
  • ニューヨークバルセロナ
  • クルーズ ハイライト
  • 客船
    Seven Seas
  • 出発
  • 期間
  • 寄港地観光
    • お問い合わせ
    • 料金(最安)
    • 価格をリクエスト


Jun 29
New York,
New York
4:00 PM
Jun 30
Cruising the Atlantic Ocean
Jul 01
Nova Scotia
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
Jul 02
Nova Scotia
10:00 AM
6:00 PM
Jul 03
Cruising the Atlantic Ocean
Jul 04
Cruising the Atlantic Ocean
Jul 05
Cruising the Atlantic Ocean
Jul 06
9:00 AM
6:00 PM
Jul 07
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Jul 08
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Jul 09
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Jul 10
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Jul 11
Cruising Prince Christian Sound
Jul 12
Cruising the Labrador Sea
Jul 13
10:00 AM
6:00 PM
Jul 14
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Jul 15
11:00 AM
8:00 PM
Jul 16
7:00 AM
Jul 17
9:00 PM
Jul 18
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Jul 19
10:30 AM
8:30 PM
Jul 20
Cruising the Atlantic Ocean
Jul 21
Cruising the Atlantic Ocean
Jul 22
Kirkwall (Orkney Islands),
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
Jul 23
Stornoway (Hebrides),
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
Jul 24
8:30 AM
5:00 PM
Jul 25
Isle of Man
10:30 AM
7:00 PM
Jul 26
Dublin (Dún Laoghaire),
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Jul 27
8:00 AM
9:00 PM
Jul 28
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Jul 29
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Jul 30
Cruising the Celtic Sea
Jul 31
London (Southampton),
6:00 AM
7:00 PM
Aug 01
Paris (Honfleur),
7:00 AM
5:00 PM
Aug 02
1:00 PM
Aug 03
6:00 PM
Aug 04
11:00 AM
8:00 PM
Aug 05
Cruising the North Sea
Aug 06
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Aug 07
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Aug 08
Berlin (Warnemunde),
6:00 AM
11:00 PM
Aug 09
Cruising the Baltic Sea
Aug 10
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Aug 11
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
Aug 12
11:00 AM
8:00 PM
Aug 13
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
Aug 14
8:00 AM
Aug 15
10:00 PM
Aug 16
Cruising the Baltic Sea
Aug 17
7:00 AM
Aug 18
7:00 PM
Aug 19
9:00 AM
9:00 PM
Aug 20
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Aug 21
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Aug 22
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Aug 23
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Aug 24
11:00 AM
8:00 PM
Aug 25
8:00 AM
9:00 PM
Aug 26
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
Aug 27
Cruising the Norwegian Sea
Aug 28
7:00 AM
10:00 PM
Aug 29
North Cape (Honningsvag),
7:00 AM
3:00 PM
Aug 30
8:00 AM
8:00 PM
Aug 31
Cruising the Norwegian Sea
Sep 01
11:00 AM
11:00 PM
Sep 02
8:00 AM
8:00 PM
Sep 03
Lerwick (Shetland Islands),
10:00 AM
7:00 PM
Sep 04
9:00 AM
6:00 PM
Sep 05
Cruising the North Sea
Sep 06
Bruges (Zeebrugge),
7:00 AM
5:00 PM
Sep 07
6:00 AM
10:00 PM
Sep 08
Cruising the North Sea
Sep 09
Cruising the Bay of Biscay
Sep 10
8:15 AM
Sep 11
7:15 PM
Sep 12
Cruising the Bay of Biscay
Sep 13
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Sep 14
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
Sep 15
Seville (Cadiz),
11:30 AM
8:00 PM
Sep 16
7:00 AM
7:00 PM
Sep 17
Cruising the Mediterranean Sea
Sep 18
7:00 AM
= anchor port


  • プリクルーズ1泊のホテルパッケージとディナー
  • 限定寄港地イベント
  • 無制限の寄港地観光
  • 贅沢なお食事(追加料金なしでのスペシャリティレストランすべてを含む)
  • 飲み放題のお飲み物(高級ワイン、クラフトカクテル、スペシャリティコーヒーなど)
  • カスタマイズされたプライベートミニバー(お好みに合わせて毎日補充)
  • 無制限のスパ施設のご利用
  • 前払いチップ
  • 無制限のWiFi*
  • バレーランドリーサービス(ドライクリーニングおよびアイロンがけサービスを含む)
  • 24時間ルームサービス
  • オープンバーとラウンジ、ダイナミックなエンターテインメント、カルチャー体験
  • ドアツードアのラゲッジサービス
  • スイートルームでの通話
  • 船上医療相談*
  • 記念ギフト

