the British Prime Minister, circle around Trafalgar Square, see vibrant Piccadilly Circus and the opulent Albert Memorial and view the city's famous museums such as the Victoria and Albert and the Science Museum. Head into Knightsbridge to drive by Harrods and then take a short walk for a photo stop outside Buckingham Palace before returning to your hotel at the end of this entertaining and rewarding day.
After breakfast at your hotel, begin the day with a journey to England's West Country, to the elegant city of Bath, famed for its therapeutic hot springs, a long and varied Roman history plus the beautiful terraces, crescents and circuses of the 18th Century that adorn the residential area of the city.
Bath's foundations go back to Celtic times when the springs were first discovered, and the healing properties realized. Enjoying the warm waters, the Roman invaders soon arrived in the first century and called this place Aquae Sulis turning it into one of the most important religious centers and military settlements in the northern part of the empire.
Through the Saxon era and the Mediaeval period up to the city's new foundation as a resort for Georgian aristocrats, making the three-day journey from the capital, the wealthy elite would take the waters to cure themselves of rheumatic diseases, stiffness of the joints and gout.
On arrival in Bath there will be a guided tour where you will walk along the original Roman pavement, before entering the Roman Baths to see the hot baths and remains of the temple of Sulis Minerva.
Visit Burford where the old weavers’ houses cascade down to the valley of the river Windrush below and see Stow on the Wold with its ancient marketplace and hilltop views. 昼食はコッツウォルド丘陵の老舗パブでボリュームたっぷりのメニューをどうぞ。立ち寄った村々では写真撮影タイムやガイドとの散策をご満喫ください。
Room check-out is at 12:00pm, however arrangements can be made for the hotel to securely store your luggage should you need longer. レイトチェックアウトも承ります。ただし、所要時間に応じて手数料がかかる場合があります。レイトチェックアウトはお客様がその場におられる場合に限りホテルにてご予約いただけます。レイトチェックアウトの事前保証には、1泊分の追加購入が必要です。
•お客様が出航の21日前にクルーズに関する最終書類をお受け取りになる際に、その時点で最新の詳細が記載された旅程表が発行されます。乗船したら、デスティネーション サービスチームが最新の詳細を記載した最終旅程表をお渡しします。修正が必要ないかどうか、最終旅程表を慎重にご確認ください。
9:30am Disembark the ship in Southampton and transfer to Central London hotel via historic Stonehenge
10:45am Arrive at Stonehenge, explore with audio-guide
12:45pm ストーンヘンジ出発
3:15pm ホテル到着
Room check-in time is at 3:00pm
Afternoon at leisure, lunch, and dinner on own
ザ メイフェア ホテルまたは同等のホテルに宿泊
朝 イングリッシュ ブレックファースト
8:45am ホテル出発
10:00am ハンプトン コート到着 - 知識豊富なガイドによるガイドツアー
12:30pm Depart Hampton Court - drive to lunch venue
1:30pm Lunch in London
3:00pm Cruise along the Thames River with Champagne
3:45pm パノラマバスツアー
6:00pm頃 ホテル到着
ザ メイフェア ホテルまたは同等のホテルに宿泊
朝 ホテルにてイングリッシュ ブレックファースト
8:00am Depart hotel by executive coach
11:00am Arrive Bath. Guided walking tour ending with entry to Roman Baths
12:45pm Depart Bath
2:15pm Two course lunch in a Cotswold’s local village pub or restaurant
3:30pm Cotswold’s Village tour with photo stops
5:30pm コッツウォルズ出発
7:00pm頃 ホテル到着、夕食は各自
ザ メイフェア ホテルまたは同等のホテルに宿泊
朝 イングリッシュ ブレックファースト
12:00pm チェックアウト
お帰りのフライトの詳細に合わせてロンドン ヒースロー空港またはロンドン ガトウィック空港へ送迎(詳細未定)
All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the same hotel used on the LAST NIGHT of your program.
Dietary Requests:
Any specific dietary requirements should be relayed to RSSC at the time of booking and noted for your land program. If you have not done so, please contact RSSC right away with these details. Late requests may not be able to be confirmed by the venues used.
