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コンシェルジュ スイート以上の客室では、
ペントハウス スイート以上の客室では、
ご自宅を出発するときから、より完璧な旅を実現するために、アルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金をお選びください。
当社は柔軟性こそ究極のラグジュアリーだと考えています。そのために複数の料金オプションをご用意しました。オールインクルーシブクルーズ料金では、クルーズに含まれるラグジュアリーを楽しみながら、航空券は別で自由に手配することができます。あるいは、料金パッケージをアルティメット オールインクルーシブ*にアップグレードすれば、お好みのクラスの航空券(空席がある場合)、空港と港間のバスでの移動や、Blacklaneによる新しいプライベートカーサービスも提供されます。
プライベートバルコニーが付いた、居心地のよい隠れ家のようなスイートルームです。快適なElite Slumber™ベッドに加え、贅沢なバス用品やインタラクティブな薄型テレビ、上質なバスローブとスリッパなど、さまざまなアメニティをご用意しています。居心地の良いリビングエリアには、シャンパンのウェルカムボトルやスイート内での朝食に最適なサイズのテーブルを備えています。24時間ルームサービスもお電話一つでご注文いただけます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プライベートバルコニーが付いた、居心地のよい隠れ家のようなスイートルームです。快適なElite Slumber™ベッドに加え、贅沢なバス用品やインタラクティブな薄型テレビ、上質なバスローブとスリッパなど、さまざまなアメニティをご用意しています。居心地の良いリビングエリアには、シャンパンのウェルカムボトルやスイート内での朝食に最適なサイズのテーブルを備えています。24時間ルームサービスもお電話一つでご注文いただけます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プライベート バルコニー
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
ウェルカム シャンパン1本
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プライベート バルコニー
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
ウェルカム シャンパン1本
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プライベート バルコニー
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プライベート バルコニー
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プライベート バルコニー
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
Serene Spa & Wellness™ フィットネスセンターで無料の25分間パーソナルフィットネスセッション
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プライベート バルコニー
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
Serene Spa & Wellness™ フィットネスセンターで無料の25分間パーソナルフィットネスセッション
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プライベート バルコニー
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
Serene Spa & Wellness™ フィットネスセンターで無料の25分間パーソナルフィットネスセッション
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プライベート バルコニー
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
Serene Spa & Wellness™ フィットネスセンターで無料の25分間パーソナルフィットネスセッション
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
この豪華でスタイリッシュなスイートは、まさにSeven Seas Explorer®船上のパークアベニューです。リッチな色使い、最上級のファブリックとグランドピアノが洗練された快適な雰囲気を醸し出し、パーソナルバトラーが通常のご要望から特別なリクエストまで、すべて承ります。広々としたベッドルーム2室、バスルーム2室とトイレ1室、ゆったりとしたリビングルームに全面バルコニーを備えたスイートは、新しいご友人を招いてのおもてなしにも最適です。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム2室
プライベート バルコニー
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
Serene Spa & Wellness™ フィットネスセンターで無料の25分間パーソナルフィットネスセッション
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
この豪華でスタイリッシュなスイートは、まさにSeven Seas Explorer®船上のパークアベニューです。リッチな色使い、最上級のファブリックとグランドピアノが洗練された快適な雰囲気を醸し出し、パーソナルバトラーが通常のご要望から特別なリクエストまで、すべて承ります。広々としたベッドルーム2室、バスルーム2室とトイレ1室、ゆったりとしたリビングルームに全面バルコニーを備えたスイートは、新しいご友人を招いてのおもてなしにも最適です。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム2室
プライベート バルコニー
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
Serene Spa & Wellness™ フィットネスセンターで無料の25分間パーソナルフィットネスセッション
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
大理石造りのバスルーム2 1/2室、1つはジェットタブ付き
プライベート サンルーム
カスタムメイドのスタインウェイ グランドバロック
スタインウェイ Grand Maroque ピアノ
12名様までのプライベートダイニングルーム「ザ スタディ」へのアクセス
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
スパ アクセサリとSpongologyコレクション
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
Serene Spa & Wellness™ フィットネスセンターで無料の25分間パーソナルフィットネスセッション
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
大理石造りのバスルーム2 1/2室、1つはジェットタブ付き
プライベート サンルーム
カスタムメイドのスタインウェイ グランドバロック
スタインウェイ Grand Maroque ピアノ
12名様までのプライベートダイニングルーム「ザ スタディ」へのアクセス
ゲラン、アクア ディ パルマ、ロクシタン(ジャスミン&ベルガモット)からお選びいただけるソープ、シャンプー、ローション
スパ アクセサリとSpongologyコレクション
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
Serene Spa & Wellness™ フィットネスセンターで無料の25分間パーソナルフィットネスセッション
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetoothスピーカー
Take advantage of our best deals and start planning your unforgettable journey to the world's most inspiring destinations.
Embark on an unforgettable journey to experience the richness of Australian culture and its stunning natural beauty. Our program invites you to get up close with the vibrant marine life of the Great Barrier Reef and explore the Indigenous heartland of Australia, including the iconic 'Red Centre' to marvel at Uluru (Ayers Rock). Along the way, gain deep insights from the local Aboriginal community, learning about the oldest known culture in the country. The program ends with one night evening spent in the beautiful city of Sydney.
Operational Note: This program begins in Cairns, Australia and ends in Sydney Australia where guests will board the ship. Guests will need to fly into the Cairns International Airport for Day 1 of the program. The domestic flight between Ayers Rock and Sydney on Day 5 is included in the program.
Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour. This program is not suitable for guests who utilize a wheelchair or rely on walking aids due to the level of mobility required to participate in each of the activities.
DAY 1 – January 22, 2026
Upon arrival in Cairns, you will be met and escorted to your hotel based in Cairns, where you can unwind and enjoy the comforts for the night. The remainder of the day is yours to relish at your leisure. Whether you opt to luxuriate at the spa or explore the surrounding attractions, the decision is entirely yours. Any meals today are on your own.
DAY 2 - January 23, 2026
After breakfast at your hotel, you will embark on an exhilarating journey to explore the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef! Meet your tour leader in the lobby (don’t forget a towel and biodegradable sunscreen) and board your coach for a short transfer to the pier for an unforgettable reef cruise.
Begin your adventure with a morning tea served once you board, setting the perfect tone for what lies ahead. The first stop is the breathtaking Michaelmas Cay, where you will have the opportunity to explore the vibrant underwater world with a guided snorkel tour. Immerse yourself in the beauty of this natural wonderland before indulging in a hot and cold buffet lunch. While at Michaelmas Cay, don't forget to keep an eye out for the elusive batfish, gracefully gliding among the coral formations. You can also join a Glass Bottom Boat tour with commentary, learning about the reef.
Next, venture to Hastings Reef, another spectacular location teeming with marine life. Here, you can continue your snorkelling adventure or simply relax and take in the stunning surroundings. Be sure to keep an eye out for colourful fish, graceful rays, and perhaps even a curious turtle.
Throughout the day, the knowledgeable crew will provide insightful reef interpretation talks, enhancing your understanding of this remarkable ecosystem. Whether you are an experienced snorkeler or a first-time explorer, all the equipment and instruction you need for a safe and enjoyable experience will be provided.
As the day winds down, depart from the Reef enriched by unforgettable experiences. Arrive back in Cairns and transfer back to the hotel, where you will have some time to freshen up and relax before the evening plans.
Meet your tour leader in the lobby and walk to Dundees at the Waterfront for dinner. Indulge in a delicious three-course meal, all while enjoying the picturesque views of the waterfront.
