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コンシェルジュ スイート以上の客室では、
ペントハウス スイート以上の客室では、
ご自宅を出発するときから、より完璧な旅を実現するために、アルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金をお選びください。
当社は柔軟性こそ究極のラグジュアリーだと考えています。そのために複数の料金オプションをご用意しました。オールインクルーシブクルーズ料金では、クルーズに含まれるラグジュアリーを楽しみながら、航空券は別で自由に手配することができます。あるいは、料金パッケージをアルティメット オールインクルーシブ*にアップグレードすれば、お好みのクラスの航空券(空席がある場合)、空港と港間のバスでの移動や、Blacklaneによる新しいプライベートカーサービスも提供されます。
プライベートバルコニーが付いた、居心地のよい隠れ家のようなスイートルームです。快適なヨーロッパ クイーンサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドに加え、贅沢なバス用品やインタラクティブな薄型テレビ、上質なバスローブとスリッパなど、さまざまなアメニティをご用意しています。親密な雰囲気のリビングエリアには、2名様での朝食やお祝いのシャンパンとグラス2つを置くのに最適なサイズのテーブルもあります。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーが付いた、居心地のよい隠れ家のようなスイートルームです。快適なヨーロッパ クイーンサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドに加え、贅沢なバス用品やインタラクティブな薄型テレビ、上質なバスローブとスリッパなど、さまざまなアメニティをご用意しています。親密な雰囲気のリビングエリアには、2名様での朝食やお祝いのシャンパンとグラス2つを置くのに最適なサイズのテーブルもあります。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この豪華でスタイリッシュなスイートは、まさにSeven Sea Splendor®船上のパークアベニューです。リッチな色使い、最上級のファブリックとグランドピアノが洗練された快適な雰囲気を醸し出し、パーソナルバトラーが通常のご要望から特別なリクエストまで、すべて承ります。広々としたベッドルーム2室、バスルーム2室とトイレ1室、ゆったりとしたリビングルームに全面バルコニーを備えたスイートは、新しいご友人を招いてのおもてなしにも最適です。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム2室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この豪華でスタイリッシュなスイートは、まさにSeven Sea Splendor®船上のパークアベニューです。リッチな色使い、最上級のファブリックとグランドピアノが洗練された快適な雰囲気を醸し出し、パーソナルバトラーが通常のご要望から特別なリクエストまで、すべて承ります。広々としたベッドルーム2室、バスルーム2室とトイレ1室、ゆったりとしたリビングルームに全面バルコニーを備えたスイートは、新しいご友人を招いてのおもてなしにも最適です。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム2室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
12名様までのプライベートダイニングルーム「ザ スタディ」へのアクセス
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
12名様までのプライベートダイニングルーム「ザ スタディ」へのアクセス
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
Take advantage of our best deals and start planning your unforgettable journey to the world's most inspiring destinations.
This Luxury Collection Hotel stands across from Constitution Square, Parliament, and the National Gardens in the historic city of Athens. Located within walking distance of the Acropolis, Ancient Agora, Monastiraki Flea Market, exclusive shopping areas, museums and the business district, the hotel enjoys the best location in Athens.
Newly restored with meticulous attention to detail, the 320 rooms and suites marry charming old world elegance with state of the art facilities. The hotel offers two dedicated floors featuring attentive butler services as well a 24-hour Concierge located on the lobby level. Guests can indulge themselves at the award winning GB Spa, featuring signature spa treatments, full size gym, refreshing indoor pool and rejuvenating thermal suites.
Dining options available in this opulent hotel include GB Corner serving Greek food in an elegant environment, GB Roof Garden is ideal for a romantic rooftop breakfast, lunch or dinner while the Winter Garden is renowned for its afternoon high tea and live entertainment. The tranquil rooftop Pool Bar offers light and healthy snack options accompanied by refreshing cocktails for guests enjoying a relaxing break under the Mediterranean sun. Alexander's Bar with its clubby atmosphere makes guests want to linger over a brandy or exquisite cognac. Finally, Alexander's Cigar Lounge is an elegant smoking lounge offering a luxurious, relaxed setting to enjoy premium cigars, cognacs and Luxury Collection cocktails.