Summers in London are generally mild and pleasant, but not without the occasional rain showers. Average high temperatures are around 70°F (21°C) to 73°F (23°C) degrees and average lows are around 59°F (15°C).
服装は穏やかで温暖な気候を想定してご準備ください。基本的な服装に加えて、暖かいセーターや防水の上着があると良いでしょう。郊外および都市の一部観光スポットは「起伏の多い地形」であり、地面が濡れていることもあります。実用的な靴をご持参ください。Also bring hats, umbrellas, sunglasses, cameras, and chargers.
230v / 50hz(プラグは角型の3本ピン)。一般的に、差込口の隣にあるスイッチでコンセントを制御します。電化製品をご利用の方は旅行用のユニバーサルアダプターをお持ちになることをおすすめします。
有効なパスポートが必要です。Please check with your local British Embassy for any up-to-date visa information for your nationality.
注意:For guests who utilize a wheelchair or with accessibility needs, lifts are typically available and 90% of the sites are accessible to wheelchair users. ツアーにご参加いただくには、ほぼ介助なしでバスの階段の上り下りができる必要があります。聴覚または視覚に障がいのあるお客様は、手話オーディオガイドおよび触覚ディスプレーを使って観光スポットをお楽しみいただけます。電動車椅子または車椅子をご利用のお客様は、クルーズラインにご連絡の上、車椅子を利用するご予約である旨をお伝えください。バスに積み込むため、車椅子は折りたたみ可能なもの、また電動車椅子は分解できるタイプである必要があります。ホテルのバリアフリールームは事前にリクエストする必要があり、空室状況によってはご利用いただけない場合があります。
The May Fair Hotel(ザ メイフェア ホテル)
Stratton St, London W1J 8LT, United Kingdom
電話番号:+44 20 7629 7777
*予期せぬ事態が発生した場合のみ、ホテルの変更を行います。代替ホテルの利用となる場合は、同等の等級/スタンダードのホテルをご用意します。If you are not notified of any changes, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in the program.
Three night’s accommodation at The May Fair Hotel or similar (superior room).
Transportation and the services of an English-speaking tour guide for two days of sight-seeing and all associated expenses.
Taste of Britain 2 course meal with a drink in a top London restaurant
Entry to Hampton Court with guided tour by expert Hampton Court guide
River cruise with Champagne
Two course meal and a drink in a Cotswold’s village pub
Entry to Roman Baths and Bath guided walking tour
Day 1, transfer, and professional tour guide from the cruise terminal to your London hotel
Entry to Stonehenge with audio guide
Airport transfer to London Heathrow Airport or London Gatwick Hotel on Day 4
Meals or beverages not listed above
Gratuities to drivers or tour guides
Hotel incidentals, including mini bar and room service
ご注意:地上プログラムはすべて、参加人数が限られており、参加状況によってはご利用いただけない場合があります。最小催行人数に達しないプログラムはキャンセルになることがあります。表示価格は、予想外の交通費上昇、地上での手配、通貨変動などの理由により変更となる場合があります。一度ご購入いただきますと、価格は保証され、変更することはございません。地上プログラムは、出航日の90日前までにお申し込みいただく必要があります。出航日の90日以内にキャンセルされた場合は、100%のキャンセル料を申し受けます。There are no refunds for unused portions of any program. 予定された地上プログラムの1日目にご到着にならなかったお客様はツアーキャンセルと見なされ、ホテルのお部屋はキャンセルされます。その場合、宿泊先およびホテルまでの移動はお客様ご自身で手配していただく必要があり、費用は自己負担となります。
価格:$2,899 per guest based on double occupancy.
Make everlasting memories in Paris while dining in the Eiffel Tower, cruising the Seine at night and browsing the Louvre with a side trip to historical Rouen to enhance the experience.
注意:Guests should be able to walk over cobbled and possibly uneven ground and manage a few steps. For guests with dietary restrictions, please advise at the time of booking so that the restaurants can be informed accordingly.
DAY 1 – 2026年7月26日
Disembark the ship in Le Havre, meet your guide and drive to Paris for an unforgettable experience which will begin at the Eiffel Tower. Ascend to the first floor and the famous Madame Brasserie Restaurant where you be seated at a table near the bay windows. Enjoy a delicious three-course lunch while contemplating the spectacle of the Seine and the perspective from the Trocadéro to La Défense Business district.