コンシェルジュ スイート以上の客室では、

  • 優先オンライン予約(寄港地観光と船上ダイニング)
  • 追加割引をリージェントチョイス エクスペリエンスと地上プログラムでご利用可能

ペントハウス スイート以上の客室では、

  • パーソナルバトラーでスイート体験をグレードアップ
  • 毎日のカナッペサービス

さらにスムーズなご旅行にするために、上記すべてに加えて以下が含まれるアルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金をお選びください。

  • お好みの航空券クラスをお選びいただけるフレキシブルな航空券
  • 空港と港間のバスでの移動*
  • スイート1室当たり最大$500までの高級プライベートカーサービスのクレジット



Seven Seas Mariner®は、「シャルトリューズ」の美食メニューから「コノサークラブ」の洗練されたおもてなしまで、ワンクラス上の贅沢をお届けします。


当社は柔軟性こそ究極のラグジュアリーだと考えています。そのために複数の料金オプションをご用意しました。オールインクルーシブクルーズ料金では、クルーズに含まれるラグジュアリーを楽しみながら、航空券は別で自由に手配することができます。あるいは、料金パッケージをアルティメット オールインクルーシブ*にアップグレードすれば、お好みのクラスの航空券(空席がある場合)、空港と港間のバスでの移動や、Blacklaneによる新しいプライベートカーサービスも提供されます。

  • デラックスベランダスイート H

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • デラックスベランダスイート G

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • デラックスベランダスイート F

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • コンシェルジュスイート E

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • コンシェルジュスイート D

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • ペントハウススイート C

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • ペントハウススイート B

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • ペントハウススイート A

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • ホライズンビュー スイート HS

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • セブンシーズスイート船尾

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • セブンシーズスイート船首

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • マリナー スイート MN

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • グランドスイート GS

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
  • シグネチャー スイート SG

    / お一人様
    / お一人様
    *エコノミー航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様
    *ビジネスクラス航空券付きのアルティメット アップグレード
    / お一人様


Take advantage of our best deals and start planning your unforgettable journey to the world's most inspiring destinations.

  • 白ワインのあるテーブルで微笑合う、きれいに着飾った男女白ワインのあるテーブルで微笑合う、きれいに着飾った男女白ワインのあるテーブルで微笑合う、きれいに着飾った男女


  • クルーズ ロイヤルティプログラムで、微笑み合ってお酒を楽しんでいる男女クルーズ ロイヤルティプログラムで、微笑み合ってお酒を楽しんでいる男女クルーズ ロイヤルティプログラムで、微笑み合ってお酒を楽しんでいる男女

    セブンシーズ ソサエティ割引

  • 晴れた日の旅を楽しむご友人のグループ晴れた日の旅を楽しむご友人のグループ晴れた日の旅を楽しむご友人のグループ

    リージェント アンバサダーになる

    まだ当社のクルーズを経験されていないご友人やご家族とリージェント エクスペリエンスを共有して、セブンシーズ ソサエティ会員の特典をお受け取りください。

Land Programs & Hotels

  • Explore Barcelona and Girona in depth by visiting their architectural landmarks, often on guided walking tours and on your own with a liberating Hop On Hop Off bus voucher in the capital of Catalonia.

    Note: Due to the amount of walking, this program is not recommended for guests with mobility restrictions.

    Day 1:

    After disembarking the ship in either Barcelona or Tarranona depending on your sailing, you will begin a guided tour of the city of Barcelona. You will pass the Columbus monument and the waterfront on the way to Sagrada Familia, the extraordinary still-unfinished church that famed architect Antoni Gaudí worked on until his death in 1926. The guide will explain the history of the church and its lengthy ongoing construction during your outside visit.

    Continuing on, you will begin a walking tour of the Gothic Quarter, passing landmarks such as the La Seu Cathedral and city hall. A more sweeping view of Barcelona awaits you upon reaching Mount Juic hill, where you may pause for photos. You will then visit Spanish Village, an open-air museum with replicas of characteristic houses from throughout Spain. As you meander the grounds, you may observe artists such as glassblowers demonstrating their talents.

    A tapas-style lunch follows, after which you will check into your hotel to spend the first of three nights. The remainder of the day will be at your leisure.

