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コンシェルジュ スイート以上の客室では、
ペントハウス スイート以上の客室では、
ご自宅を出発するときから、より完璧な旅を実現するために、アルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金をお選びください。
当社は柔軟性こそ究極のラグジュアリーだと考えています。そのために複数の料金オプションをご用意しました。オールインクルーシブクルーズ料金では、クルーズに含まれるラグジュアリーを楽しみながら、航空券は別で自由に手配することができます。あるいは、料金パッケージをアルティメット オールインクルーシブ*にアップグレードすれば、お好みのクラスの航空券(空席がある場合)、空港と港間のバスでの移動や、Blacklaneによる新しいプライベートカーサービスも提供されます。
プライベートバルコニーが付いた、居心地のよい隠れ家のようなスイートルームです。快適なヨーロッパ クイーンサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドに加え、贅沢なバス用品やインタラクティブな薄型テレビ、上質なバスローブとスリッパなど、さまざまなアメニティをご用意しています。親密な雰囲気のリビングエリアには、2名様での朝食やお祝いのシャンパンとグラス2つを置くのに最適なサイズのテーブルもあります。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーが付いた、居心地のよい隠れ家のようなスイートルームです。快適なヨーロッパ クイーンサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドに加え、贅沢なバス用品やインタラクティブな薄型テレビ、上質なバスローブとスリッパなど、さまざまなアメニティをご用意しています。親密な雰囲気のリビングエリアには、2名様での朝食やお祝いのシャンパンとグラス2つを置くのに最適なサイズのテーブルもあります。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この豪華でスタイリッシュなスイートは、まさにSeven Sea Splendor®船上のパークアベニューです。リッチな色使い、最上級のファブリックとグランドピアノが洗練された快適な雰囲気を醸し出し、パーソナルバトラーが通常のご要望から特別なリクエストまで、すべて承ります。広々としたベッドルーム2室、バスルーム2室とトイレ1室、ゆったりとしたリビングルームに全面バルコニーを備えたスイートは、新しいご友人を招いてのおもてなしにも最適です。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム2室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この豪華でスタイリッシュなスイートは、まさにSeven Sea Splendor®船上のパークアベニューです。リッチな色使い、最上級のファブリックとグランドピアノが洗練された快適な雰囲気を醸し出し、パーソナルバトラーが通常のご要望から特別なリクエストまで、すべて承ります。広々としたベッドルーム2室、バスルーム2室とトイレ1室、ゆったりとしたリビングルームに全面バルコニーを備えたスイートは、新しいご友人を招いてのおもてなしにも最適です。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム2室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
12名様までのプライベートダイニングルーム「ザ スタディ」へのアクセス
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
12名様までのプライベートダイニングルーム「ザ スタディ」へのアクセス
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
Take advantage of our best deals and start planning your unforgettable journey to the world's most inspiring destinations.
Oporto is an awarded city of Port Wine, and Douro River- considered one of the most attractive European destinations would enchant you with its open-air museums, narrow streets and sites classified as World Heritage by UNESCO. A highlight will be spending 2 nights in a giant wine barrel overlooking a beautiful vineyard.
NOTE: This program begins in Oporto, Portugual; therefore, arriving flights must be booked into the Francisco Sá de Carneiro Airport in Oporto. The program ends in Lisbon where guests will embark the ship.
This program is limited to a maximum of 10 guests and is not recommended for guests who require use of a wheelchair.
After flying into Francisco Sá de Carneiro Airport in Oporto, you will proceed through Customs and claim your luggage. You will then be met and transferred to your hotel.
Check-in is 3:00pm. Although every effort will be made to have rooms available earlier, this cannot be guaranteed. If you are arriving early, you may wish to book an extra night to guarantee immediate check-in.
The remainder of the day will be at your leisure, and lunch and dinner will be on your own.
Note: Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered a no-show and their hotel space will be released.
Following breakfast at the hotel and check out, you will travel toward Oporto’s city center for an enlightening tour of its landmarks. For the ultimate view of the Douro River that runs through the city, you will ride a cable car above its banks. You will likely see plenty of rabelo boats, traditional vessels that were once used to transport port wine barrels from the Douro region to the city of Vila Nova de Gaia.
Later, after driving to the Serra do Pilar lookout, you will enjoy a sweeping view of Oporto. Upon reaching upper Gaia town, you will stop at a wine cellar to learn about the production of port wine step by step. It is a fascinating process made even more relevant with a sampling of several port wines.
Lunch follows at the RC Restaurant. Founded in 1894, it is considered the most emblematic restaurant in the city. The setting couldn’t be more exquisite and the cuisine is both traditional and innovative. RC restaurant is located within Oporto’s historic old quarter, an area that UNESCO has deemed worthy of a World Heritage site designation for being an outstanding urban landscape with a 2,000-year-old history.
After dining, you will continue touring the old quarter, where you will see one landmark after another, including the Stock Exchange Palace, Bolhão Market and Lello Bookshop, the São Bento Railway Station and the soaring bell tower that rises above the Clerigos Church. The Church of São Francisco is considered the finest example of Gothic architecture in Oporto.
In time, you will proceed inland and upriver into the Douro Valley wine region, a beautifully terraced landscape that produces some of Portugal’s finest port wine. Upon arriving at the Quinta da Pacheco winery hotel, you will check into one of the most unusual suites that you could ever imagine.
Your accommodations will be one of 10 giant wooden wine barrels overlooking the vineyards. Each wooden barrel is named after a wine grape and features a skylight and an oversized round glass door that opens onto a private terrace and bathes the interior with natural light. Considering their setting in a wine estate, the barrels couldn’t be more a fitting or entertaining place to stay.