1 Vasileos Georgiou A' str. Syntagma Square,
Athens 105 64 Greece
ph# 30 21 0333 0000
Standard Rate
Number of Nights: 1, Price: $389 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 1, Price: $369 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 2, Price: $668 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 2, Price: $638 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 3, Price: $947 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 3, Price: $907 per guest based on double occupancy.
Concierge Level Rate
Number of Nights: 1, Price: $389 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 1, Price: $369 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 2, Price: $668 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 2, Price: $638 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 3, Price: $947 per guest based on double occupancy.
Number of Nights: 3, Price: $907 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
Enjoy the unique opportunity to visit two of the most precious and sacred sites which lie in the most beautiful and unspoiled parts of Northern Greece.
NOTE: This is an extensive 4-day program that covers a lot of ground both on foot and by luxury coach. There is a lot of driving involved. This tour is not recommended for guests with walking difficulties due to the amount of walking, steps and uneven ground.
Upon disembarkation from your ship, board your coach for the scenic drive to Delphi. This beautiful drive into the land of central Greece will bring you to the magnificent site of Delphi.
Delphi was considered by the ancients to be the physical and spiritual centers of the earth. This shrine of Apollo set nearly 2.000 feet up on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. Here was the most respected oracle of antiquity. Even the most intelligent men, who lived during the brilliant civilization of Athens, believed implicitly in the responses of the god. These were given by the inspired priestess, the Pythia, and were interpreted, usually with an ambiguous touch, by the priests. Delphi grew fabulously rich with offerings, and though they have almost all disappeared now, you can admire the ruins and try to picture it as it was during its 1.000 prestigious years.
Walk up the Sacred Way past the beautiful small Treasuries to the Temple of Apollo, location of the oracle; continue to the Museum with its superb collection of votive offerings and statues, including the world-famous Charioteer. A traditional country lunch will be offered at the nearby village of Arachova.
Following lunch, you will board your coach and commence the drive to the town of Kalambaka. Kalamaba is the picturesque town that sits at the foot of Meteora. After checking in to the hotel, dinner will be served, and the evening will be at your leisure.
Overnight at the Divani Meteora Hotel or similar hotel
After breakfast, you will check-out of the hotel and board your coach for the visit of the Meteora Monasteries. Admire the extraordinary rocks of Meteora which were formed as a result of the force of the nature and they appear to be suspended in the sky, crested with the celebrated monasteries. Today only six monasteries are inhabited, two of which have become nunneries. You are invited to delve into two of these remarkable phenomena, seemingly floating in the sky and serving as an example of the post-Byzantine era.
NOTE: Scheduled visits are for the Monastery of the Great Meteoron “Megalo Meteoro” and The Nunnery of St. Stefanos “Agiou Stefanou”. Should one be closed it will be substituted with Moni Varlaam.
Steps vary from one to the other - The Monastery of the Great Meteoron has approximately 200 steps, St.Stefanos Monastery has approximately 10 steps and Moni Varlaam has approximately 80 steps. Coaches are able to drop off guests approximately 300- 500 feet from each Monastery.
After the visit of the Monasteries, you will commence your drive to Athens. A lunch stop will be made along the way. Arriving in Athens, you will proceed directly to your hotel for check-in.
In the evening you will be met by your guide and you will transfer to the picturesque Mikrolimano area in Piraeus where you will dine at Varoulko Restaurant. Lefteris Lazarou, Greece’s top-awarded Michelin Star Chef, created the restaurant’s menu so you will not be disappointed in this fantastic dining experience.
Overnight at the Divani Caravel Hotel or similar hotel.
