Learn more about our worldwide destinations and immersive exploration.
Gain insights into some of Europe’s most fascinating museums through these perspectives on the their most captivating highlights. Learn of Joan Miró’s life, homes and studios, discover the Assyrian Lion Hunt Reliefs of the British Museum, see how a 17th-century disaster created a modern-day historical treasure in Stockholm, and more...
Created to promote cultural exchange, understanding and peace while protecting some of humanities most valuable sites around the globe, UNESCO is a uniquely united, multinational endeavor. Watch and learn more about its origins and more...
Experience insights and inspirations found only in Bermuda and the Caribbean.
ヨーロッパで最も有名なプロムナード、ランブラス通りの美しさと魅力を体験。大通りを歩いて、通りに立ち並ぶ、何世紀もの歴史をもつ有名な建物を見物。屋外のブケリア市場で地元の美味しいものを堪能。あるいは壮麗なリセウ大劇場で観劇。And that's just the beginning when visiting Barcelona.
Visit landmarks such as Stonehenge and the Blarney Stone, and spend time in historic cities such as London and Edinburgh. From rolling green countryside and castles to charming cobblestone streets and traditional pubs, these islands offer something for everyone.
Whether you're photographing the Art Deco buildings of South Beach, standing on the finish line at Daytona Speedway from Port Canaveral, or exploring the iconic homes of literary figures in Key West, the entrancing colors, flavors and history of Florida will leave you with memories that will linger for a lifetime aboard a luxurious Regent cruise.
さらにうれしいことに、Regent Seven Seasは、アラスカ、アイスランド、カナダの北極圏を周遊する旅や、パタゴニア氷原、ニュージーランドのサザンアルプスなど、世界中の氷河を体験できるオールインクルーシブ クルーズを提供しています。
In Athens, marvel at the magnitude of the Parthenon and treat yourself with a gift at the Plaka marketplace. And during your call on Santorini, anticipate the perfect beach day exploring romantic coves and sapphire seas. These highlights are just a small glimpse of what Greece has to offer, making it a popular destination for luxury travelers seeking to experience the natural beauty on an all-inclusive cruise to Greece.
Regent Seven Seasのアイスランドへのオールインクルーシブ クルーズでは、首都レイキャビクの活気あるアートシーン、さまざまな文化施設、見事な建築との出会いに心が癒やされます。
ロマンス、文化、歴史がタイルの天井と石畳の道を通して、古代の歴史からよみがえるのを感じます。イタリアへのクルーズには、古の文明の遺跡、味わい、雰囲気に囲まれてリラックスするチャンスが限りなくあります。You can truly see it all exactly the way you’ve always wanted aboard Regent Seven Seas Cruises®.
Explore and experience why Miami, the gateway to the Americas, is so popular with culinary aficionados, art lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, and more.
Strolling along the waterfront, take in the picturesque views and dine at charming waterfront restaurants. Meanwhile, in Frederiksted, the stunning St. Croix beaches are a highlight, with turquoise waters perfect for snorkeling and swimming.