Note: All equipment is provided, or guests may bring their own. Guests must bring a towel and biodegradable sunscreen.
DAY 3 - January 24, 2026
Gather in the lobby, check out, and board your coach for a transfer to the Cairns Airport, for a flight to Ayers Rock. Upon arrival, retrieve your luggage and transfer to the Uluru-Kata Tjuta Cultural Centre. Here you will have the chance to explore both the Cultural Centre and the Walkatjara Art Gallery at your leisure.
Afterwards, rejoin the coach for a scenic drive to Mangata Bistro and Bar, where a delightful lunch will be served. After lunch, take some time to relax, check in, and enjoy the various free activities offered at Sails in the Desert this afternoon. Activities may include cultural experiences, camel farm and guided garden tours and didgeridoo and painting workshops to name a few. The resort will provide a list of the available activities upon arrival.
Tonight, prepare for a memorable experience as you will partake in the Wintjiri Wiru Sunset Dinner. Wintjiri Wiru, which translates to 'beautiful view out to the horizon' in the Pitjantjatjara language, offers a mesmerizing cultural narrative. This immersive experience vividly portrays a chapter of the ancestral Mala story using choreographed drones, lasers, and projections that dance across the night sky, showcasing the spiritual significance of the land. Indulge in an evening meal as the sun sets, complemented by cocktails infused with local flavors, all while enjoying breathtaking vistas of Uluru and Kata Tjuta.
After an evening filled with delicious food, cultural insights, and mesmerizing views, you will be transported back to your hotel, where you can unwind and enjoy the remainder of the night at your leisure.
*Note: The activities offered at Sails in the Desert are subject to change without notice. Please enquire at hotel reception to confirm operating times. Please be aware that their Indigenous performers are traditional people with strong cultural obligations. Wet weather may also impact scheduled activities
DAY 4 - January 25, 2026
After breakfast, embark on a journey to Kata Tjuta, also known as the Olgas, where ancient rock formations create a breathtaking landscape. Explore this natural wonder, marvelling at its towering domes and rich cultural significance.
Following a morning of exploration, enjoy a leisurely lunch and some free time to relax and unwind. Whether you choose to lounge by the pool or explore the hotel's amenities, take this opportunity to recharge for the afternoon ahead.
In the afternoon, delve deeper into the wonders of Uluru with a base tour and the Mala walk. Learn about the cultural significance of this sacred site as you stroll along its base, surrounded by stunning natural beauty. Cap off your tour with sunset drinks and canapés, soaking in the serenity of the desert landscape as day transitions into night.
As evening falls, a sumptuous dinner in included at Ilkari Restaurant, where a buffet of tantalizing dishes awaits. Indulge in a culinary journey inspired by local flavours and global influences.
DAY 5 - January 26, 2026
Begin your day with an awe-inspiring Uluru Sunrise tour, where you will witness the majestic rock formation come to life in the soft morning light. As the sun paints the sky with vibrant hues, immerse yourself in the beauty of this sacred site. Afterward, enjoy a delicious breakfast at the hotel before your departure for the airport.
After breakfast, meet your tour leader and transfer to the Ayers Rock airport for a flight to Sydney where upon arrival you will be whisked away to the luxurious Four Seasons hotel, where you will unwind for the night. The rest of the day is yours to enjoy as you please. Whether you choose to relax at the hotel or seek recommendations for nearby attractions, the choice is entirely yours. Dinner arrangements are left to your preference.
DAY 6 - January 27, 2026
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will enjoy free time until check out. For those who want to make the most of the morning, First Fleet Park is an easy walk away and offers one last look at the beautiful Sydney Harbor.
In time, you will check-out and transfer to the port and board the ship.
Land Program Details Step by Step:
•Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direct flights are never guaranteed.
•Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. You will then receive one last final itinerary from our ground operator with a Welcome Letter upon arrival or at your hotel. Please review that Welcome Letter and your final itinerary carefully for any further amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered a no-show and their hotel space released.
Extra Nights
•All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the hotel that is used on the FIRST NIGHT of your land program
•If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be met as per the flight details provided and transferred to your hotel. Check-in is 2:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast, as well as activities, are on your own until day 2 of the program.
•If you have an early-arriving flight, you may wish to book an extra night as your room will not be ready for occupation until approximately 2:00pm.
•If you book extra nights on your own, transfers are not included.
Arrive at Cairns International Airport. You are met outside customs by your tour leader or driver and transferred to your hotel where the afternoon and evening are at your leisure
2:00pm Official hotel check-in time. Although every effort will be made to have rooms available sooner, this cannot be guaranteed unless an extra night is booked.
Overnight at Riley by Crystalbrook Collection or similar hotel
Meet and Greet and transfers
•Final cruise documents will be emailed 21 days prior to sailing. The local ground agent’s telephone number will be on page 1, if you can’t locate the meet-and-greet representative upon arrival. Be aware that the representative may be assisting others and may not be in sight when you first exit Customs and the luggage claim area.
•Look for someone holding a sign with the cruise line logo and possibly your name. If in doubt, ask the airport staff to direct you to the meeting area for transfers or to page our representative.
•Meet and Greet and transfers are arranged for guests arriving on Day 1 of a land program or for extra nights booked through the cruise line and are arranged based on the flight details received by guests at least 14 days before sailing. Guests arriving independently before the program start date will not have a transfer included.
•If we have not received your flight details or your flights have changed, and the Destination Services Land Team has not been notified, then a transfer cannot be provided, and guests will be responsible for getting to the land program hotel at their own expense. Please immediately contact our Reservations Department for any flight changes before departure.
Day 2
AM Early breakfast at the hotel
7:00am Meet you guide at Reception and transfer to the marina for a reef cruise
7:30am Board the vessel for the Great Barrier Reef cruise
Morning tea served prior to departure
9:15am Arrive at first reef location Michaelmas Cay
12:00pm Depart Michaelmas Cay to Hastings Reef
Hot and cold buffet lunch on the boat
12:30pm Arrive at Hastings Reef
2:30pm Afternoon Tea on the boat
3:00pm Depart Hastings Reef
4:00pm Arrive back in Cairns
4:15pm Return to your hotel and chance to refresh
6:30pm Meet in lobby and walk to restaurant
7:00pm Dinner at Dundees at the Waterfront
9:30pm Return to your hotel
Overnight at Riley by Crystalbrook Collection or similar hotel
Day 3
5:15am Check-out, meet in lobby and board coach (don’t forget to settle any incidentals)
5:30am Transfer to the airport
6:00am Check in for flight to Ayers Rock
7:10am Flight from Cairns to Ayers Rock (flight details TBA and subject to change)
In flight meal (subject to change by airline)
9:30am Arrive in Ayers Rock, collect luggage
10:30am Board coach for transfer
10:45am Transfer to Ulu?u-Kata Tju?a Cultural Centre
11:15am Visit Ulu?u-Kata Tju?a Cultural Centre & Walkatjara Art Gallery
12:30pm Arrive at Sails in the Desert
1:00pm Lunch at Mangata Bistro and Bar or similar venue and then time at leisure
3:00pm Check in time
5:00pom Meet for sunset dinner
5:15pm Wintjiri Wiru sunset dinner
8:30pm Arrive back at the hotel
Overnight at Sails in the Desert
Day 4
7-9:00am Breakfast at hotel
9:00am Kata Tjuta tour
12:00pm Lunch and time at leisure
3:00pm Meet for Uluru base tour
3:15pm Uluru base tour, Mala walk and sunset tour with canapes
7:45pm Return to the hotel
8:30pm Dinner at Ilkari Restaurant (Buffet dinner)
Overnight at Sails in the Desert
Day 5
5:40am Uluru Sunrise tour
7-9:00am Breakfast at hotel
10:00am Check out, don’t forget to settle any incidentals
10:30am Board coach for transfer to the airport
11:00am Arrive at the airport and check in for flight
12:20pm Flight Ayers Rock to Sydney (flight details TBA and subject to change)
In flight meal (subject to change by airline)
4:45pm Collect luggage and board coach
5:45pm Transfer to your hotel
6:15pm Check-in
Evening at leisure, dinner on own
Overnight at the Four Seasons Hotel or similar hotel
Day 6
From 6:30am Breakfast at the hotel
Morning at leisure
12:00pm Check-out, don’t forget to settle any incidentals
12:15pm Meet at Harrington St Entrance (Level 3 - Four Seasons) and board coach
12:30pm Transfer to the port
1:00pm Estimated arrival to the ship for embarkation
Expected Weather:
Cairns: The weather will be approximately 20-28°C / 69-93°F. Humidity can be high, and rainfall should be expected.