This evening, dinner is included at Quinta da Pacheca, one of the valley’s oldest and most esteemed wineries.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The wine barrel rooms are glamping-type units and include a sink, toilet, shower, rounded double bed, small desk and are 98-feet in size. They are outfitted with air-conditioning and wi-fi and there is even a skylight so you can gaze at the stars that look over the beautiful vineyard. Guests will be taken to their rooms by golf cart. There is a spa, pool, restaurant and gift shop on site. We encourage you to review them on-line prior to booking to ensure this is the right program for you – search Quinta da Pacheco wine barrel rooms for photos and videos. For the adventurous wine lovers who don’t mind unique settings without all the luxuries of a 5-star hotel, this is a fun program for you! The whole experience is quite authentic.
After breakfast at the hotel, you will travel deeper into the Douro Valley, an area that has been producing wine for at least 2,000 years. Fortified port wine has been a staple since the 18th century, which together with the long tradition of viticulture prompted UNESCO to declare the valley a World Heritage site.
Upon arriving at Quinta da Aveleda, you will begin with an overall tour of the winery that was founded more than 150 years ago. The fifth generation of the Guedes family now runs Quinta da Aveleda and its many vineyards throughout the Douro Valley.
A sumptuous lunch of traditional Portuguese cuisine follows. The dishes will be thoughtfully paired with wines produced with grapes from various vineyards. They may include a varietal made with Alvarinho grapes from two different terroirs, a varietal from Loureiro grapes that boasts aromas of passionfruit and citrus fruits, and a blend from the two grapes that is named for the winery’s founder Manoel Pedro Guedes. Quinta da Aveleda almost entirely produces white wines.
After lunch, you will meander through the botanical gardens that surround the lake and tea house. Some of the specimens, such as the Japanese cedars and American sequoias, were planted more than a century ago. If in bloom, the more than 100 species of camellias will add glorious splashes of color to the lush greenery.
In the late afternoon, you will return to the Quinta da Pacheca hotel for the evening.
Dinner is included at the hotel.
Following breakfast at the hotel and check out, you will travel to Lisbon with a brief stop in Coimbra.
There, you will view from the outside the Santa Clara Monastery and the University of Coimbra, which consists of several colleges that together UNESCO declared a World Heritage site for the centuries of interdependence between the city of Coimbra and the university.
For a literal taste of Coimbra, you will sample its signature egg-custard filled pastry: Pastel de Tentugal.
Continuing on to Lisbon, you will enjoy a short panoramic driving tour of the capital city, if time permits. Upon arriving at the pier, you will embark the cruise ship.
Land Program Details Step by Step
•The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. Program times are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.
•Itineraries with the up-to-date details will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. You will then receive a final itinerary from our ground operator with a Welcome Letter upon arrival or at your hotel. Please review the letter and your final itinerary carefully for further amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered no-shows and their hotel space released.
Extra Nights
•All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the hotel that is used on the FIRST NIGHT of your land program
•If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be met as per the flight details provided and transferred to your hotel. Check-in is 3:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast, as well as activities, are on your own until Day 2 of the program.
•If you have an early-arriving flight, you may wish to book an extra night as your room will not be ready for occupation until approximately 3:00pm.
•If you book extra nights on your own, transfers are not included.
Arrive at Francisco Sá de Carneiro Airport in Oporto.
You will be met outside Customs and transferred to your hotel to spend the afternoon and the evening at your leisure.
Check in time at your hotel starts at 3:00pm.
Although every effort will be made to have rooms available sooner, this cannot be guaranteed.
Meals are on your own today
Overnight at the Lodge Hotel or similar
Meet and Greet and transfers
•Final cruise documents will be emailed 21 days prior to sailing. The local ground agent’s telephone number will be on page 1, if you can’t locate the meet-and-greet representative upon arrival. Be aware that the representative may be assisting others and may not be in sight when you first exit Customs and the luggage claim area.
•Look for someone holding a sign with the cruise line logo and possibly your name. If in doubt, ask the airport staff to direct you to the meeting area for transfers or to page our representative.
•Meet and Greet and transfers are arranged for guests arriving on Day 1 of a land program or for extra nights booked through the cruise line and are arranged based on the flight details received by guests at least 14 days before sailing. Guests arriving independently before the program start date will not have a transfer included.
•If we have not received your flight details or your flights have changed, and the Destination Services Land Team has not been notified, then a transfer cannot be provided, and guests will be responsible for getting to the land program hotel at their own expense. Please immediately contact our Reservations Department for any flight changes before departure.
8:00am Breakfast at the hotel and check out
9:00am Depart for a tour of Oporto’s city center
10:30am Tour the city center, partially by cable car
11:00am Visit a port cellar for a wine tasting
12:00pm Proceed to RC Restaurant for lunch
1:30pm Continue touring Oporto and see landmarks such as the Stock Exchange Palace, Bolhão Market and Lello Bookshop, Santa Catarina Street, Clerigos Tower, São Bento Railway Station and S. Francisco Church.
3:00pm Depart for Quinta da Pacheca, where you will stay overnight in a wine barrel
8:00pm Dinner included at the hotel
Overnight at Quinta da Pacheca
8:00am Breakfast at the hotel
9:00am Depart for a scenic tour of the Douro Valley
12:00pm Tour the Quinta da Aveleda winery
1:30pm Lunch and wine Tasting at Quinta da Aveleda
3:00pm Browse the botanical gardens at Quinta da Aveleda
5:00pm Return to the hotel
8:00pm Dinner included at the hotel
Overnight at Quinta da Pacheca
7:30am Breakfast at the hotel and check out
8:00am Depart for Lisbon
10:00am Stop in Coimbra for a snack and restrooms
10:40am Proceed to Lisbon
12:30pm Scenic drive through Lisbon’s city center
1:15pm Approximate arrival time at the pier for embarkation
Expected Weather
In Oporto, the climate is temperate oceanic, with mild, rainy winters and pleasantly warm, sunny summers. In the months of October through May expect rainfall.