    Day 2:

    After breakfast, you will settle in for a direct transfer to Girona, accompanied by a guide. Northern Catalonia’s largest city, Girona is full of museums, galleries and Gothic churches, strung around a tangle of cobbled lanes and medieval walls. Reflections of modernist mansions shimmer in the river that divides the historic center from the gleaming commercial center.

    During the comprehensive walking tour of the city center, you will enjoy an inside visit of the 12th-century Arab baths and see the remains of Girona’s historical Jewish community. During free time that follows, you might savor lunch on your own before transferring back to Barcelona to spend the evening at the hotel.

    Day 3:

    Following breakfast at the hotel, you will receive a Hop On Hop Off bus voucher that will allow you to explore the attractions that interest you the most. Simply hop on the buses and hop off whenever you wish. The buses travel in a continuous loop between attractions that include the Picasso Museum, the Gaudí-designed houses Casa Battló and Casa Mila, and various shopping areas.

    The entire day will be yours to spend as you please, with all meals on your own before retiring to the hotel for the evening.

    Day 4:

    Following breakfast at the hotel, you will check out by noon (subject to change). Transfers to the airport will be based on flight times. See your Welcome Letter for details. For guests with late-departing flights, luggage storage is available at the hotel.

    Land Program Details Step by Step:

    •Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program timings are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.

    •Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    •The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.

    •A departure transfer is not included if guests leave before the last day of the program.

    DAY 1

    8:30am Disembark the ship, meet your guide

    9:00am Panoramic drive to Sagrada Familia and outside visit

    11:00am Drive to Gothic Quarter and walking tour

    12:45pm Panoramic drive to Mont Juic and walking tour

    1:45pm Lunch at a local restaurant

    3:30pm Transfer to your hotel and check in

    Remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on your own

    Overnight at Nobu Barcelona or similar hotel

    DAY 2

    AM Breakfast at the hotel

    9:00am Begin transfer to Girona

    10:30am Walking tour of Girona

    12:30pm Free time for lunch and further exploration

    3:30pm Return to Barcelona

    Remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on your own

    Overnight at Nobu Barcelona or similar hotel

    DAY 3

    AM Breakfast at the hotel

    The day is at your leisure to use the complimentary Hop On Hop Off bus ticket

    Lunch and dinner are on your own

    Overnight at Nobu Barcelona or similar hotel

    DAY 4

    AM Breakfast at the hotel

    12:00pm Check out from the hotel

    Transfer to the airport based on the time of your flight. Should you have a late flight, luggage storage is available at the hotel until your transfer time.

    Extra Nights:

    If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. Check-out time is 12:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast are on your own after Day 4 of your program.


    All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure the cruise line has their most up to date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. If flight details are not received 14 days before your cruise start date, transfers will not be arranged.

    Should you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.

    Should you have a late departing flight you may wish to book an extra night so that you have occupation of your room until your departure. You will be asked to vacate your room by 12:00pm. Day rooms can only be purchased directly through the hotel.


    Average monthly temperatures in Barcelona:

    April – 17C or 63F

    May – 23C or 73F

    June – 25C or 77F

    July – 29C or 84F

    August – 30C or 86F

    September – 26C or 78F

    October – 24C or 75F

    November – 14C or57F

    What to Bring

    Dress is casual throughout the program. Bring comfortable clothes including a warm waterproof jacket for cooler months and in case of rain, waterproof walking shoes, a hat, sun protection, umbrella and camera.



    USD are not accepted


    220 volts. Bring a travel adaptor if you have electrical devices, as converters aren’t typically available at the hotels.

    Documents and Visa Requirements

    A valid passport is required.


    Nobu Hotel Barcelona

    Av. de Roma, 2, 4, Distrito de Sants-Montjuïc, 08014 Barcelona, Spain

    Phone: +34 936 42 88 88

    *We will only substitute the hotel in unforeseen situations. If the hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes before departure, then the hotel listed in this program will be used.

    Program includes:

    •3-nights at the Nobu Hotel Barcelona (Run of House Premium Room) or similar hotel with buffet breakfast daily including juice, tea or coffee and water

    •English-speaking official guides on Day 1 and Day 2

    •Lunch on Day 1 including water and 1 glass wine, beer or a soft drink

    •1-day voucher for the Hop On Hop Off bus

    •Luggage handling at the hotel for up to 2 suitcases per person

    •VAT and city taxes

    Program does not include:

    •Meals and beverages not mentioned in the program

    •Gratuities to drivers and guides or at restaurants

    •Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel and natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their situation

    Please note: Land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.

    Price: $1,899 per guest based on double occupancy.

    Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.

  • Embark on an unforgettable journey with a small group through the heart of France's capital and beyond. This overland program weaves together the vibrant threads of art, history, and romance, guiding you from the intimate world of Impressionism at Claude Monet's former residence to the iconic Parisian landmarks that define the city's charm. Your adventure culminates in the regal splendor of Versailles Castle, offering a perfect blend of cultural immersion and architectural wonder in and around the world's most romantic city.

    Note: This small group program is limited to 16 participants.

    DAY 1 - August 1, 2026

    Disembark the ship in Honfleur and meet you guide. Your tour begins as you board your minibus for a drive through the Norman countryside on the motorway to Monet's home at Giverny on the Seine.

    Claude Monet spent the last four decades of his life creating a magnificent garden at his home and memorializing it in oil on canvas. Upon arriving, you’ll embark on a guided walking tour through a flower garden called Clos Normand.

    You’ll approach the pink crushed-brick house adorned with green shutters through the garden entrance. Inside, visit the salon, Monet’s bedroom, his Nympheas Studio, the yellow dining room and the tiled kitchen, before continuing to the water garden.

    Marvel at the Japanese-inspired water garden as you witness the Japanese bridge surrounded by wisteria and azaleas as you look over the lily pond. The pond and bridge were the subjects of one of Monet's late masterworks.

    After the visit to Claude Monet's home, enjoy lunch in Giverny, then board your motorcoach for a drive to Paris.

    Upon arrival in Paris enjoy a guided panoramic tour and discover the most important monuments of Paris : Arc d Triomphe, Champs Elysées, the Louvre Museum, the Musée d'Orsay, the Opéra Garnier, the Eiffel Tower, the Saint Germain des Prés district, the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral and the Invalides. The group will have some free time along Champs Élysées, a street that connects the Arc de Triomphe with the Place de la Concorde. It is considered to be one of the world’s most famous commercial streets.

    Note: the itinerary can change according to traffic in the city.

    At the end of your panoramic tour, you’ll be transferred to your hotel in Paris where the reminder of the day it at your leisure. Dinner is on your own. Your guide or hotel concierge will be more than happy to suggest some wonderful spots to dine some within a 5-15-minute walk from the hotel.

    DAY 2 - August 2, 2026

    After breakfast, meet your guide and drive to Versailles.

    Upon entering the Palace of Versailles, you’ll marvel at its size and grandiose furnishings, gilded décor and riches. The chateau has been on UNESCO’s World Heritage List for thirty years, and is one of the most beautiful achievements of 18th-century French art. The site began as Louis XIII’s hunting lodge before his son Louis XIV transformed and expanded it, moving the court and government of France to Versailles in 1682. Each of the three French kings who lived there until the French Revolution added improvements to make it even more impressive.

    After your guided tour of the Castle and its gardens, drive back to Paris and Port de la Bourdonnais for a lunch cruise on the Seine River aboard a panoramic restaurant boat with a breathtaking view of the monuments of Paris.

    Enjoy traditional cuisine prepared by the chef on board while taking in the sublime view of the most beautiful sites in Paris, including the Eiffel Tower, the Musée d'Orsay, Notre Dame de Paris, the Louvre Museum, the Institut de France, the Institut du Monde Arabe, the Hôtel de Ville, the Conciergerie and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France to name a few.

    After lunch you’ll be transferred back to your hotel where the remainder of the day is at your leisure. Dinner is on own.

    Note: While the cruise boat is accessible, the restrooms on board are accessible only by stairs. There are accessible public restrooms at the dock.

    DAY 3 - August 3, 2026

    Enjoy breakfast at your hotel before settling any incidentals and checking out. Board your minibus with an English-speaking assistant for a transfer to the ship in Antwerp. A short restroom break will be made along the way.

    Land Program Details Step by Step:

    •Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion or venues closing days. All program details including timings indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.

    •The hotel used for your land program will be the hotel listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.