Following lunch, transfer to your hotel and check-in. There will be a hospitality desk from 4-7:30pm
Later, meet your guide again and transfer to the river where you will embark on a glass-covered sightseeing riverboat for a scenic cruise on the River Seine. Enjoy a different perspective of this monumental city from the water while enjoying a delightful dinner. See the famous Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and much more before returning to your hotel for the night.
注意:Smart attire required for the dinner cruise (no shorts, flip-flops or sportswear).
Lunch at Madame Brasserie includes access ticket to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower. Access to the upper levels is not included. The dinner cruise is accessible by fifteen steps, a ramp may be available, and the restrooms on the boat will be on the lower level only accessible by stairs. An accessible restroom is located on the pier. Guests with dietary restrictions must advise in advance.
DAY 2 – 2026年7月27日
After breakfast and check out, meet your guide and drive to the Louvre Museum and marvel at this former royal palace. Today, it’s perhaps the greatest repository of fine art in the world.
An experienced museum guide will offer highlights of its vast collection, including the Venus de Milo, the Winged Victory, Leonardo de Vinci's immortal Mona Lisa, and other paintings by such master’s as Delacroix and Gericault. After this visit, appreciate some free time to browse in the museum shop before departing for lunch.
Enjoy some free time for lunch on your own in one of the nearby cafes.
After lunch, drive to Rouen and discover its architecture from Roman times. The alignment of its two main streets – Rue du Gros Horloge and Rue des Carmes, still reflects the layout of the early city.
Follow your guide through the historical part of the city. See the Old Marketplace where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in 1431 and the modern Joan of Arc Church completed in 1979. Other sites you will find during your walking tour are the Gros Horloge Street with its belfry and a sculpted archway on which rests a Renaissance lodge decorated with clock faces that still indicate the time of the day, the phases of the moon and the days of the week. Discover the Law Courts, the seat of Normandy’s Parliament and the cathedral, made famous by Claude Monet’s paintings of its façade.
Following this whirlwind tour to Paris and Rouen, drive back to the port of Le Havre where you will re-board the ship.
注意:There will be some cobbled streets, uneven ground and / or steps encountered while walking through Rouen. Walking time is approximately one hour
ご注意:混雑を避けるために、観光スポットの訪問順序が変わる場合があります。All program details and the timings indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. 乗船したら、デスティネーション サービスチームが最新の詳細を記載した最終旅程表をお渡しします。修正が必要ないかどうか、最終旅程表を慎重にご確認ください。
10:00am Disembark the ship in Le Havre, meet your guide and transfer to Paris
Drive time is approximately 3 hours
1:00pm Access to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower
1:30pm Lunch at Madame Brasserie on first floor of Eiffel Tower
3:30pm Drive to your hotel and check in
4:00pm Hospitality desk at the hotel until 7:30pm
7:20pm Meet in the lobby for a transfer to the boat dock
8:00pm Seine dinner cruise (guide does not remain with group)
10:30pm Cruise ends, you are met and returned to your hotel
Overnight at the Hotel du Collectionneur or similar hotel
AM Breakfast buffet at your hotel
8:15am Check out and meet in the lobby, meet your guide
8:30am Transfer to the Louvre Museum
9:00am Guided visit of the Louvre plus some free time to browse
12:00pm Free time for lunch, your guide will make some suggestions to nearby restaurants/cafes
1:00pm Drive to Rouen
3:15pm Guided walking tour of Rouen
4:30pm Drive to Le Havre
6:00pm Arrive in Le Havre and reboard the ship
In July the average temperature in Paris is 79°F (26°C) and the average low is 59°F (15°C)
Dress is generally casual, although when visiting churches your knees and shoulders must be covered. Bring good walking shoes, a hat, weather-appropriate clothing, sunglasses and sunscreen. Smart attire is required for the dinner cruise (no shorts, flip-flops or sportswear).
The Euro is the local currency, but U.S. dollars and credit cards are also accepted.
220ボルト。We suggest bringing your own travel adaptor if you bring electric devices.