Ayers Rock: In January the weather is typically hot, with temperatures ranging from 25-38 °C /77 to 100°F.
What to Bring:
Bring comfortable casual clothes and good walking shoes. You may want to include a smart pair of shorts (or skirt) with a polo shirt for dinner occasions, swimwear, and a light sweater in case it gets cooler in the evening, hat and biodegradable sunscreen.
Local Currency:
Australian Dollars. The U.S. dollar is not accepted. However, all major credit cards can be used. A credit card will be required at by the resort at check in for any incidentals.
Australia operates with 220 volts, and guests should bring an international travel adaptor for electronic devices.
Luggage information:
Guests are allowed to bring a maximum of 1 checked suitcase free of charge for domestic flights. Maximum weight is 20kg (50bs.) One small carry-on per person that can fit in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you is also permitted. Guests having excess or overweight luggage will be responsible for any fees upon check in at the airports.
Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)
1.Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.
2.The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)
3.These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).
4.Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator are responsible for.
Documents and Visa Requirements:
Guests will need a visa to visit Australia and should check with their travel agent or embassy for requirements for their nationality. A valid passport is also required, and your number must be added to your cruise booking at least 120 days before the cruise starts so that the domestic flight tickets can be issued.
VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.
Failure to have the required documents ahead of time will result in denial of travel and guests will have to pay for any expenses incurred in order to not proceed with the program.
The above information is subject to change and serves as a guide only. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our guests that it is the ultimate and sole responsibility of the guest to ensure they meet the entry requirements for each destination.
If traveling internationally, the countries you are flying to and/ or connecting through may have different document requirements and as such we encourage you to visit the government and airport websites of every country you will be traveling to throughout the journey to familiarize yourself with their requirements for your nationality.
Riley by Cystalbrook
131-141 Esplanade, Cairns Queensland 4870
Phone: +61 (0)7 4252 7777
Sails in the Desert
163 Yulara Drive, Yulara, Northern Territory 0872
Phone: +61 2 8296 8010
The Four Seasons Hotel Sydney
199 George Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000
Phone: +61 (0)2 9250 3100
*We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure, then you will be staying at the hotels listed in this program.
Program Includes for guests:
•Two nights at Riley by Crystalbrook (Sea View Room or similar)
•Two nights at Sails in the Desert (Superior Room or similar)
•One night at Four Seasons Hotel Sydney (Deluxe Partial Harbour Room or similar)
•Breakfasts x 4, Lunch x 2, Dinner x 3
•All touring and any entrances mentioned above
•Economy class domestic flights from Cairns to Ayers Rock and Ayers Rock to Sydney – direct flights are not guaranteed
Please Note: Guests booking their own flights (independent of the cruise line) are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated arrival information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, an arrival transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.
Program Excludes for guests:
•Gratuities for drivers and guides
•Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service
•Additional meals, drinks not included in the program
•Scuba diving and any extra activities on the Great Barrier reef program
•Excess or overweight luggage on flights above what is included
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.
All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. The pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.
Price: $5,699 per guest based on double occupancy.
Hotel and Land Program pricing is not combinable with FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Luxury Hotel Package. If applicable, please contact Regent Seven Seas Cruises or your travel agent for multi-night pre-cruise hotel pricing information. Land program promotions are subject to terms.
Escape to the only luxury resort located directly on the Great Barrier Reef. Your stay at Lizard Island is guaranteed to be the experience of a lifetime as you indulge in gourmet cuisine, luxuriate in a well-appointed Oceanview Villa and enjoy the breathtaking landscapes, stunning beaches, its marine oasis and nature abound.
Special Note: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour. Children under 9 years of age are not catered to at Lizard Island. This program is unaccompanied.
Arrive at the Sydney International Airport where you are met by a driver for a private transfer to your Sydney hotel.
You will be met outside the gate area after you collect your luggage and pass through customs. Your driver will be holding a sign with your name on it as well as the Regent logo.
Check in time at your hotel is at 3:00pm. Although every effort will be made to have rooms available sooner, this cannot be guaranteed. Should you have an early arrival you may wish to book an extra night to guarantee an available room at that hour.
The remainder of the day is at your leisure and meals are on your own. Your hotel is located in a prime spot in the city center – a short walk from many of the city’s main attractions.
Note: You will be assigned a local Regent representative for the duration of your program and provided with contact details once you begin the program should you require anything that the hotel staff cannot assist with.
Our local ground operator in Australia will provide each guest with soft sided bag to use on this journey and to keep as a memento of this amazing experience. Excess luggage will be stored in Sydney where guests will be reunited with it on Day 4. Please ensure to label your stored luggage and remember to bring documents, medications and valuables with you. Soft sides bags are required for the flight from Cairns to Lizard Island.
Following breakfast, meet your transfer (time and location will be provided in your Welcome Letter) and drive to the Sydney domestic airport where you will check in for a flight to Cairns.
Upon arrival, meet a local representative who will be accompany you on a short transfer to a separate terminal which is used for you next flight - a scenic 1-hour jaunt to Lizard Island.
Lizard Island is truly one of a kind and nestled within a National Park that is enriched with beautiful and diverse Australian wildlife and bounded by stunning private beaches. And the best part, the Great Barrier Reef is right at your doorstep.
Since your room may not be ready upon arrival (check in time is at 3:00pm) you can enjoy lunch in the Salt Water Restaurant. Luggage can be stored and you can then start exploring the beautiful island and the gorgeous resort.
All meals are included during your stay along with unlimited non-alcoholic beverages, wine, beer, spirits, picnic hampers and an in-room mini bar that is re-stocked daily. There are also a number of dining options you can discuss with the reception team on arrival.
Your Oceanview Villa is located along a ridge which overlooks the Coral Sea. You will have access to the renowned private beaches of the island via natural, meandering pathways. Each villa features a private deck with outdoor furniture and inside a king-size bed. There is a maximum of 2 guests per room. During your stay you will have access to your own private motorized dinghy, unlimited use of stand-up paddle boards and clear view sea kayaks, guided tours and walks and snorkel gear for the duration of your stay.
Optional activities for a fee may include research station tours, diving and snorkeling trips to local, inner or outer reefs, dive courses (limited), full or half day private diving, snorkeling, or game fishing on the MV Duyfken (Black Marlin season is from September to December), turtle or coral-viewing tours, sunset wine and cheese cruise. A complete list will be available at the hotel and reservations can be made directly with the activities staff at the hotel.