    •Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    DAY 1

    8:30am Disembark in Honfleur, meet your guide

    9:00am Transfer to Giverny

    10:45am Arrival to Giverny

    11:00am Visit of Giverny and the Claude Monet Foundation

    12:45pm Lunch at the Moulin de Fourges in Giverny or similar venue

    2:00pm Transfer to Paris (short comfort-stop on the way)

    4:15pm Guided city tour of Paris (panoramic), stop for photos along Champs Élysées

    6:15pm Transfer to your hotel

    Evening at leisure, dinner on own

    Overnight at the hotel St Petersbourg in Paris or similar hotel

    DAY 2

    AM Breakfast at your hotel

    7:45am Meet your guide and transfer to Versailles

    9:00am Guided tour of the Castle (1:30hr) and gardens (1:00hr)

    11:45am Return to Paris for a two -hour lunch cruise on the Seine River

    12.45pm Lunch cruise

    2:45pm Return drive to your hotel

    3:30pm Afternoon at leisure, dinner on own

    Overnight at the hotel St Petersbourg in Paris or similar hotel

    DAY 3

    AM Breakfast at your hotel

    7:30am Settle incidentals and check out

    Meet your English-speaking assistant and transfer to Antwerp with a comfort stop on the way

    12:30pm Approximate arrival in Antwerp and reboard the ship

    Accessibility information:

    Accessible rooms are available at the hotel however the mini busses used for the program do not have a lift or sufficient storage space for luggage plus wheelchairs. A private accessible vehicle would need to be requested in advance and will incur an additional charge for private touring.

    Giverny: The gardens are accessible however to enter the house there are a few steps.

    Château de Versailles: Fully accessible

    Restaurants: accessible

    Boat Cruise: restrooms are not accessible however there are restrooms on the pier

    Expected Weather:

    In August you can expect the average temperature in Paris to be around 78° Fahrenheit (26° Celsius)

    What to Bring:

    Dress is generally casual, although when visiting churches your knees and shoulders must be covered. Bring comfortable walking shoes, a hat, weather-appropriate clothing, sunglasses, sunscreen and an umbrella in case of rain.

    Local Currency:

    The Euro is the local currency, but U.S. dollars and traveler’s checks are also accepted in some places.


    220 volts. We suggest bringing your own travel adaptor if you bring electric devices.

    Luggage information

    Due to the size of vehicle, one standard suitcase per person + small personal item


    Hotel St. Petersbourg

    35 Rue de Caumartin, 75009 Paris

    *We will only substitute the hotel in unforeseen situations. If the hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes before departure, then the hotel listed in this program will be used.

    Program Includes for guests:

    •Two nights including breakfasts at the St Petersburg Hotel in Paris – Superior Room

    •English-speaking guide on Day 1 and 2, English-speaking assistant on Day 3

    •Touring and entrances per the itinerary

    •Lunch at Giverny Restaurant Moulin de Fourges or similar 3-course menu + drinks

    •Bateaux Parisiens lunch cruise 3-course menu + drinks

    •City taxes

    Program Excludes for guests:

    •Meals or services not mentioned above

    •Gratuities for drivers and guides

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.

    All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.

    Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.

    Price: $2,899 per guest based on double occupancy.

    Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.

  • Discover the diverse charms of northern France on this overland program. From the picturesque port of Honfleur and the Eugene Boudin Museum to the rich flavors of a Calvados distillery, immerse yourself in Normandy's art and spirits. Journey through Rouen's historic streets and explore Lille's vibrant Flemish-influenced culture. This adventure offers a perfect blend of coastal beauty, urban splendor, and cultural richness, promising unforgettable experiences for art lovers, history enthusiasts, and culinary adventurers alike.

    Note: this small group overland program is limited to 12 guests. Should guests have any special dietary needs, please advise at the time of booking. Any requests made within 60 days of sailing may not be able to be met.

    This program includes a lot of walking in historic city centers where you could encounter steps, uneven ground and cobbled walkways. It is not recommended for guests with limited mobility including those who require use of a wheelchair or walker. There are also some long periods of driving between cities.

    DAY 1- August 1, 2026

    Disembark the ship in Honfleur and meet your guide. Your program begins with a guided visit of the port city of Honfleur.

    Your visit to the old district introduces you to the prestigious history of Honfleur and will be intriguing for fans of heritage, culture and architecture. Discover the ancient, fortified city of l'Enclos, a real journey through time from the Viking invasions to the impressionist painters. See the 17th-century famous Vieux Bassin (old harbor), the quays of Sainte-Catherine and Saint-Étienne lined with historic houses and the magnificent wooden church of Sainte-Catherine in the flamboyant Gothic style with its free-standing wooden bell tower.

    Visit the Eugène Boudin Museum which includes a collection of Norman ethnography, numerous works by painters from Honfleur and the estuary in the 19th and 20th centuries (Cals, Dubourg, Jongkind, Monet, Courbet, Pecrus, Dufy, Gernez) but also a set of drawings and paintings bequeathed by Eugène Boudin in his hometown in 1898.