Following breakfast at your hotel, begin your day with a visit to the famous site of the Acropolis. En route you will drive by Constitution Square, the House of Parliament, the Neo-Classical style university buildings, the Royal Palace and the Old Olympic Stadium of Athens.
Arriving at the foot of the Acropolis, one of the most photographed ancient monuments in the world, you will set off with your group on a walking tour to the top. Your guide will stop along the way to brief you on its history. Once you get to the top you will have some free time to explore and take photographs. Admire the ancient temples of Athena Nike and the towering Parthenon, as well as the gorgeous view of the city of Athens below.
Note: Expect high temperatures in the summer months and heavy crowds. There are upwards of 100 or more un-even steps to get to the top of the monument. There is a handrail in some spots but not all. Those not wishing to venture to the top can remain at the bottom and wait for the group to return. At the top the ground is uneven. Large bags are not permitted here and will need to be left on the tour bus.
Next you will visit the breathtaking Acropolis Museum – an impressive building that was completed and opened in 2009 and has an exhibition space of more than 14,000 square meters. It houses every artifact found on the rock and on the surrounding slopes, from the Greek Bronze Age to Roman and Byzantine Greece. It also lies over the ruins of a part of Roman and early Byzantine Athens.
Following your visit of the museum, take a stroll with your group through the enchanting, traditional streets of Plaka, the colorful old quarter of Athens, rich in neoclassical, ancient monuments and Byzantine Churches. Here in the Plaka, you will have a traditional Greek lunch before returning to your hotel where you will have some free time. The remainder of the day is at your leisure and dinner is on your own.
Overnight at the Divani Caravel Hotel or similar hotel.
Enjoy breakfast at your hotel. Check out is 2:00pm. You will be transferred to the Athens International Airport per your flight schedule.
Luggage storage is available at the hotel for guests with late flights.
Land Program Details Step by Step:
•Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program timings are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.
•Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•A departure transfer is not included if guests leave before the last day of the program.
7:30am Disembarkation at Piraeus port
8:00am Depart hotel to Delphi
10:00am Restroom stop in Livadia
10:15am Arrive in Delphi
10:45am Guided visit of the Site and Museum – Restrooms on site
1:00pm Depart for Lunch venue in Arachova – Restrooms at the lunch venue
1:15pm Lunch
2:15pm Depart for Kalambaka
6:30pm Arrive in Kalambaka
Check-in and dinner at the hotel
Overnight at the Divani Meteora Hotel or similar
Enjoy breakfast at your hotel
8:30am Depart for Meteora Monasteries, visit Monasteries
11:00am Depart for Athens, comfort stop & lunch en route
5:00pm Check-in at the hotel
6:45pm Depart hotel for dinner venue in Mikrolimano area
9:00pm Return to your hotel
Overnight at the Divani Caravel Hotel or similar
Enjoy breakfast at your hotel
9:00am Depart hotel for panoramic drive around Athens to Acropolis site
10:00am Arrive in Acropolis, guided visit of Acropolis site
12:00pm Depart for Acropolis Museum
12:15pm Guided visit of the Acropolis Museum – Restrooms at the Museum
1:45pm Depart for lunch in Plaka area
2:00pm Lunch
3:30pm Return to your hotel
Afternoon at leisure
Overnight at the Divani Caravel Hotel or similar
Enjoy breakfast at your hotel
11:00am Official check-out time at the hotel
Transfer to Athens International Airport based on your flight schedule. For guests with late flights, luggage storage will be available at the hotel.
Extra Nights: If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. Check-out time is 11:00am (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast are on your own after Day 4 of your program.
Transfers: All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure the cruise line has their most up to date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. If flight details are not received 14 days before your cruise start date, transfers will not be arranged.
Should you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.
Should you have a late departing flight you may wish to book an extra night so that you have occupation of your room until your departure. You will be asked to vacate your room by 11:00am. Day rooms can only be purchased directly through the hotel.