Luggage information
We recommend one small carry-on size piece per person for this short program however, one standard size suitcase will be permitted as well.
Hotel du Collectionneur
•1 night at the Hotel du Collectionneur in Paris – Prestige King Room including buffet breakfast
•English-speaking guide
•Hospitality Desk on Day 1
•Porterage at the hotel
•3 course pre-set lunch at Madame Brasserie, Tables of 2 near the window including a glass of champagne + 2 glasses of superior wine + filtered water + coffee
•Dinner cruise on the Seine River - Service Premier (tables for 2 to 10 people) with a choice of starter + main course + cheese + dessert and 2 glasses of champagne + selection of fine wines: 1 bottle of red and 1 bottle of white wine between 4 people
•All tours and entrances per the description
•Paris city tax
•Gratuities for guides and drivers
•Gratuities for staff on the dinner cruise
一度ご購入いただきますと、価格は保証され、変更することはございません。クルーズ中のオーバーランドプログラムは、出航日の90日前までにご購入いただく必要があります。Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty
価格:$2,099 per guest based on double occupancy.
Explore the captivating Belgian gems of Antwerp, Brussels, and Ghent, boasting a wealth of art history and medieval architecture.
注意:This program includes a lot of walking.
DAY 1 – 2026年7月30日
Disembark the ship in Zeebrugge, Belgium and meet your guide. Embark on a journey to Antwerp, a city renowned for its rich history, vibrant culture, and sparkling diamonds. You’ll start with a visit to the breathtaking Antwerp Central Station, often called one of the most beautiful train stations in the world, where you’ll enjoy a perfect photo stop to capture its grandeur.
Next, take a short, guided walk through the Rijfstraat, the heart of Antwerp’s famous Diamond Quarter, where you’ll discover the history and craftsmanship behind the city’s legendary diamond trade.
Continue with a transfer to Suikerrui and a guided stroll through Antwerp’s Golden Streets, exploring charming boutiques and historical landmarks. A highlight is a visit to a diamond dealer, offering an insider’s perspective into the dazzling world of diamonds.
For lunch, indulge in a classic Belgian delight at Désiré de Lille, where you’ll savor a freshly made Belgian waffle.
In the afternoon, continue to uncover Antwerp’s key highlights on foot, including its rich architectural heritage and cultural landmarks. The tour concludes with a sweet treat—a stop at The Chocolate Line, the shop of renowned chef Dominique Persoone, where you’ll sample exquisite Belgian pralines.
Proceed to your hotel for check-in and a chance to refresh before the start of the evening program.
Meet-up in the hotel lobby before taking a short walk to the OLVK Church, a beautiful and historic venue known for its serene ambiance. At the church, experience an exclusive private organ demonstration, where the magnificent sounds of this traditional instrument fill the space, creating an unforgettable and intimate musical performance.
Following the performance, take a short walk to Fiera, a renowned restaurant recognized by Gault & Millau with a prestigious 12/20 rating. There, indulge in a three-course dinner, savoring a menu crafted with culinary finesse, blending local and international flavors in an elegant atmosphere.
After dinner, it’s a relaxing stroll back to the hotel where you will spend the evening.
DAY 2 – 2026年7月31日
After breakfast, settle any incidentals and then check out. Begin your day with a scenic drive to The Hague, the political heart of the Netherlands and a city rich in culture and history.
Upon arrival, enjoy a sightseeing tour of this stately city, where you'll discover landmarks like the Peace Palace, the Binnenhof (Dutch Parliament), and charming streets lined with elegant architecture.
Next, take a short walk to the Mauritshuis, a world-renowned art museum housed in a beautiful 17th-century building. Start your visit with a welcoming glass of champagne, setting the tone for a delightful experience. A guided tour will lead you through the museum’s stunning collection, including masterpieces like Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring and works by Rembrandt and Rubens.
After this immersion into art and history, enjoy some free time in The Hague to explore the city's boutiques, cafes, or perhaps one of its parks. Take the opportunity to have lunch at your leisure in one of the city’s many excellent restaurants.
In the afternoon, a drive to IJmuiden offers the chance to relax and take in the scenic Dutch landscape. You’ll arrive in Ijmuiden in time to continue your cruise.