    You’ll then have some free time for shopping followed by lunch at a local restaurant in Honfleur.

    After lunch, transfer to Domaine d'Apreval, an authentic family distillery which produces cider, pommeau and calvados. They will welcome you for a guided tour followed by tastings accompanied with cheese.

    Next, drive to Etretat, a seaside village famous for its two cliffs: Falaise d'Amont and Falaise d'Aval. The extraordinary charm of this location has made Étretat a source of inspiration for many artists. Claude Monet, Eugène Boudin, Guy de Maupassant and Victor Hugo, among others, created their works here.

    Your day concludes with a drive to Rouen. Situated on the banks of the River Seine, this is Normandy’s vibrant, historic and cultural capital. Check in at your hotel where the remainder of the evening is at your leisure and dinner is on your own.

    DAY 2 - August 2, 2026

    After breakfast at your hotel, meet your guide for a walking tour of the historic center of Rouen.

    Enjoy an outdoor visit of Place du Vieux-Marche (Place of the Old Market) and the Rouen Palace of Justice.

    Pass under the arch of the big clock and go back in time to discover its secrets and symbols. Also see Cathedrale Notre-Dame and Abbatiale Saint-Ouen, a large Gothic Catholic church and former Benedictine monastic church.

    You will see that all styles are represented, from the Middle Ages to modern architecture, through the Renaissance and the classical period as well as the post-war reconstruction period.

    After your walk, enjoy lunch at a local restaurant in Rouen and then depart for Lille which is located not too far from the border of Belgium.

    Upon arrival in Lille, check in at your hotel where the remainder of the evening is at your leisure and dinner is on your own.

    DAY 3 – August 3, 2026

    After breakfast enjoy a guided walking tour of the old city of Lille which is characterized by 17th-century brick town houses, cobbled pedestrian streets and the large central square, Grand Place.

    Old Lille seduces with its flamboyant gothic architecture - its bold, softly colored facades highlighting the exuberance and profusion of the décor.

    You’ll discover the city’s emblematic monuments, including an outside visit of the Palais Rihour, the Vieille Bourse, and the Opera House to name a few.

    Mid-morning you will depart for Antwerp with an English-speaking assistant (not an official guide). There will be a short restroom stop along the way before reaching the port where you will re-board the ship.

    Land Program Details Step by Step:

    •Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion or venues closing days. All program details including timings indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.

    •The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.

    •Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    DAY 1

    8:30am Disembark in Honfleur, meet your guide and begin city tour

    10:00am Guided tour of the Eugène Boudin Museum

    11:15am Free time

    12:00pm Lunch in Honfleur

    1:30pm Transfer to Domaine d'Apreval

    2:00pm Visit of Domaine d'Apreval and tasting of local specialties

    3:30pm Drive to Etretat

    4:30pm Guided tour and free time before departure if time allows

    6:00pm Drive to Rouen

    8:00pm Arrival in Rouen

    Check in at your hotel

    Evening at leisure, dinner on own

    Overnight at the Radisson Blu Rouen or similar hotel

    DAY 2

    AM Breakfast at your hotel

    9:00am Guided walking tour of the historic center of Rouen (2.5-3 hours) including free time

    12:00pm Lunch at Bistro d'Arthur Restaurant in Rouen or similar venue

    2:00pm Departure for Lille

    5-5:30pmArrival in Lille

    Check in at your hotel

    Evening at leisure, dinner on own

    Overnight at hotel Carlton-Lille or similar hotel

    DAY 3

    AM Breakfast at your hotel

    9:00am Guided walking tour of the old city of Lille

    10:30am Departure for Antwerp

    1:00pm Approximate arrival at the port Antwerp – reboard the ship


    This program includes a lot of walking in historic city centers where you could encounter steps, uneven ground and cobbled walkways as well as some long drive times between cities.

    Hotels are equipped with accessible rooms on request and subject to additional fees

    Lille Hotel - there are some steps into the breakfast room

    Eugène Boudin Museum - the museum is accessible, six of the seven rooms are served by an elevator

    Domaine Apreval is accessible

    Etretat: Guests are able to admire the Cliffs of Etretat from the smooth concrete sea wall which runs along the beach.

    Grenouille Restaurant Honfleur: steps are required to access the restrooms

    Dietary Information:

    Should guests have any special dietary needs, please advise at the time of booking. Any requests made within 60 days of sailing may not be able to be met.