Important Note:
Large bags are not permitted at the Acropolis
There are a large number of uneven steps without handrails at the Acropolis site
The Monasteries scheduled to visit are:
•The Monastery of the Great Meteron “Megalo Meteoro” (closed on Tuesdays)
•The Nunnery of St. Stefanos “Agiou Stefanou” (closed on Mondays)
•If necessary, we will substitute a monastery that is closed with the: Moni Varlaam
Expected Weather:
Over the course of a year, the temperature typically varies from 40°F to 90°F and is rarely below 32°F or above 95°F. The warm season lasts from June to September with an average daily high temperature above 83°F. The cold season lasts from December to March with an average daily high temperature below 61°F.
What to Bring: Sunglasses, Hat, Comfortable walking shoes. Dress code is applicable at the Meteora Monasteries (knees and shoulders must be covered for the females)
220V. Please bring a travel adaptor if you have electronic devices as the hotels do not provide these
Documents and Visa Requirements:
A valid passport is required
Divani Caravel Hotel or similar
Vassileos Alexandrou Av., 2, Athens
Tel: +30 210 720 7000
Divani Meteora Hotel or similar
National Road, Trikala Ioannina
42200Kalambaka, Greece
Tel. +30 2432023330
*We will only substitute hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are substituted, they will be of equal ratings and standards. If you are not notified of any changes before your sailing, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in the program.
Program Includes for guests:
Deluxe coach for touring
Professional and fully qualified English-speaking guide
Accommodation in Athens at the Divani Caravel Hotel or similar (standard double room)
Accommodation in Kalambaka at the Divani Meteora Hotel or similar (standard double room)
3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners
Entrance fees to all sites visited
Any applicable taxes
Please Note: Guests booking their own flights (independent of the cruise line) are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated departure information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, a departure transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.
Program Excludes for guests:
•Gratuities for guide and driver
•Any meals not listed above
•Personal expenses and hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.
Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land Programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.
Price: $1,799 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
Visit the most archaeologically important sites in and around Athens, including the Acropolis, the Temple of Poseidon and Ancient Corinth, with a stop at the extraordinary manmade Corinth Canal as well.
PLEASE NOTE: This is an extensive 4-day program that covers a lot of ground by luxury coach. There is a lot of driving involved but guests will have a unique opportunity to visit two of the most precious and sacred sites in a beautiful and unspoiled part of Northern Greece. Due to the amount of walking over uneven ground and steps at the various ancient sites, this program is not suitable for guests who utilize a wheelchair, walker, cane or who have other mobility restrictions.
Disembark the ship in Piraeus, Greece, meet your guide and set off to Athens for a guided visit to the Acropolis site. You will pass by landmarks such as Constitution Square, the Houses of Parliament, the Neoclassical-style university buildings, the Royal Palace and the Old Olympic Stadium of Athens. The stadium is built entirely of marble and offers a great view of the Acropolis in the distance. The highlight is when you arrive at the foot of the magnificent Acropolis, one of the most famous and photographed ancient monuments in the world.
During the walking tour, the guide describes the history. Once you get to the top, you will have some free time to wander round and admire the ancient temples of Athena Nike and the towering Parthenon.
Afterwards, you will visit the breathtaking Acropolis Museum, whose collection of artifacts was excavated from the Acropolis. After browsing the museum, you will proceed to your hotel to check-in.
Note: Expect high temperatures in the summer months and heavy crowds. There are upwards of 100 or more un-even steps to get to the top of the monument. There is handrail in some spots but not everywhere. Those not wishing to venture to the top can remain at the bottom and wait for the group to return. The ground at the top is uneven. Large bags are not permitted here and must be left on the tour bus.
The remainder of the day is at your leisure with meals on your own.
After breakfast you will depart your hotel for a guided visit of the Temple of Poseidon. Enjoy a wonderful drive along the scenic coastal road, which affords a splendid view of the Saronic Gulf and passes through the beautiful suburbs of Glyfada, Kavouri, Vouliagmeni, Varkiza, and Lagonissi.