March – 12°C (54°F)
April - 13°C (56°F)
June - 18°C (64°F)
September - 18°C (64°F)
What to Bring
Comfortable shoes and a jacket or sweater for cooler temperatures. Casual smart dress for dinners. An umbrella in case of rain, bathing suit, camera, hat, sunscreen.
Local Currency
The Euro
220 volts. Bring a travel adaptor for electric devices.
Documents and Visa Requirements
A valid passport is required.
The Lodge Hotel
Rua de Serpa Pinto, 60, 4400-037 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Phone: +351 22 015 7540
Quinta da Pacheca
Rua do Relógio do Sol 261 Cambres, 5100-424 Lamego Douro Valley - Portugal
Phone: +351 254 331 229
*We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure then you will be staying at the hotels listed in this program.
Program Includes for guests:
•Transfer from the airport to the hotel
•1 night at The Lodge Hotel or similar – Deluxe room
•2 nights at Quinta da Pacheca hotel – Wine Barrel stay
•Tours and entrances per itinerary
•Wine tasting Day 2 and 3
•Lunches Day 2 and 3 - 2-course menu – main course + dessert, + 1 glass of wine per person soft drink, mineral water, tea/coffee
•Dinner on Day 2 and 3 - 3-course menu – starter + main course + dessert + ½ bottle of wine per person, soft drink, mineral water, tea/coffee
•Whisper audio system for the duration of the tour
•English-speaking guide throughout
•Complimentary bottled water on the coach
•Hotel porterage
Please Note: Guests booking their own flights independently of the cruise line are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated arrival information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, an arrival transfer is not provided.
Program Excludes for guests:
•Personal expenses
•Gratuities for drivers and tour guides
•Any meals or beverages not mentioned in the program
•Hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel and natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns should check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation.
All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change.
Land programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program. Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered no-shows and their hotel space will be rele
Price: $3,699 per guest based on double occupancy.
Hotel and Land Program pricing is not combinable with FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Luxury Hotel Package. If applicable, please contact Regent Seven Seas Cruises or your travel agent for multi-night pre-cruise hotel pricing information. Land program promotions are subject to terms.
Become immersed in the joys of Lisbon by visiting the capital city’s most well-known attractions and neighborhoods, watching a traditional Fado performance and exploring palaces in the nearby foothills.
After flying into the Lisbon airport, you will be met outside of customs and transferred to the Olissippo Lapa Palace Hotel, an urban oasis tucked away on a hilltop in one of Lisbon’s most exclusive neighborhoods. Check in is 3pm and while every effort will be made to have rooms available earlier, this cannot be guaranteed.
You will spend the remainder of the day settling in and enjoying the amenities of this luxurious resort, which was once the private residence of the Count of Valencas. Lapa Palace Hotel is conveniently located within easy reach of Lisbon’s attractions, if you wish to explore the city or shop on your own before retiring for the evening.
Your river and garden-view room in the hotel’s garden wing will have a balcony that presents views of Lisbon’s downtown, the Tagus River and the hotel pool and garden.
Enjoy breakfast before boarding a ‘tuk tuk’ (motorized rickshaw with three wheels) and embarking on a scenic drive towards the Belem Quarter, where you can admire the Monument of Discoveries, the Tower of Belém and Jeronimos Monastery. Continuing to downtown Lisbon, you will pass lovely Liberdade Avenue, the elegant shopping area of Chiado and the heart of the commercial area, Praça do Comércio and Alfama.
Note: each tuk tuk has a local driver and seats for four guests. This mode of transport enables guests to see some of the narrow streets in the city’s most typical neighborhoods.
Alfama takes its name from the Arabic Al-hamma, meaning fountains or baths. It contains many important historical attractions and traditional Fado restaurants along its narrow and winding streets. The medieval Castle of São Jorge overlooks the Alfama and offers one of the best views of the city.
One of the highlights of this comprehensive city tour is visiting the Lisbon Cathedral, also known as the Sé. Although it looks like a medieval fortress, the interior is glorious and includes the font where St. Anthony of Padua was supposedly baptized in the 12th century.
By midday, you will return to the hotel to spend the afternoon at your leisure, or you may remain in the city center and return on your own.
The entertainment for the evening will be in the Café Luso. Here, you will enjoy a traditional Portuguese dinner and watch a Fado show. Fado is Portuguese folk music that is melancholy by nature and usually played on guitars and mandolins. The lyrics tend to be poetic and involve themes such as love and sadness.
Following this authentic cultural experience, you will return to the hotel.
After departing from the hotel, you will pass through some of Portugal’s most inspiring countryside on the way to Mafra. Here, at the revered Palace of Mafra, which was constructed of local limestone and marble in the 18th century, you will behold priceless art and period furnishings that were characteristic of the royal lifestyle. At one time, the palace also served as a Franciscan monastery.
After visiting the extraordinary palace, you will continue even deeper into the countryside to the Adega Mãe, home to approximately 40 hectares of vineyards with a production capacity of somewhere near 1,5 million liters per year. In its cellar, white, red and rosé wines are produced. The productive infrastructure is equipped with modern and sophisticated machinery, combining cutting-edge technology and traditional approach.
While touring this modern and architecturally innovative vineyard, you will get to know the white and red wine presses, the grandeur of the storage and fermentation tanks. Take a peek into the laboratory and visit the Time Room (“Sala do tempo”), where aromas combine with the scent of French Oak barrels; witness the repose of their Reserva, and finish things off with a tasting while you take in the views of the vineyard.
Following lunch at the winery, you will return to the hotel along a spectacularly scenic coastal route. The remainder of the day and dinner will be on your own to enjoy as you please.
Following lunch at the winery, you will return to the hotel along a spectacularly scenic coastal route. The remainder of the day and dinner will be on your own to enjoy as you please.