    Expected Weather:

    Approximately 78° Fahrenheit (26° Celsius)

    What to Bring:

    Dress is generally casual, although when visiting churches your knees and shoulders must be covered. Bring good walking shoes, a hat, weather-appropriate clothing, sunglasses and sunscreen.

    Local Currency:

    The Euro is the local currency, but U.S. dollars and traveler’s checks may be accepted in some places.


    220 volts. We suggest bringing your own travel adaptor if you bring electric devices.

    Luggage information

    One overnight bag per person and a small personal item


    Radisson Blu Hotel, Rouen Centre

    6-8 Rue du Donjon, 76000 Rouen

    Hotel Carlton Lille

    3 Rue Pierre Mauroy, 59000 Lille

    *We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure, then you will be staying at the hotels listed in this program.

    Program Includes for guests:

    •1 night at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Rouen or similar (Premium Double Room)

    •1 night at Carlton Hotel in Lille or similar (Privilege Double Room)

    •English speaking guide during the tours and an assistant on the drive to Antwerp

    •Entrance tickets to Apreval Domain and Eugène Boudin Museum

    •2 breakfasts

    •Lunch in Honfleur at La Grenouille or similar - three-course menu and drinks

    •Lunch in Rouen at Bistrot Arthur or similar – three-course menu and drinks

    •City taxes

    Program Excludes for guests:

    •Meals or services not mentioned above

    •Gratuities to drivers and guides

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.

    All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.

    Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.

    Price: $2,399 per guest based on double occupancy.

    Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.

  • Embark on an unforgettable journey blending culture, history, and indulgence: savor exquisite wines in Groesbeek, delve into Arnhem’s rich wartime legacy, admire masterpieces at the Kröller-Müller Museum, and enjoy royal tea with a visit to the magnificent Paleis Het Loo.

    DAY 1 – August 3, 2026

    Disembark the ship in Antwerp, Belgium, meet your guide and begin your tour with a scenic drive to Groesbeek, a charming village known for its vineyards and tranquil countryside. Indulge in a delightful wine-tasting experience as you explore the region’s finest locally produced wines. Learn about the unique winemaking traditions of Groesbeek and savor a variety of exceptional flavors.

    This is followed by a short drive to a cozy and welcoming restaurant in Groesbeek where you will enjoy a delicious three-course lunch prepared with fresh, local ingredients in a charming setting.

    After lunch, it’s a relaxing drive to Arnhem, a city with a profound historical legacy. Delve into the history of Arnhem with an expert-guided commemoration tour. Visit significant landmarks and hear compelling stories of bravery and resilience, including the pivotal events of World War II that shaped the city’s identity.

    During this tour you will visit the Airborne Museum which offers a compelling journey through the history of Operation Market Garden during World War II. Housed in the historic Villa Hartenstein, once the headquarters of British forces, the museum immerses visitors in the intense battle for freedom through powerful exhibits, personal stories, and interactive displays. It’s a poignant tribute to the bravery and resilience of those who fought during the Battle of Arnhem.

    Conclude the day by checking into the stylish Hotel Haarhuis. Spend the evening at your leisure, exploring Arnhem’s vibrant nightlife, its dining options, or simply relaxing in the comfort of your accommodations. Dinner is on your own this evening.

    DAY 2 – August 4, 2026

    Start your day with breakfast at your hotel followed by check out. Don’t forget to settle any incidentals before you depart.

    Begin with a visit to the Kröller-Müller Museum, located in the stunning Hoge Veluwe National Park, a cultural treasure blending art and nature. It houses an impressive collection of modern art, including nearly ninety works by Vincent van Gogh, alongside masterpieces by artists like Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, and Piet Mondrian. The museum's expansive sculpture garden, one of the largest in Europe, features iconic works seamlessly integrated into the natural landscape. It's a serene destination for art enthusiasts and nature lovers alike, offering a unique experience of world-class art in a tranquil setting.

    Next, travel to Paleis Het Loo, where you will be treated to a delightful Royal Tea experience in the palace's elegant setting. You’ll be welcomed in true royal style. Begin with a glass of cava and an amuse-bouche (bite size appetizer), followed by a delightful assortment of sweet treats and savory delicacies. From sweet madeleines and tartlets to savory sandwiches and flammkuchen, accompanied by a wide selection of tea flavors. Elegant tableware and great company add a golden touch to your Royal tea experience.

    Afterwards, take an audio-guided tour through the opulent interiors the historic royal palace, learning about its rich history and grandeur. Paleis Het Loo is a 17th-century palace of the House of Orange, now a museum where you can see how its former residents lived and worked. It features exhibitions about the House of Orange, the origins of the Netherlands, and various contemporary topics.