The resort has complimentary limited WI-FI in selected areas, limited foreign exchange, postal service, daily laundry service, a first aid clinic, library, boutique, freshwater swimming pool and the Essentia Day Spa (reservations required, additional cost)
After a delicious tropical breakfast, depart on a snorkel tour from the beach to what are arguably the very best sites on the Great Barrier Reef. All equipment is included or bring your own.
Upon your return enjoy lunch and then the afternoon at leisure to do as you please. Dinner is also at your very own convenience.
After breakfast, once again depart on a guided tour – this time with a local expert who will teach you about majestic Green Sea Turtles. Travel to a beach (either by small dinghy or by motor vehicle depending on the location of the turtles that day) where you will have the option to snorkel with the turtles.
Upon your return, the afternoon is yours at leisure to enjoy this paradise. Lunch and dinner are also at your convenience.
Following breakfast, it will be time to depart for the flight back to Cairns and then onwards to Sydney.
Arriving in Sydney, you will be met and will return to the Capella Hotel where the evening is at your leisure and dinner is on your own. You will also be reunited with any stored luggage.
Enjoy breakfast and a leisurely morning at the hotel before checking out and transferring to the port of Sydney for embarkation.
Land Program Details Step by Step:
•Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direct flights are never guaranteed.
•Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. You will then receive one last final itinerary from our ground operator with a Welcome Letter upon arrival or at your hotel. Please review that Welcome Letter and your final itinerary carefully for any further amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered a no-show and their hotel space released.
Extra Nights
•All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the hotel that is used on the FIRST NIGHT of your land program
•If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be met as per the flight details provided and transferred to your hotel. Check-in is 3:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast, as well as activities, are on your own until day 2 of the program.
•If you have an early-arriving flight, you may wish to book an extra night as your room will not be ready for occupation until approximately 3:00pm
•If you book extra nights on your own, transfers are not included.
Arrive at the Sydney International Airport
Private transfer to your hotel
You will be met after Customs and luggage claim
3:00pm Check in time at the hotel
Remainder of the day is at your leisure
Meals on own
Overnight at the Sydney Capella or similar hotel
Note: There will be no hospitality desk however a Regent representative will be available by phone should you require anything and guests will be given a Welcome Letter at the hotel upon Check in with further details on the remainder of the program.
Meet and Greet and transfers
•Final cruise documents will be emailed 21 days prior to sailing. The local ground agent’s telephone number will be on page 1, if you can’t locate the meet-and-greet representative upon arrival. Be aware that the representative may be assisting others and may not be in sight when you first exit Customs and the luggage claim area.
•Look for someone holding a sign with the cruise line logo and possibly your name. If in doubt, ask the airport staff to direct you to the meeting area for transfers or to page our representative.
•Meet and Greet and transfers are arranged for guests arriving on Day 1 of a land program or for extra nights booked through the cruise line and are arranged based on the flight details received by guests at least 14 days before sailing. Guests arriving independently before the program start date will not have a transfer included.
•If we have not received your flight details or your flights have changed, and the Destination Services Land Team has not been notified, then a transfer cannot be provided, and guests will be responsible for getting to the land program hotel at their own expense. Please immediately contact our Reservations Department for any flight changes before departure.
DAY 2 – timing on this day will be dependent on actual flight times which could change up to the time of departure
AM Breakfast at the hotel should time allow
TBA Early morning flight to Cairns (flight details TBA and subject to change)
TBA Arrival in Cairns and change terminals with assistance of a local representative
11:00am Light aircraft flight from Cairns to Lizard Island (flight time subject to change)
12:00pm Arrive at Lizard Island and lunch in the Saltwater Restaurant
3:00pm Official check in time
Enjoy a relaxing afternoon to become acquainted with the resort and its spectacular scenery
6:30pm Dine in one of the available locations
Overnight at Lizard Island
From 7-10:30am Breakfast is served
8:30am Depart on a local snorkel tour
12:30pm Enjoy lunch at the resort
2:00pm Afternoon at your leisure to enjoy resort or do an optional tour
6:30pm Dine in one of the available locations
Overnight at Lizard Island
From 7-10:30am Breakfast is served
9:00am Depart on a guided turtle tour
11:00am Enjoy lunch at the resort
1:00pm Afternoon at your leisure to enjoy resort or do an optional tour
6:30pm Dine in one of the available locations
Overnight at Lizard Island
DAY 5 – timing on this day will be dependent on actual flight times which could change up to the time of departure
From 7-10:30am Breakfast is served
10:00am Check out
12:25pm Depart the island and fly to Cairns (flight details subject to change)
1:30pm Arrive in Cairns and change planes
4:35pm Flight from Cairns to Sydney (flight details TBA and subject to change)
7:30pm Arrive in Sydney and transfer to your hotel
9:00pm Check into Sydney Capella Hotel
Lunch and dinner on own
Overnight at the Sydney Capella or similar hotel
From 7:00am Breakfast at the hotel
9:00am Morning at leisure
11:00am Check out and transfer to the pier for embarkation
Expected Weather:
Tropical climate with a year-round temperature of 81 degrees Fahrenheit / 27 degrees Celsius and high humidity
What to Bring:
Walking shoes, beach shoes, sun protection, swimsuit, comfortable clothing suited for the tropics, camera, charger, hat
Local Currency:
Australian Dollars. Credit cards are widely accepted
Australia is 230 volts. We recommend bringing a universal travel adaptor for electric devices.
Flight details between Cairns and Lizard Island (subject to change):
East Air operates the connecting flight between Cairns and Lizard Island twice daily. The scenic flight over the Great Barrier Reef takes around 60 minutes.
Luggage information
Guests are restricted to one soft sided duffel type suitcase and one small carry-on item each. Soft suitcases are required due to the light aircraft flight between Cairns and Lizard Island. The weight limit is 25kg/ 55 lbs between both pieces IE - 21kg check-in luggage and 4kg carry-on applies (this is subject to loading restrictions).
Our local ground operator in Australia will provide each guest with soft sided bag to use on this journey and to keep as a memento of this amazing experience. Excess luggage will be stored in Sydney where guests will be reunited with it on Day 4. Please ensure to label your stored luggage and remember to bring documents, medications and valuables with you.
Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)
1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.
2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)
3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).
4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which the cruise line nor our local ground operator be responsible for.
5. Guests should bring with them on the flight any paperwork from their doctor and /or specific details that explain the type of device they are bringing on board. Each brand should have a website with paperwork that can be printed for flight.
Documents and Visa Requirements:
A passport that is valid at least 6 months after travel is required
Please check with your local embassy for any visa requirements for your nationality.
If a visa is required:
The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.
Failure to have the required documents ahead of time will result in denial of travel and guests will have to pay for any expenses incurred in order to not proceed with the program.
The above information is subject to change and serves as a guide only. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our guests that it is the ultimate and sole responsibility of the guest to ensure they meet the entry requirements for each destination.
If traveling internationally, the countries you are flying to and/ or connecting through may have different document requirements and as such we encourage you to visit the government and airport websites of every country you will be traveling to throughout the journey to familiarize yourself with their requirements.
Aircraft type (subject to change):
Generally an A320 Airbus would be used for the flight from Cairns to Sydney.