After departing from the hotel, you will drive to Sintra, a beautiful town nestled in the forested foothills of the Sintra mountains. Your experience here begins with free time to wander about the atmospheric streets, enjoy the sweeping views and thoroughly relax.
Not far away, you will find Pena Palace, a landmark that was built in the 19th century to be a royal summer home. Inside and out, it looks like an eccentric mix of different castle styles and features. Now hailed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Portugal’s Seven Wonders, the flamboyant palace exemplifies 19th-century Romantic architecture, inside and out.
Following your tour of Pena Palace, you will return to Lisbon and embark the cruise ship.
Land Program Details Step by Step
•The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. Program times are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.
•Itineraries with the up-to-date details will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. You will then receive a final itinerary from our ground operator with a Welcome Letter upon arrival or at your hotel. Please review the letter and your final itinerary carefully for further amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered a no-show and their hotel space released.
Extra Nights
•If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be met as per the flight details provided and transferred to your hotel. Check-in is 3:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast, as well as activities, are on your own until day 2 of the program.
•If you have an early-arriving flight, you may wish to book an extra night as your room will not be ready for occupation until approximately 3:00pm.
•If you book extra nights on your own, transfers are not included.
Arrive at the Lisbon airport.
Transfer to the hotel and spend the remainder of the day at your leisure.
Hotel check in time is at 3:00pm.
Overnight at the Olissippo Lapa Palace hotel or similar hotel.
Meet and Greet and transfers
•Final cruise documents will be emailed 21 days prior to sailing. The local ground agent’s telephone number will be on page 1, if you can’t locate the meet-and-greet representative upon arrival. Be aware that the representative may be assisting others and may not be in sight when you first exit Customs and the luggage claim area.
•Look for someone holding a sign with the cruise line logo and possibly your name. If in doubt, ask the airport staff to direct you to the meeting area for transfers or to page our representative.
•Meet and Greet and transfers are arranged for guests arriving on Day 1 of a land program or for extra nights booked through the cruise line and are arranged based on the flight details received by guests at least 14 days before sailing. Guests arriving independently before the program start date will not have a transfer included.
•If we have not received your flight details or your flights have changed, and the Destination Services Land Team has not been notified, then a transfer cannot be provided, and guests will be responsible for getting to the land program hotel at their own expense. Please immediately contact our Reservations Department for any flight changes before departure.
8:00am Buffet breakfast
9:30am Departure for Lisbon highlights – Tuk Tuk ride
10:00am Visit Belem quarter and sample a traditional pastry (pastéis de nata)
10:45am Stop at Principe Real, Bairro Alto, Chiado, Avenida da Liberdade, Rossio, Baixa and Mouraria, Graça passing by the Castelo
12:00pm Continue to São Vicente, Alfama and a stop at the Sé cathedral
12:30pm Return to the hotel or time at leisure at the city centre
8:00pm Depart for dinner and Fado show at restaurant
11:00pm Return to hotel
Overnight at the Olissippo Lapa Palace hotel or similar hotel
7:30am Buffet breakfast
9:00am Departure for Mafra to visit the palace and convent
11:30am Wine tasting at Adega Mãe Winery
1:30pm Lunch at Adega Mãe
3:45pm Proceed along the coast passing by Cascais and Estoril
5:30pm Return to the hotel
8:00pm Dinner on your own
Overnight at the Olissippo Lapa Palace hotel or similar hotel
7:30am Buffet breakfast
9:00am Departure to Sintra to visit Pena Palace
10:30am Free time in Sintra
11:00am Proceed to Pena Palace for a visit and coffee break at Café Paris
12:30pm Scenic drive along the coastline passing by Estoril
1:00pm Drive back to Lisbon for embarkation
Expected Weather: In May and June, the weather is mild with temperatures around 24 Celsius (75 F); In summer, you can expect temperatures to be 30 Celsius (86 F) during the day. In October, temperatures can drop down to approximately 20 Celsius (68 F). In November, temperatures will be approximately 15 Celsius (59 F) with expected rain showers.
What to Bring: Comfortable shoes and a jacket or sweater for cooler temperatures. Casual smart dress for dinners. An umbrella in case of rain.
Local Currency: The Euro
Electricity: 220 volts. We recommend bringing a travel adaptor for electric devices.
Documents and Visa Requirements: A valid passport is required.
Olissippo Lapa Palace Hotel
Rua do Pau da Bandeira, nº 4. ZIP Code: 1249-021
Lisbon, Portugal
*We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified in advance. If you are not notified of changes before departure, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel, 24 hours a day. You may also enjoy the indoor and outdoor swimming pool, sauna, gym and steam bath free of charge.
Program Includes for guests:
•3 nights at the Olissippo Lapa Palace Hotel or similar – Garden and River-view room
•Buffet breakfast at hotel’s main restaurant
•Pastel de Belem with one soft drink
•Dinner on day 2 at typical Fado restaurant including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea, or coffee
•Lunch on day 3 at Adega Mãe or similar winery in Mafra including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea, or coffee
•Wine tasting on day 3
•Pena Palace fast track entrance fee
•Coffee break at Café Paris
•Whisper headsets for groups of ten guests or more
Please Note: Guests booking their own flights (independent of the cruise line) are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated arrival information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, an arrival transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.
Program Excludes for guests:
•Personal expenses
•Gratuities to drivers and guides
•Meals or beverages not mentioned above
•Hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include: inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.
Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land Programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program. Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered a no-show and their hotel space released.
Price: $1,999 per guest based on double occupancy.
Hotel and Land Program pricing is not combinable with FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Luxury Hotel Package. If applicable, please contact Regent Seven Seas Cruises or your travel agent for multi-night pre-cruise hotel pricing information. Land program promotions are subject to terms.
Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona has a 90-year-old history in excellence. The hotel is located in the middle of Paseo de Gracia, right in the heart of the city and close to Gaudi's buildings, exclusive shopping facilities and Barcelona's most important historic tourist sites.