    Continue to Amsterdam where you will board a pontoon canal boat for a scenic ride through Amsterdam’s iconic waterways, offering a unique perspective of the city’s historic architecture and charm. Your canal boat ride will end in front of the cruise terminal where you can re-board the ship.

    Note: There will be a short walk from the coach drop off point to the canal boat dock.

    DAY 1

    8:30am Disembark in Antwerp and drive to Groesbeek

    10:45am Wine tasting

    12:45pm Short drive to lunch

    1:00pm Lunch at Herberg T'Zwaantje in Groesbeek or similar venue

    2:30pm Drive to Arnhem

    3:30pm Arnhem Commemoration tour with expert guide including visit of the Airborne Museum

    5:00pm Transfer to your hotel

    5:30pm Check in, evening at own leisure

    Overnight at Hotel Haarhuis or similar hotel

    DAY 2

    8:00am Breakfast at your hotel

    9:00am Drive to Kröller Müller Museum

    9:30am Visit of the Kröller Müller museum

    12:00pm Drive to Paleis het Loo

    12:30pm Royal tea at Paleis het Loo

    2:00pm Audio guided tour of Paleis het Loo

    3:30pm Drive to Amsterdam

    5:15pm Short walk to canal boat pontoon

    5:30pm Canal boat ride to the cruise terminal

    6:30pm Arrive at the port and re-board the ship

    Expected Weather:

    Between 14°C (57°F) and 22°C (72°F)

    What to Bring:

    Comfortable clothes and good walking shoes, sun protection, umbrella and a camera




    220 Volt

    Remember to bring a converter for electric devices

    Luggage information

    A small carry-on size bag would suffice for this short overland program

    Documents and Visa Requirements:

    This program takes place between Belgium and The Netherlands

    A passport that is valid at least 6 months after travel is required

    Please check with your local embassy for any visa requirements for your nationality


    The above information is subject to change and serves as a guide only. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our guests that it is the ultimate and sole responsibility of the guest to ensure they meet the entry requirements for each destination.

    Hotel addresses:

    Hotel Haarhuis

    Stationsplein 1, 6811 KG Arnhem, Nederland

    Phone - +31 26 442 7441

    *We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.

    Program Includes for guests:

    •One night at Hotel Haarhuis. subject to change, with breakfast and city tax included - Superior Room

    •English-speaking tour guide both days

    •All sightseeing and entrances per the program itinerary

    •Canal Cruise Amsterdam

    •Meals and drinks per the itinerary including four glasses of wine at wine tasting, three-course lunch and drinks at Restaurant ‘T Zwaantje or similar venue and Royal Tea at Paleis het Loo

    Program Excludes for guests:

    •Any meals not listed above

    •Gratuities for drivers and guides

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, room service and laundry

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.

    All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.

    Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.

    Price: $999 per guest based on double occupancy.

    Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.

  • 料金およびカテゴリーの残室数は、予告なしに変更されることがあります。各客室カテゴリーの空室状況については、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesまでお問い合わせください。旅程および寄港地は、天候、その他の要因により、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesの単独裁量によって随時変更される可能性があります。

    クルーズ代金に関する規定および条件については、こちらをクリックしてください。記載の料金には、航空券諸税、燃油サーチャージ、各種手数料が含まれています。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のアルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金には、航空券、ホテル、送迎、利用可能な場合はプライベートカーサービスのクレジットが含まれます。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のオールインクルーシブクルーズ料金には、ホテル、送迎(可能な場合)が含まれます。表示された航空代金および空席状況は航空券の購入、発券まで変更される可能性があります。料金は2名様1室利用のお一人様分で、すべての割引が適用されています。航空会社によっては、受託手荷物や優先搭乗、座席指定優先サービスなどを含む(ただし、これらに限定されない)個人的費用が別途課される場合があります。


    すべての旅程は変更される可能性があります。また、地図上に記載されている航路のラインは必ずしも船の実際の航路は示していません。表示料金は、1部屋2名様ご利用の場合の大人お一人様あたりの料金で、特に明記がない限り、米ドル建てで表示されています。ご旅行条件、クルーズの旅程、Regent Seven Seas Cruises社(RSSC)の責任、健康診断書あるいは旅行に必要な書類、責任の制限などについて、詳しくはご利用の旅行代理店担当者までご連絡いただくか、当サイト内の問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。チケット契約書および保険情報を含む規約全文はwww.rssc.com/legalでご覧ください。