ご注意:混雑を避けるために、観光スポットの訪問順序が変わる場合があります。All program details and the timings indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. 乗船したら、デスティネーション サービスチームが最新の詳細を記載した最終旅程表をお渡しします。修正が必要ないかどうか、最終旅程表を慎重にご確認ください。
8:15am Disembark the ship, meet your guide
8:30am Begin the drive to Antwerp
10:00am Photo stop at Antwerp’s central station
10:30am Guided walk through the Rijfstraat (Diamond quarters)
11:00am Short transfer to Suikerrui
11:30am Guided walk along the Golden Streets and visit of a diamond dealer
12:45pm Lunch at Désiré de Lille for a Belgian waffle
2:00pm Guided walk with the highlights of Antwerp and stop for a praline at the Chocolate Line
3:30pm Check in at your hotel
5:45pm Meet in the lobby
6:00pm Short walk to the OLVK Church
6:15pm Private Orgel demonstration at the OLVK Church
7:15pm Short walk to Fiera (Gault & Milau 12/20)
7:30pm 4-course dinner at Fiera or similar venue
9:30pm Short walk back to hotel
9:45pm Arrive back at hotel
Overnight at Sapphire House Hotel or similar hotel
AM Breakfast at the hotel, settle incidentals and check out
9:00am Drive to The Hague
11:15am Sightseeing tour of The Hague
11:45am Short walk to Mauritshuis
12:00pm Welcome glass of champagne and guided visit of the Mauritshuis
1:30pm Free Time in The Hague for lunch on own
3:30pm Drive to IJmuiden
5:00pm Arrival in Ijmuiden and reboard the ship
Daily high temperatures in Antwerp and its surrounds at this time of the year are approximately 23°C (73°F)
Light loose comfortable clothing, good walking shoes, a hat, sunscreen, umbrella in case of rain, medications, camera, charger
This program takes place between Belgium and the Netherlands.
A valid passport is required for travel in Europe.
Please refer to your local embassies for any visa requirements for your nationality
In Belgium the supply voltage is 230V. We recommend having a universal travel adaptor for electric devices.
Sapphire House Antwerp, Autograph Collection
Lange Nieuwstraat 20/24, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
電話番号:+32 3 201 03 70
•One night at Sapphire House or similar hotel including breakfast
Ruby Superior Room with King Bed or Emerald Twin (two beds)
•All meals and samples per the itinerary
•All tours and entrances per the itinerary
•English-speaking guide throughout
•Hotel incidentals including mini bar, room service, laundry
価格:$1,499 per guest based on double occupancy.
料金およびカテゴリーの残室数は、予告なしに変更されることがあります。各客室カテゴリーの空室状況については、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesまでお問い合わせください。旅程および寄港地は、天候、その他の要因により、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesの単独裁量によって随時変更される可能性があります。
クルーズ代金に関する規定および条件については、こちらをクリックしてください。記載の料金には、航空券諸税、燃油サーチャージ、各種手数料が含まれています。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のアルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金には、航空券、ホテル、送迎、利用可能な場合はプライベートカーサービスのクレジットが含まれます。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のオールインクルーシブクルーズ料金には、ホテル、送迎(可能な場合)が含まれます。表示された航空代金および空席状況は航空券の購入、発券まで変更される可能性があります。料金は2名様1室利用のお一人様分で、すべての割引が適用されています。航空会社によっては、受託手荷物や優先搭乗、座席指定優先サービスなどを含む(ただし、これらに限定されない)個人的費用が別途課される場合があります。
すべての旅程は変更される可能性があります。また、地図上に記載されている航路のラインは必ずしも船の実際の航路は示していません。表示料金は、1部屋2名様ご利用の場合の大人お一人様あたりの料金で、特に明記がない限り、米ドル建てで表示されています。ご旅行条件、クルーズの旅程、Regent Seven Seas Cruises社(RSSC)の責任、健康診断書あるいは旅行に必要な書類、責任の制限などについて、詳しくはご利用の旅行代理店担当者までご連絡いただくか、当サイト内の問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。チケット契約書および保険情報を含む規約全文はwww.rssc.com/legalでご覧ください。