PH# 011 34 93 488 17 17
Standard Rate
Number of Nights: 1, Price: $429 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 1, Price: $409 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 2, Price: $768 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 2, Price: $728 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 3, Price: $1,107 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 3, Price: $1,047 per guest based on double occupancy.
Concierge Level Rate
Number of Nights: 1, Price: $429 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 1, Price: $409 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 2, Price: $768 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 2, Price: $728 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 3, Price: $1,107 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 3, Price: $1,047 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
Explore prominent landmarks and extraordinary cities that define Spain, many of them World Heritage sites, an experience that will leave you with a deeper historical and cultural perspective of the country.
NOTE: this program ends in Madrid, Spain therefore departing flights need to be booked out of the Madrid International Airport (MAD). This tour is not recommended for guests with walking difficulties or for those who use a wheelchair, walker or scooter due to the amount of walking, many steps and cobbled surfaces. There are long segments of driving on this program.
After disembarking the cruise ship in Barcelona, you will enjoy a leisurely and immensely scenic drive to the Poblet Monastery. A 12th-century church stands at the center of this sacred World Heritage site, which features a fortified royal residence. While touring, you will learn about the monks’ lifestyle in the Middle Ages and the mountainous route that connects this Cisterian monastery to two others.
Continuing on to the nearby medieval village of Montblanc, you can expect to see its Gothic churches, the royal palace and the city’s 14th-century stone walls, more than half of which still exist. Free time follows, during which you can explore further. The centrally located Plaza Mayor is a great starting point for shopping and people-watching.
Afterwards, you will settle in for a relaxing drive to Zaragoza, the capital of the province that lies on the Ebro River. Upon arriving, you will check into your hotel, where the remainder of the day will be at your leisure with dinner on your own.
Note: At the Monastery of Poblet you will have approximately 1.5 km / .9 miles of walking and about 10 steps to negotiate. In Montblanc there will be approximately 1 km./.06 miles of walking over cobblestone surfaces
After breakfast at the hotel, you will spend the next two hours or so exploring Zaragoza, especially the Old Town. Its star attraction is the multi-domed Basilica of Pilar, an important pilgrimage site. According to local legend, the Virgin Mary gave Saint James a pillar made of jasper here and instructed him to build a church on the site. This last version of El Pilar, as it’s known locally, was constructed beginning in the late 17th century.
You will next visit the ancient town of Medinaceli, which in Arabic and means “City on the Hill.” The Romans founded the city and structures from that time still remain, the most famous being a stone arch built in the 2nd century. Other highlights include a 17th-century palace and a Gothic church built even earlier.
Following lunch, you will settle in for a relaxing drive to Madrid, where you will check into the Eurostar Madrid Tower or similar hotel. The remainder of the day will be at your leisure with dinner on your own.
Note: In Zaragoza there will be approximately 1 km/ .6 miles of walking over flat, paved surfaces. In Medinaceli, 1.5km / .9 miles over cobbled and paved surfaces with slight inclines.
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will depart for Toledo, a city so architecturally rich that Spain has declared it a national monument. UNESCO agreed and designated the historic center a World Heritage site, in part because three religions existed harmoniously here—Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
As you walk through this extraordinary city on the Tagus River, you will get a genuine feel for what life was like here in the Middle Ages. The historic city center is that atmospheric. The Toledo Cathedral is particularly impressive, as it is considered one of Europe’s greatest Gothic buildings. Built over nearly three centuries, starting in 1226, the cathedral contains a spectacular high altar and two painting by El Greco, the famed painter that lived in Toledo.
Lunch follows, after which you will proceed to Madrid. As an introduction to Spain’s vibrant capital, you will drive past key landmarks before starting an enlightening walking tour in Plaza Mayor. This grand arcaded square in the heart of the city offers wonderful options for shopping and dining nearby, as you may discover during free time.
By late afternoon, you will return to the hotel, where you will spend the evening with dinner on your own.
Note: In Toledo there will be approximately 2.5 km / 1.5 miles of walking over paved and cobblestone surfaces with some ascending inclines. In Madrid you will have approximately 1.5km / .9 miles of walking over flat, paved surfaces.
After breakfast at the hotel, you will drive to Segovia, a World Heritage site perhaps best known for its aqueduct that was probably constructed during the reign of Roman emperor Trajan. Until about 100 years ago, the aqueduct still carried water from the Frio River into Segovia 10 miles away.
The Alcazar is another landmark that is impossible to miss. Construction began in the 12th century and its fabulous fairy-tale style supposedly inspired the design of the Walt Disney castle in part. You will also spend time in Segovia’s walled upper town, whose cathedral is the last Gothic one built in Spain. It stands where Isabella I was proclaimed the Queen of Castile in 1474.
Following lunch in Segovia, you will drive to the 16th-century Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial on the outskirts of Madrid. It too is a World Heritage site and celebrated for its austere appearance, which influenced Spanish architecture for the next half century or so. As you wander through the interior, the guide will describe the building’s illustrious history, including how King Philip II conceived El Escorial as a funerary monument for his father.
After visiting, you will return to the hotel in Madrid, where you will spend the evening with dinner on your own.
Note: In Segovia you will have approximately 1km / .6 miles of walking over cobblestones and paved surfaces, with some ascending inclines and in Escorial there will be approximately 2.5 km / 1.5 miles of walking over flat, paved surfaces.
Following breakfast at the hotel and check out, you will transfer to the Madrid International Airport based on the departure of your flight. Luggage can be stored at the hotel for guests with flights that depart late in the day.
Land Program Details Step by Step:
•Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program timings are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.
•Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•A departure transfer is not included if guests leave before the last day of the program.