This is a popular flight route and could be flown with Qantas, Jetstar or Virgin airlines
A smaller 12-seat plane will be used for the flight between Cairns and Lizard Island
Hotel addresses:
Lizard Island resort
PMB 40, Lizard QLD 4868
Phone: +61 1800 837 204
Capella Hotel Sydney
24 Loftus Street, Sydney New South Wales 2000
Phone: +61 2 9071 5000
*We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure then you will be staying at the hotels listed in this program.
Program Includes for guests:
•2 nights at the Capella Hotel in Sydney or similar hotel - City View Room
•3 nights at Lizard Island – Oceanview Villa
•Breakfast is included daily
•All meals are included on Lizard Island
•Drinks are included at the Island resort
•Economy class flights between Sydney, Cairns and Lizard Island – direct flights not guaranteed
•1 soft sided bag per person to keep as a momento
•Excess luggage storage in Sydney while at Lizard Island
•Local representative to assist with checking in for flights
Please Note: Guests booking their own flights (independent of the cruise line) are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated arrival information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, an arrival transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.
Program Excludes for guests:
•Any optional touring during free time
•Gratuities for drivers and guides
•Hotel incidentals and spa services
•Excess or overweight luggage fees on flights
•Any meals not listed above
•Visa fees if required
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.
Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land Programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program. Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered a no-show and their hotel space released.
Price: $10,709 per guest based on double occupancy.
Hotel and Land Program pricing is not combinable with FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Luxury Hotel Package. If applicable, please contact Regent Seven Seas Cruises or your travel agent for multi-night pre-cruise hotel pricing information. Land program promotions are subject to terms.
Explore the must-see icons of Sydney, including the famed opera house, Royal Botanic Garden and Sydney Tower, all of which will reveal the heart and soul of this extraordinary city.
After flying into Sydney, you will transfer to the Four Seasons Hotel, where you will spend the next three evenings. The remainder of the day will be at your leisure, allowing you to do whatever you wish. You might settle in at the hotel or consult with the hospitality desk for suggestions on what to see nearby. Lunch and dinner will be on your own.
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will drive through the city in a luxury coach, stopping for photos of Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. Still, the best and most historical vantage point is from Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair, a stone seat that convicts hand-carved out of a rock ledge in 1810 so that the governor’s wife could enjoy the ultimate harbor view.
You will then travel to the Royal Botanic Garden, the oldest botanic garden and scientific institution in Australia, for an Aboriginal Heritage Tour. As you walk the grounds, an Aboriginal guide will describe how the indigenous Cadigal people used plants for various purposes. You many also get the chance to sample bush foods.
Continuing on to the observation deck of Sydney Tower, you will enjoy a sky-high 360-degree view of the city and beyond to the Blue Mountains. Once the tallest building in Australia, the tower soars over the city, making it easy to identify key landmarks below.
Free time follows at beautiful Bondi Beach, a stretch of golden sand that is one of Sydney’s most visited beaches, especially among surfers. While exploring, you may wish to dine on your own at one of the restaurants that rims the beach.
One more stop will be made at The Gap on the return to the hotel. The views of the Tasman Sea from atop this oceanside cliff are spectacular.
You will then spend the evening at the hotel at your leisure with dinner on your own.
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will drive to the Taronga Zoo Sydney for an Aussie
Walkabout Tour of the newly opened Nura Diya precinct focusing on indigenous species where your guide will explain the work of Taronga in relation to species preservation, rehabilitation and conservation.
Experience an open walkthrough of Kangaroo Country, Dingo Country. In Koala Country travel on the boardwalk built high in the treeline and spot koalas! Your guide will be able to answer any questions as you proceed through your walkabout. End tour at the Taronga Institute of Science & Learning where you will gain insight into the world of conservation science currently being undertaken at Taronga Zoo.
You will then proceed to the Sydney Opera House for an exclusive tour, during which you will learn about its extraordinary design and why UNESCO deemed it a World Heritage site. The opera house is so iconic that it is impossible to think of Sydney without this cultural center coming to mind.
As the hotel isn’t far off, you can choose to walk back on your own and explore other attractions on the way. The evening will be spent cruising through Sydney Harbour and enjoying a sumptuous dinner. The illuminated city will look absolutely radiant as you sail along the coast.
Upon returning to the hotel, the remainder of the evening will be at your leisure.
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will enjoy free time until check out. First Fleet Park is an easy walk away and offers one last look at beautiful Sydney Harbour.
In time, you will transfer to the port and board your cruise ship.
Land Program Step by Step
•The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. Program timings are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.
•Itineraries with up-to-date details will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. You will receive a final itinerary from our ground operator with a Welcome Letter upon arrival or at your hotel. Please carefully review the Welcome Letter and final itinerary for amendments.
•The hotel used for your land program will be the hotel listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered no-shows and their hotel space will be released.
Extra Nights
•If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be met as per the flight details provided and transferred to your hotel. Check-in is 3:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast, as well as activities, are on your own until Day 2 of the program.
•If your flight arrives early in the day, you may wish to book an extra night, as your room will not be ready for occupation until approximately 3:00pm.
•If you book extra nights on your own, transfers are not included.
Fly into Sydney and transfer to the Four Seasons hotel. Check-in is 3:00pm.
The day will be at your leisure. For assistance or suggestions on what to see during free time on any day, simply ask at the hotel hospitality desk.
Overnight at the Four Seasons hotel (or similar) with lunch and dinner on your own.
Meet and Greet and transfers
•Final cruise documents will be emailed 21 days prior to sailing. The telephone number of our local ground agent will be on Page 1 if you can’t locate your meet-and-greet contact upon arrival. Many guests will be arriving on the same flight and the representative may be assisting someone else when you exit the customs or the luggage claim area.
•Be sure to look for someone holding a sign with the cruise line logo and possibly your name. If in doubt, check with airport staff to be directed to the meeting area for transfers or to page our representative.
•Meet and Greet and transfers for guests arriving on Day 1 of the land program, or for extra nights booked through the cruise line, are arranged based on the flight details we receive from guests at least 14 days before sailing.
•If we have not received your flight details or your flights have changed, and the Destination Services Land Team is not notified, a transfer cannot be provided. Guests will then be responsible for getting to the land program hotel at their own expense. Please immediately contact our Reservations Department for any flight changes before departure.
From 6:30am Breakfast at the hotel
9:00am Depart for Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair. Photo stops of Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House
10:00am Arrive at the Royal Botanic Gardens for an Aboriginal Heritage Tour
11:30am Depart for Sydney Tower for 360-degree views of the city
12:30am Depart for Bondi Beach to explore independently and dine at your own expense
3:00pm Depart for The Gap and pause there for photos
3:45pm Depart for the hotel
4:30pm Arrive at the hotel
Enjoy the evening at your leisure with dinner on your own
From 6:30am Breakfast at the hotel
9:00am Depart for the Taronga Zoo for an Aussie Walkabout
11:00am Drive to the Sydney Opera House for a tour
1:00pm Depart for the hotel
5:30pm Walk to the Circular Quay
6:00pm Enjoy an exclusive Sydney Harbour dinner cruise
9:30pm Arrive at the hotel and enjoy the rest of the evening at your leisure
AM Breakfast at the hotel, morning at leisure
11:00am Check out of the hotel and transfer to the cruise ship
What to Bring
Casual dress is recommended for the entire program. Comfortable clothing and good walking shoes are essential.
The Australian Dollar (AUD)
Voltage is 220-240 volts. We recommend that guests bring a travel adaptor for electronic devices.
Documents and Visa Requirements
An Australian tourist visa is required. Consult your nearest Australian embassy for entry requirements.