8:45am Disembark in Barcelona and drive to Poblet
10:30am Visit the Poblet Monastery
11:30am Walking tour of Montblanc
1:00pm Lunch
3:00pm Transfer to Zaragoza
5:00pm Check into the Hotel Alfonso Zaragoza
Remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on your own
Overnight at the NH Collection Zaragoza or similar hotel
AM Breakfast at the hotel
8:45am Begin touring Zaragoza
10:45am Transfer to Medinaceli
1:00pm Lunch at a restaurant
3:00pm Visit Medinaceli
5:00pm Transfer to Madrid
7:00pm Check-in at the hotel
Remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on your own
Overnight at the Eurostar Madrid Tower Hotel or similar hotel
AM Breakfast at the hotel
8:30am Drive to Toledo
10:00am Visit of Toledo
1:00pm Lunch
3:00pm Depart for Madrid
4:30pm Begin touring Madrid
6:00pm Return to the hotel
Remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on your own
Overnight at the Eurostar Madrid Tower Hotel or similar hotel
AM Breakfast at the hotel
8:30am Depart for Segovia
10:00am Visit Segovia
12:30pm Lunch
2:00pm Depart for Escorial
3:00pm Arrive in Escorial
3:15pm Visit Escorial
5:30pm Return to the hotel
Remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on your own
Overnight at the Eurostar Madrid Tower Hotel or similar hotel
AM Breakfast at the hotel
12:00pm Check out of the hotel
Transfer to Madrid International Airport based on the flight details provided
Should you have a late flight, luggage storage is available at the hotel until your transfer.
Extra Nights: If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. Check-out is 12:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast are on your own after Day 5 of the program.
Transfers: All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure that the cruise line has their up-to-date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. If flight details are not received 14 days before your cruise start date, transfers will not be arranged.
If you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.
If you have a late-departing flight, you may wish to book an extra night so that you may occupy the room until your departure. Day rooms can only be purchased directly through the hotel.
Expected Weather
April: average temperature 12º C
May: average temperature 15º C
June: average temperature 20º C
September: average temperature 22º C
October: average temperature 15º C
November: average temperature 10º C
What to Bring
Weather-appropriate clothing, hats, flat comfortable walking shoes, sunglasses, sun protection, umbrellas and cameras.
220 volts. We recommend bringing your own travel convertor for electric devices.
Documents and Visa Requirements
A valid passport is required.
Hotel addresses
NH Collection Zaragoza
C. Joaquín Costa, 5, 50001 Zaragoza, Spain
Phone: +34 976 22 19 01
Eurostar Madrid Tower Hotel
P.º de la Castellana, 259, B, 28046 Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 913 34 27 00
*We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure, then you will be staying at the hotels listed in this program.
Program Includes
1 night at the NH Collection Zaragoza including breakfast or similar hotel (standard double room)
3 nights at the Eurostar Madrid Tower Hotel including breakfast or similar hotel (standard double room)
4 lunches as indicated in the itinerary including 2 glasses of wine, mineral water, coffee
English-speaking tour escort
Luggage handling at hotels (maximum 2 pieces of luggage per person)
Entrance fees per the itinerary
Please Note: Guests booking their own flights independently of the cruise line are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated departure information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, a departure transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.
Program excludes
•Gratuities to drivers and guides
•Meals and beverages not listed in the program details
•Hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel and natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation.
Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.
Price: $2,999 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
Explore Barcelona and Girona in depth by visiting their architectural landmarks, often on guided walking tours and on your own with a liberating Hop On Hop Off bus voucher in the capital of Catalonia.
Note: Due to the amount of walking, this program is not recommended for guests with mobility restrictions.
Day 1:
After disembarking the ship in Barcelona, you will begin a guided tour of the city. You will pass the Columbus monument and the waterfront on the way to Sagrada Familia, the extraordinary still-unfinished church that famed architect Antoni Gaudí worked on until his death in 1926. The guide will explain the history of the church and its lengthy ongoing construction during your outside visit.
Continuing on, you will begin a walking tour of the Gothic Quarter, passing landmarks such as the La Seu Cathedral and city hall. A more sweeping view of Barcelona awaits you upon reaching Mount Juic hill, where you may pause for photos. You will then visit Spanish Village, an open-air museum with replicas of characteristic houses from throughout Spain. As you meander the grounds, you may observe artists such as glassblowers demonstrating their talents.
A tapas-style lunch follows, after which you will check into your hotel to spend the first of three nights. The remainder of the day will be at your leisure.
Your hotel is located in the Eixample district of Barcelona, just a 10-minute walk to Las Ramblas. Passeig de Gràcia, the city’s nicest shopping street, is easily reached on foot. Emblematic buildings and sights such as Casa Batlló, Casa Milà (La Pedrera), La Sagrada Familia, and the Picasso museum are also nearby should you wish to visit them on your own.
This program includes stay in Junior Suite.
Day 2:
After breakfast, you will settle in for a direct transfer to Girona, accompanied by a guide. Northern Catalonia’s largest city, Girona is full of museums, galleries and Gothic churches, strung around a tangle of cobbled lanes and medieval walls. Reflections of modernist mansions shimmer in the river that divides the historic center from the gleaming commercial center.
During the comprehensive walking tour of the city center, you will enjoy an inside visit of the 12th-century Arab baths and see the remains of Girona’s historical Jewish community. During free time that follows, you might savor lunch on your own before transferring back to Barcelona to spend the evening at the hotel.
Day 3:
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will receive a Hop On Hop Off bus voucher that will allow you to explore the attractions that interest you the most. Simply hop on the buses and hop off whenever you wish. The buses travel in a continuous loop between attractions that include the Picasso Museum, the Gaudí-designed houses Casa Battló and Casa Mila, and various shopping areas.
The entire day will be yours to spend as you please, with all meals on your own before retiring to the hotel for the evening.
Day 4:
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will check out by noon (subject to change). Transfers to the airport will be based on flight times. See your Welcome Letter for details. For guests with late-departing flights, luggage storage is available at the hotel.
Land Program Details Step by Step:
•Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program timings are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.
•Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•A departure transfer is not included if guests leave before the last day of the program.
8:30am Disembark the ship, meet your guide
9:00am Panoramic drive to Sagrada Familia and outside visit
10:30am Drive to Gothic Quarter and walking tour
12:30pm Panoramic drive to Mont Juic and walking tour
1:30pm Lunch at a local restaurant
3:00pm Transfer to your hotel and check in
Remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on your own
Overnight at the Ohla Eixample or similar hotel
AM Breakfast at the hotel
9:00am Begin transfer to Girona
10:30am Walking tour of Girona
12:30pm Free time for lunch and further exploration
3:30pm Return to Barcelona
Remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on your own
Overnight at the Ohla Eixample or similar hotel
AM Breakfast at the hotel
The day is at your leisure to use the complimentary Hop On Hop Off bus ticket
Lunch and dinner are on your own
Overnight at the Ohla Eixample or similar hotel
AM Breakfast at the hotel
12:00pm Check out from the hotel
Transfer to the airport based on the time of your flight. Should you have a late flight, luggage storage is available at the hotel until your transfer time.
Extra Nights: If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. Check-out time is 12:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast are on your own after Day 4 of your program.
Transfers: All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure the cruise line has their most up to date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. If flight details are not received 14 days before your cruise start date, transfers will not be arranged.
Should you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.
Should you have a late departing flight you may wish to book an extra night so that you have occupation of your room until your departure. You will be asked to vacate your room by 12:00pm. Day rooms can only be purchased directly through the hotel.
Average monthly temperatures in Barcelona:
April – 17C or 63F
May – 23C or 73F
June – 25C or 77F
July – 29C or 84F
August – 30C or 86F
September – 26C or 78F
October – 24C or 75F
November – 14C or57F
What to Bring
Dress is casual throughout the program. Bring comfortable clothes including a warm waterproof jacket for cooler months and in case of rain, waterproof walking shoes, a hat, sun protection, umbrella and camera.
USD are not accepted
220 volts. Bring a travel adaptor if you have electrical devices, as converters aren’t typically available at the hotels.
Documents and Visa Requirements
A valid passport is required.
Ohla Eixample
C/ de Còrsega, 289, L'Eixample, 08008 Barcelona, Spain
NOTE: Design rooms include a rain shower that is visible from the bed. For more privacy, a vinyl cover can be placed over the glass walls.
Program includes:
•3-nights at the Ohla Eixample or similar hotel (Junior Suite) with buffet breakfast daily including juice, tea or coffee and water
•English-speaking official guides on Day 1 and Day 2
•Lunch on Day 1 including water and 1 glass wine, beer or a soft drink
•1-day voucher for the Hop On Hop Off bus
•Luggage handling at the hotel for up to 2 suitcases per person
•VAT and city taxes
Program does not include:
•Meals and beverages not mentioned in the program
•Gratuities to drivers and guides or at restaurants
•Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel and natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their situation
Please note: Land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.
Price: $1,999 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
Explore Barcelona and Girona in depth by visiting their architectural landmarks, often on guided walking tours and on your own with a liberating Hop On Hop Off bus voucher in the capital of Catalonia.
Day 1:
After disembarking the ship in Barcelona, you will begin a guided tour of the city. You will pass the Columbus monument and the waterfront on the way to Sagrada Familia, the extraordinary still-unfinished church that famed architect Antoni Gaudí worked on until his death in 1926. The guide will explain the history of the church and its lengthy ongoing construction during your outside visit.
Continuing, you will begin a walking tour of the Gothic Quarter, passing landmarks such as the La Seu Cathedral and city hall. A more sweeping view of Barcelona awaits you upon reaching Mount Juic hill, where you may pause for photos. You will then visit Spanish Village, an open-air museum with replicas of characteristic houses from throughout Spain. As you meander the grounds, you may observe artists such as glassblowers demonstrating their talents.
A tapas-style lunch follows, after which you will check into your hotel to spend the first of three nights. The remainder of the day will be at your leisure. The hotel is located in the Eixample district of Barcelona just a 10-minute walk to Las Ramblas. Passeig de Gràcia, the city’s nicest shopping street, is easily reached on foot. Emblematic buildings and sights such as Casa Batlló, Casa Milà (La Pedrera), La Sagrada Familia, and the Picasso museum are also nearby should you wish to visit them on your own.
NOTE: if your cruise ends in Tarragona, transfer from Tarragona to Barcelona before starting your city tour.
Guests on Navigator's August 27, 2025 sailing will stay at the NH Collection Barcelona Gran Hotel Calderón as Ohla Eixample is not available
Day 2:
After breakfast, you will settle in for a direct transfer to Girona, accompanied by a guide. Northern Catalonia’s largest city, Girona is full of museums, galleries and Gothic churches, strung around a tangle of cobbled lanes and medieval walls. Reflections of modernist mansions shimmer in the river that divides the historic center from the gleaming commercial center.
During the comprehensive walking tour of the city center, you will enjoy an inside visit of the 12th-century Arab baths and see the remains of Girona’s historical Jewish community. During free time that follows, you might savor lunch on your own before transferring back to Barcelona to spend the evening at the hotel.
Day 3:
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will receive a complimentary Hop On Hop Off bus voucher that will allow you to explore the attractions that interest you the most. Simply hop on the buses and hop off whenever you wish. The buses travel in a continuous loop between attractions that include the Picasso Museum, the Gaudí-designed houses Casa Battló and Casa Mila, and various shopping areas.
The entire day will be yours to spend as you please, with all meals on your own before retiring to the hotel for the evening.