Four Seasons
199 George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: +61 (2) 9250-3100
*If a similar hotel is required due to unforeseen circumstances, it will be of similar ratings and standards and guests will be notified accordingly in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes prior to departure, then the hotel listed here is the one that will be used.
Program includes
•3 nights at the Four Seasons or similar including breakfast (Run of House rooms)
•Touring and associated entrance fees on Days 2 and 3
•Sydney Harbour dinner cruise
Guests booking their own flights independent of the cruise line are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated arrival information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independent of the cruise line, an arrival transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.
Program excludes
•Any meals and beverages not listed above
•Personal expenses and hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service
•Additional sightseeing not mentioned in the itinerary
•Gratuities to drivers and tour guides
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel and natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation.
Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land Programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program. Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered a no-show and their hotel space released.
Price: $2,299 per guest based on double occupancy.
Hotel and Land Program pricing is not combinable with FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Luxury Hotel Package. If applicable, please contact Regent Seven Seas Cruises or your travel agent for multi-night pre-cruise hotel pricing information. Land program promotions are subject to terms.
Enjoy a fascinating exploration of Singapore, admiring landmarks such as the Esplanade, Marina Bay Sands and the symbolic Merlion statue. Discover Chinatown and take a walk through several districts teeming with landmarks of Singapore's colonial past. Tour Gardens by the Bay, a sprawling waterfront garden and nature park and enjoy the famous Singapore Sling from the Long Bar at Raffles Hotel.
NOTE: Please advise the Destination Team via Reservations or Guest Services in advance of your travel of any seafood allergies or dietary restrictions. Once in Singapore changes to the lunch menu on Day 1 may not be possible.
Disembark the ship in Singapore, meet your guide and set out for an introductory tour to discover the multi religion and culture of Singapore.
Begin with an exploration of Waterloo Street where you will find several well-known landmarks, including the Kwan Imm Thong Hood Cho Temple, Maghain Aboth Synagogue, Sculpture Square, and Sri Krishnan Temple. The Maghain Aboth Synagogue is the oldest synagogue in Singapore and was built by the local Jewish community in 1878. Here you will experience how the locals adapt to each other’s culture and religion.
Next take a walk along Albert Street which was originally lined with two-story shop houses, and was famous for its Chinese restaurants, bars, medicine shops and food stalls. You can still see some of the old traditional retail shops within this area.
You will also see the business district that is responsible for the nation's fiscal security and drive through the historic Padang or colonial area. Have your camera ready as architecture and foliage combine to create the perfect backdrop for you to capture the landmarks of Singapore's colonial past.
Continue with a visit to Chinatown where you will walk through its alleyways and visit the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum whose richly designed interiors and comprehensive exhibits on Buddhist art and history tell stories of culture over thousands of years old.
Built in 2007, the temple gets its name from what the Buddhists regard as the left canine tooth of Buddha, which has been recovered from his funeral pyre in Kushinagar, India and displayed on the temple’s grounds.
For lunch the group will dine at a local Chinese seafood restaurant – perhaps you will try the famous Singapore Chili Crab!
After lunch make a visit to Arab Street, the old center of the Malay community. Today, Arab Street is abundant with glittery and lavish fashion items that include the finest lace, sparkling semi-precious stones, ostrich feathers, iron-on diamantes, gold thread, wholesales bales of silk and organza with dazzling rainbow hues and intensities. Traditional rattan is also sold in little India’s street shops, and the beautiful gold-domed Sultan Mosque is located here.
Finally, pay a visit to the famous Raffles Hotel Singapore, where the Raffles Long Bar is the birthplace of the city's most famous cocktail, the Singapore Sling. Any visitor to Singapore should try this cocktail with a handful of peanuts. You will have some free time to have some photo taking at the hotel before your transfer back to your hotel.
Dinner is on your own today.
After breakfast at your hotel, you will be met by your guide for your tour to “Gardens by the Bay”. These Gardens capture the essence of Singapore as the premier tropical Garden City with the perfect environment in which to love and work – making Singapore a leading global city of the 21st century.
Underlying the concept of Gardens by the Bay are the principles of environmental sustainability. Comprising two glass biomes, the Conservatories replicate the cool-dry climate of the Mediterranean and semi-arid sub-tropical regions and the cool-moist climate of the Tropical Montane region. They house a diverse collection of plants that are not commonly seen in this part of the world and are of high conservation value. The conservatories are a statement in sustainable engineering and apply a suite of cutting-edge technologies for energy-efficient solutions in cooling.
Visit the Cloud Forest, a mysterious world veiled in mist. A 35-metre tall mountain covered in lush vegetation shrouding the world’s tallest indoor waterfall showcases plant life from tropical highlands up to 2,000-meters above sea level.
Next, step into the Flower Dome and you will marvel in awe of nature as well as the spectacular and innovative designs. The Flower Dome replicates the cool-dry climate of Mediterranean regions.
You may wish to stroll along the Skyway and take in a view of the Gardens from above. (there is a separate fee to walk along the Skyway)
Truly a spectacular and colorful national icon, Gardens by the Bay will capture the imagination of everyone who visits.
Next, visit the top of the iconic Marina Bay Sands Hotel – SkyPark Observation Deck. At 57 stories above ground, you will have a bird’s eye view of the stunning Marina Bay, Singapore’s world class city-scape, the architectural wonders of Supertree Grove and the bustling shipping lanes that have built Singapore’s rich history and economy.
After this tour, you will return to your hotel to enjoy the rest of the day at leisure. Lunch and dinner are on your own.
Enjoy breakfast at your hotel and then the remainder of the day is at your leisure to explore the sights and sounds of Singapore at your own pace.
Something worth trying and within a 20-minute walk (10 min drive) is the Singapore Flyer - Asia’s largest giant observation wheel. Standing at a stunning 165m from the ground, the Flyer offers you breathtaking, panoramic views of the Marina Bay and beyond. There’s also a range of shops, restaurants and facilities nearby. A variety of packages can be purchased in advance for the Flyer.
Your hotel Concierge will be happy to assist with any independent sightseeing questions you may have.
Lunch and dinner are on your own today.
After breakfast you will check out and transfer to the Singapore Airport for your flight home based on the flight details provided. For guests with late flights, luggage can be stored at the hotel until your transfer time.
Land Program Details Step by Step:
•Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program timings are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.
•Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•A departure transfer is not included if guests leave before the last day of the program
Day 1
9:00am Disembark the ship in Singapore and meet your guide
9:45am Arrive at Waterloo Street, stop at the famous Synagogue, walk along the street where you will stop at the famous Chinese Kwan Imm temple and Sri Krishnan Temple
10:10am Take a walk at Albert Street
10:30am Depart from Albert Street to drive through the colonial district
10:45am Stop at Merlion Park
11:15am Depart from Merlion Park to Chinatown
11:30am Drive through Chinatown and arrive at Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum
11:50am Visit the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum
12:30pm Depart for lunch
12:45pm Chinese Seafood Lunch with Chilli Crab
2:00pm Depart for Arab Street
2:20pm Arrive at Arab Street and visit
3:15pm Transfer to Raffles Hotel
3:30pm Arrive at Raffles Hotel for Singapore Sling
4:30pm Depart Raffles Hotel
5:00pm Return to your hotel
Evening at leisure, dinner on own
Overnight at the Fullerton or similar hotel
Day 2:
7:00am Breakfast at your hotel
9:00am Meet your guide in the hotel lobby
9:30am Depart for Gardens by the Bay
9:45am Arrive at Gardens by the Bay
Stroll with the guide to the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest
11:45am Depart for Marina Bay Sands
12:00pm Arrive at Marina Bay Sands and proceed to the Rooftop Bar for photos
1:00pm Depart Marina Bay Sands
1:30pm Arrive back at your hotel
Evening at leisure, dinner on own
Overnight at the Fullerton or similar hotel
Enjoy breakfast at your hotel
The day is at leisure
Lunch and dinner are on own
Overnight at the Fullerton or similar hotel
From 7:00am Breakfast at hotel
12:00pm Check out time at the hotel
Transfer to the Singapore Changi Airport based on the flight details provided
Luggage storage is available at the hotel for guests with late flights
Extra Nights:
•All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the same hotel used on the LAST NIGHT of your program.