Day 4:
Following breakfast at the hotel, you will check out by noon (subject to change). Transfers to the airport will be based on flight times. See your Welcome Letter for details. For guests with late-departing flights, luggage storage is available at the hotel.
Land Program Details Step by Step:
•Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program timings are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.
•Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•A departure transfer is not included if guests leave before the last day of the program.
8:30am Disembark the ship, meet your guide
9:00am Panoramic drive to Sagrada Familia and outside visit
11:00am Drive to Gothic Quarter and walking tour
12:45pm Panoramic drive to Mont Juic and walking tour
1:45pm Lunch at a restaurant
3:30pm Transfer to the hotel and check in
Remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on your own
Overnight at the Ohla Eixample or similar hotel
NOTE: if your cruise ends in Tarragona, transfer from Tarragona to Barcelona before starting your city tour.
Guests on Navigator's August 27, 2025 sailing will stay at the NH Collection Barcelona Gran Hotel Calderón as Ohla Eixample is not available
AM Breakfast at the hotel
9:00am Begin transfer to Girona
10:30am Walking tour of Girona
12:30pm Free time for lunch and further exploration
3:30pm Return to Barcelona
Remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on your own
Overnight at the Ohla Eixample or similar hotel
Guests on Navigator's August 27, 2025 sailing will stay at the NH Collection Barcelona Gran Hotel Calderón as Ohla Eixample is not available
AM Breakfast at the hotel
The day is at your leisure to use the complimentary Hop On Hop Off bus ticket
Lunch and dinner are on your own
Overnight at the Ohla Eixample or similar hotel
Guests on Navigator's August 27, 2025 sailing will stay at the NH Collection Barcelona Gran Hotel Calderón as Ohla Eixample is not available
AM Breakfast at the hotel
12:00pm Check out from the hotel
Transfer to the airport based on the time of your flight.
Extra Nights: If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. Check-out time is 12:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast are on your own after Day 4 of your program.
Transfers: All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure the cruise line has their most up to date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. If flight details are not received 14 days before your cruise start date, transfers will not be arranged.
Should you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.
Should you have a late departing flight you may wish to book an extra night so that you have occupation of your room until your departure. You will be asked to vacate your room by 12:00pm. Day rooms can only be purchased directly through the hotel.
Average minimum temperatures at this time of the year - 53 ºF (12 ºC)
Average maximum temperatures at this time of the year - 79 ºF (26ºC)
What to Bring
Dress is casual throughout the program. Bring comfortable clothes including a warm waterproof jacket for spring-like temperatures and possible rain, waterproof walking shoes, a hat, sun protection, umbrella and camera.
220 volts. Bring a travel adaptor if you have electrical devices, as converters aren’t typically available at the hotels.
Documents and Visa Requirements
A valid passport is required.
Hotel Address:
Ohla Eixample
C/ de Còrsega, 289, L'Eixample, 08008 Barcelona, Spain
NOTE: Design rooms include a rain shower that is visible from the bed. For more privacy, a vinyl cover can be placed over the glass walls.
Program includes:
•3 nights at the Ohla Eixample– Design Room (or similar hotel) with breakfast daily including juice, tea or coffee and water
including juice, tea or coffee and water
•English-speaking official guides on Day 1 and Day 2
•Lunch on Day 1 including water and ¼ bottle wine, beer or a soft drink
•1-day voucher for the Hop On Hop Off bus
•Luggage handling at the hotel for up to 2 suitcases per person
•VAT and city taxes
Please Note: Guests booking their own flights (independent of the cruise line) are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated departure information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, a departure transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.
Program does not include:
•Meals and beverages not mentioned in the program
•Gratuities to drivers and guides or at restaurants
•Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.
Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land Programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.
Price: $1,899 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
細部にいたる気配りやアート感覚に満ちた盛り付けまで、Seven Seas Splendor™のすばらしさは、毎日のお食事にも現れています。当社のシェフたちが、名品の数々を心を込めてお作りし、グルメなお客様の舌を喜ばせます。
ラグジュアリーな旅はホリスティックな体験です。心も身体も活力を取り戻し、より満足感のあるウェルビーイングをもたらします。Serene Spa & Wellness™は、世界各地からアイデアを得た、美と健康とウェルネスを目指す安らぎのオアシスです。心身を癒し、活力を回復するトリートメントやサービスをご用意しています。
料金およびカテゴリーの残室数は、予告なしに変更されることがあります。各客室カテゴリーの空室状況については、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesまでお問い合わせください。旅程および寄港地は、天候、その他の要因により、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesの単独裁量によって随時変更される可能性があります。
クルーズ代金に関する規定および条件については、こちらをクリックしてください。記載の料金には、航空券諸税、燃油サーチャージ、各種手数料が含まれています。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のアルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金には、航空券、ホテル、送迎、利用可能な場合はプライベートカーサービスのクレジットが含まれます。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のオールインクルーシブクルーズ料金には、ホテル、送迎(可能な場合)が含まれます。表示された航空代金および空席状況は航空券の購入、発券まで変更される可能性があります。料金は2名様1室利用のお一人様分で、すべての割引が適用されています。航空会社によっては、受託手荷物や優先搭乗、座席指定優先サービスなどを含む(ただし、これらに限定されない)個人的費用が別途課される場合があります。
すべての旅程は変更される可能性があります。また、地図上に記載されている航路のラインは必ずしも船の実際の航路は示していません。表示料金は、1部屋2名様ご利用の場合の大人お一人様あたりの料金で、特に明記がない限り、米ドル建てで表示されています。ご旅行条件、クルーズの旅程、Regent Seven Seas Cruises社(RSSC)の責任、健康診断書あるいは旅行に必要な書類、責任の制限などについて、詳しくはご利用の旅行代理店担当者までご連絡いただくか、当サイト内の問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。To read our full Terms & Conditions, including our Ticket Contract and Insurance Information, visit www.rssc.com/legal.