•When you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. Check-out time is 12:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast are on your own after Day 4 of your program.
•All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure the cruise line has their most up to date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. If flight details are not received 14 days before your cruise start date, transfers will not be arranged.
•Should you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.
•Should you have a late departing flight you may wish to book an extra night so that you have occupation of your room until your departure. You will be asked to vacate your room by 12:00pm. Day rooms can only be purchased directly through the hotel.
Expected Weather:
Singapore is known for its hot and humid weather, with little variation throughout the year. The average daytime temperature is 31ºC (88ºF), dropping to around 24ºC (75ºF) in the evenings. The monsoon season can bear down pretty heavily on our tropical weather from November onwards, so be prepared for rain on a daily basis during this period.
What to Bring:
When packing, keep in mind that you will be in the tropics. Light, cool, and casual clothing is recommended all year round. For more formal occasions, men should wear jackets, ties, or long-sleeved batik shirts whereas women should wear dresses.
Local Currency:
The currency used in Singapore is the Singapore dollar (S$). Money changing services can be found not only at the Singapore Changi Airport but also at most shopping centers and hotels around the island. You can also access the automated teller machines (ATMs) located everywhere (even in the most obscure bits) in Singapore, that accept most of the main credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard and American Express.
Singapore's electricity voltage is 220-240V with ac, 50 cycles per second. Generally, the electricity outlets are three-pronged - two parallel flat pins with a ground outlet. You may purchase adaptors in any of the hardware stores or rent one from the hotel. We recommend travelling with your own international adaptor should you have electric devices.
Documents and Visa Requirements:
Visitors must have a valid passport valid for minimum 6 months beyond the date of entry into Singapore.
Hotel Address:
Fullerton Hotel
1 Fullerton Square, Singapore 049178
*We will only substitute the hotel in unforeseen situations. If the hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes before departure, then the hotel listed in this program will be used.
Program Includes for guests
3 nights at the Fullerton Hotel Singapore including breakfast- standard double room
1 lunch
1 Full Day tour with English speaking guide
1 Half Day tour with English speaking guide
Please Note: Guests booking their own flights (independent of the cruise line) are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated arrival information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, an arrival transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.
Program Excludes for guests:
Gratuities to drivers and guides
Any meals or beverages not listed above
Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar
Any visas if required
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include: inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.
Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land Programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.
Price: $1,799 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
Just outside Cambodia’s Siem Reap, a unique and thrilling adventure awaits you in the jungles of Angkor, where you can uncover the rich history and grand architecture of the Khmer Empire. Obscured by dense vegetation for centuries, the glorious temples of Angkor comprise one of the world’s largest religious monuments. The most famous is the enormous Angkor Wat, whose soaring walls are covered with intricate carvings. You will also pass through the imposing gates of Angkor Thom, the last capital of the Khmer Empire, to explore the renowned Bayon Temple.
Please note:
-There is extensive walking over uneven ground at the temple sites - at times up to 2 km, with steps at Bayon and Angkor Wat. This tour is not suitable for guests with walking difficulty or if confined to a wheelchair. It can also be very hot and humid there.
-Cambodian visa fee is included in the tour and will be applied upon arrival at Siem Reap Airport
-Flight schedules are subject to change thus the tour sequence may vary
-Special Note: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.
All travelers (Tourists, Expats and Cambodians) are now required to submit a Cambodia e-Arrival Card within 7 days before their arrival via a mobile app or at https://arrival.gov.kh/
After disembarking the ship, identify your luggage and then transfer from the pier to the Singapore Airport. Upon arrival, proceed through check-in for your flight to Siem Reap. You will be accompanied on the flight by a representative from our local ground agency.
On arrival in Siem Reap you will be met and assisted with obtaining your Cambodian Entry Visa and the Angkor Temple Passes required for touring. Once this has been issued, board an air-conditioned coach for the transfer to your hotel for check-in and lunch on your own.
The remainder of the day is at your leisure and dinner is also own.
Overnight at the Borei Angkor Resort or similar hotel
NOTE: Your passport will be kept by our program operations team in order to process the visa on arrival and for exit procedures on departure day. Your passport will be safely returned to you on Day 3.
After breakfast at your hotel, visit the city of Angkor Thom including its 12th-century Bayon Temple, the Terrace of the Leper King and the Elephant Terrace, a sandstone wall featuring carvings of hunting scenes and three-headed elephants.
Continuing on, you will see the temple of Ta Prohm, which is famous for its forest atmosphere and enormous fig trees. This temple has intentionally not been restored, and it looks just as it did when the first European explorer arrived. It may look familiar, as Ta Prohm has been a location in numerous movies, including the blockbuster action film “Tomb Raider.”
Lunch at a local restaurant follows, after which you will visit Artisans d’Angkor, a school for underprivileged children. They are taught the ancient crafts of wood and stone carving, creating lacquerware, painting and silk weaving. As you stroll through the school, you will observe the young Cambodian artisans demonstrating their skills. The proceeds from the students’ artwork purchased in the gift shop go towards running the school.
You will view even more handicrafts and art at Phsar Chas, a market with an outstanding selection of textiles, handicrafts, statues and curios that reflect the Cambodian culture.
Back at the hotel, enjoy dinner and an Apsara cultural show
Overnight at the Borei Angkor Resort or similar hotel
This morning after breakfast, venture to the Angkor Wat Temple Complex – the highlight of this program. You will have approximately 2 hours to explore its archaeological treasures with your guide before returning to your hotel.
Your guide will point out the best spots for taking photos of this massive temple complex as you walk amidst the moss-peppered cobbled pathways, gaze up at the intricately carved tower tops and perhaps climb the steep and narrow temple steps that lead to wide courtyards.
Following your unforgettable exploration of the temples, you will return to the hotel to freshen up and check out. Transfer to the airport for your flight to Singapore (passports are returned) where upon arrival you will be met and transferred to your hotel. Dinner is on your own.
Enjoy breakfast at the hotel and check out. Transfers to the Singapore Airport will be based on your flight times. For guests with late flights, luggage storage is available at the hotel until your transfer time.
Land Program Details Step by Step:
•Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direct flights are never guaranteed.
•Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•A departure transfer is not included if guests leave before the last day of the program.
DAY 1 - timings and order of the tours is subject to change based on actual flight details once confirmed approximately 60 days before
10:00am Disembark the ship and transfer to the Singapore Airport
11:50am Check in for your flight to Siem Reap – direct flights not guaranteed
1:50pm Flight from Singapore to Siem Reap (flight details TBA and subject to change)
3:05pm Arrival in Siem Reap and process Cambodian Visas
3:30pm Transfer to the Angkor Site office to collect Temple Passes
4:00pm Collect Temple Passes
4:40pm Transfer to your hotel for check-in
Remainder of the evening at leisure, dinner on own
Overnight at the Borei Angkor Resort or similar hotel
AM Breakfast at the hotel
8:00am Depart the hotel for the Angkor Thom complex- Bayon, Baphoun, Terrace of Elephants and Leper King, Ta Phrom
12:00pm Transfer to a local restaurant for lunch
12:15pm Lunch
1:45pm Drive to Artisan’s D’Angkor
2:00pm Visit Artisan’s D’Angkor
2:45pm Continue to the Old Market
3:00pm Visit the Old Market
3:30pm Return to your hotel to freshen up before dinner
6:30pm Dinner and cultural Apsara Dance show at your hotel
Overnight at the Borei Angkor Resort or similar hotel
Day 3 - timings and order of the tours is subject to change based on actual flight details once confirmed approximately 60 days before
AM Breakfast at the hotel
8:00am Depart for the Angkor Wat Complex
8:30am Visit Angkor Wat
11:00am Return to your hotel
11:30am Check out and settle incidental accounts, lunch on own
1:30pm Transfer to the Siem Reap airport for you flight to Singapore
2:00pm Check in for the flight to Singapore – direct flights not guaranteed
3:40pm Flight from Siem Reap to Singapore (flight details TBA and subject to change)
7:20pm Arrival in Singapore, proceed through Immigration
8:20pm Transfer to your hotel
8:50pm Approximate arrival at your hotel
Dinner on own
Overnight at the Park Royal Marina Bay or similar hotel
Day 4
AM Breakfast at the hotel
12:00pm Check out
TBA Transfer to the Singapore Changi Airport based on your flight details
Guests with late flights can store their luggage at the hotel until their transfer
Extra Nights: If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. Check-out time is 12:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast are on your own after Day 4 of your program.
Transfers: All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure the cruise line has their most up to date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. If flight details are not received 14 days before your cruise start date, transfers will not be arranged.
Should you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.
Should you have a late departing flight you may wish to book an extra night so that you have occupation of your room until your departure. You will be asked to vacate your room by 12:00pm. Day rooms can only be purchased directly through the hotel.
Expected Weather
Hot and dry with average mid-day temperatures often reaching the upper 30s C (85-90 F), especially in inland areas such as Siem Reap. Breezes are less frequent this time of year and the air becomes hazier with the rising humidity.
What to Bring
Comfortable, casual clothing. To meet local dress codes, avoid uncovered shoulders, shorts or revealing clothing.
Full-length trousers, pants or skirts covering the knees are required to be worn when visiting Angkor Wat.
Although dinners are not formal, you may want to bring something a bit dressier for those occasions.
Bring a hat or a head covering for sun protection and sunscreen, sunglasses and mosquito repellent, especially for sunrise and sunset hours. Wear flat comfortable walking shoes rather than sandals or open-toed shoes. Guest are requested to remove their foot wear and hats when visiting religious sites.
The local currency is the Cambodian Riel, but U.S. dollars in smaller denominations are most commonly accepted in Cambodia.
Rooms are equipped with 220-volt, two-pin U.S-style electrical outlets. Bring adaptor kits if needed for your electronic devices.
Avoid tap water and drinks with ice. Drink mineral water and drinks in sealed containers. Water at the hotels is potable.
We suggest no more than one suitcase weighing no more than 20kg (44 pounds) per person. Airlines allow a maximum of that weight of luggage and one small carry-on bag. Additional pieces will be in excess and fees will be paid to the airline at the guests’ expense.
Excess luggage can be stored in Singapore at the hotel. Pack accordingly before you disembark the ship as any excess bags will be collected at the pier before your departure for the airport. Please ensure that all excess bags are tagged properly and visibly with your full name and suite number on the ship. You will be reunited with your luggage on Day 3 at the hotel in Singapore. Neither Regent Seven Seas Cruises, the hotel nor our local ground operator will be liable for lost or missing items. Carry valuables with you in your carry-on hand bag.
Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)
1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.
2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)
3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).
4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.
Guests must carry a valid passport with at least 6 months validity and have spare pages for the Cambodian visa. Visas will be issued on arrival in Siem Reap.
All travelers (Tourists, Expats and Cambodians) are now required to submit a Cambodia e-Arrival Card within 7 days before their arrival via a mobile app or at https://arrival.gov.kh/
VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.
Failure to have the required documents ahead of time or incorrect names on flight tickets will result in either denial of travel or ticket re-purchase and guests will be responsible for any fees incurred.
Park Royal Marina Bay - Singapore
6 Raffles Blvd, Singapore 039594
Phone: +65 6845 1000
Siem Reap –Borei Angkor Resort and Spa or similar hotel
National Road 6, Banteay Chas, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Phone: +855 63 963 900
*We will only substitute hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are substituted, they will be of equal ratings and standards and guests will be notified accordingly ahead of time of any changes. If guests are not notified of any changes in advance of travel, then the hotels listed will be used.
Program Includes for guests
•2 overnights in Siem Reap at the Borei Angkor Hotel or similar (Landmark Room)
•1 overnight in Singapore at the Park Royal Marina Bay or similar (Urban Deluxe Room)
•3 breakfasts, 1 lunch and 1 dinner including a cultural show
•Cambodia on arrival Visa
•Touring in Siem Riep in air-conditioned coaches or coaster busses
•All entrance fees required for touring in Siem Reap including a two day all access Temple Pass
•Local English-speaking guides in Singapore and in Siem Reap
•Bottled water and cold towels on the coaches when touring
•Economy class flights between Singapore and Siem Reap – direct flights not guaranteed
•Excess luggage storage in Singapore
•Hospitality desk at both hotels for groups of over 15 guests
Please Note: Guests booking their own flights (independent of the cruise line) are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated departure information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, a departure transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.
Program Excludes for guests:
•Personal expenses such as telephone calls and laundry
•Hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service
•Gratuities for drivers and guides
•Any touring, meals and beverages not mentioned in the above itinerary
•Excess or overweight luggage fees on flights
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel and natural paths. There may also be steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation.
Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.
Price: $2,999 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
料金およびカテゴリーの残室数は、予告なしに変更されることがあります。各客室カテゴリーの空室状況については、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesまでお問い合わせください。旅程および寄港地は、天候、その他の要因により、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesの単独裁量によって随時変更される可能性があります。
クルーズ代金に関する規定および条件については、こちらをクリックしてください。記載の料金には、航空券諸税、燃油サーチャージ、各種手数料が含まれています。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のアルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金には、航空券、ホテル、送迎、利用可能な場合はプライベートカーサービスのクレジットが含まれます。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のオールインクルーシブクルーズ料金には、ホテル、送迎(可能な場合)が含まれます。表示された航空代金および空席状況は航空券の購入、発券まで変更される可能性があります。料金は2名様1室利用のお一人様分で、すべての割引が適用されています。航空会社によっては、受託手荷物や優先搭乗、座席指定優先サービスなどを含む(ただし、これらに限定されない)個人的費用が別途課される場合があります。
すべての旅程は変更される可能性があります。また、地図上に記載されている航路のラインは必ずしも船の実際の航路は示していません。表示料金は、1部屋2名様ご利用の場合の大人お一人様あたりの料金で、特に明記がない限り、米ドル建てで表示されています。ご旅行条件、クルーズの旅程、Regent Seven Seas Cruises社(RSSC)の責任、健康診断書あるいは旅行に必要な書類、責任の制限などについて、詳しくはご利用の旅行代理店担当者までご連絡いただくか、当サイト内の問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。To read our full Terms & Conditions, including our Ticket Contract and Insurance Information, visit www.rssc.com/legal.