At Cape Sounion you will visit the 5th century BC Temple of Poseidon, standing some 200 feet above the sea at the edge of a cliff. It is one of the most breathtaking and deeply moving sights in all of Greece. This is the place where the ancient Greeks worshipped their mighty god of the seas, Poseidon.
Lunch will be served in a traditional rustic taverna located in the small town of Kalyvia. In this eatery, you will enjoy truly traditional Greek cuisine.
In the evening, you will take a stroll through the enchanting historical area of Athens with its traditional streets, restaurants, shops and colorful old quarter, where ancient monuments and Byzantine churches are abundant. In the Plaka neighborhood, you will enjoy a traditional Greek dinner before walking back to your hotel.
After an American breakfast, you will board the coach and head to the Isthmus of Corinth to view the famous Corinth Canal, which is four miles long, 70 feet wide and has sloping sides 170 feet high. It connects the Ionian and Aegean seas to provide a maritime short cut. Note: this program does not include a transit of the canal.
Your next stop will be at Ancient Corinth. The ruins that lie in this area are a surprising mix of a 6th-century BC Greek city and a 44 BC Roman city -- the latter was built after Julius Caesar placed a colony on this desolate site. You will see the ruins and excavations of both, including where the Christian Basilica, the starting lines of a Greek racetrack, a sacred spring with its bronze lion's-head spouts, and the elaborate Roman fountain of Peirene were located.
After lunch you will visit the somber and mighty ruins of ancient Mycenae -- vestiges of a kingdom that, for 400 years, was the most powerful in all of Greece. Enter the Citadel of Mycenae on foot, approaching it through the famous Lion Gate. Inside are the shaft graves discovered by Schliemann. You will also visit the Beehive Tomb, known sometimes as the Tomb of Agamemnon, the Greek Commander-in-Chief during the Trojan War.
A short drive will bring you to the first capital of modern-day Greece after the war of Independence. Nafplion is now regarded as one of the most romantic destinations in Greece, and you will walk through its Venetian and neoclassical buildings, old neighborhoods and large squares. You will see the famous Bourtzi protecting the entrance to the harbor and Akronafplia and Palamidi castles, which add a sense of drama to this stunning seaport town.
After your breakfast and check out, transfer to the Athens airport for your flight home. Should you have a late flight, luggage storage will be available at the hotel until your transfer time.
Land Program Details Step by Step:
•Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program timings are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.
•Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
•The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.
•A departure transfer is not included if guests leave before the last day of the program.
Day 1
9:00am Disembark the ship Piraeus, Greece
Meet your guide and depart for Athens
10:00am Visit the Acropolis
11:45am Visit the Acropolis Museum
1:00pm Depart for your hotel
1:15pm Arrive at your hotel and check-in
Lunch and dinner are on own
Overnight at the Divani Caravel or similar hotel
*Note that guests on Grandeur's September 25 sailing will stay at the Divani Acropolis Hotel as Divani Caravel is not available
Day 2
AM Enjoy breakfast at your hotel
9:30am Depart for a coastal panoramic drive to Cape Sounion
10:50am Arrive at the Temple of Poseidon for a guided visit
11:50am Depart for lunch
12:30pm Lunch
2:00pm Return to your hotel
3:00pm Arrive at your hotel
7:00pm Depart for a guided walk in the Plaka neighborhood with dinner
10:00pm Walk back to your hotel
Overnight at the Divani Caravel or similar hotel
*Note that guests on Grandeur's September 25 sailing will stay at the Divani Acropolis Hotel as Divani Caravel is not available
Day 3
AM Enjoy breakfast at your hotel
8:00am Depart for the Corinth Canal
9:00am Photo stop at the Corinth Canal
9:20am Depart for Ancient Corinth
9:50am Guided visit of Ancient Corinth – Restrooms on site
11:00am Depart for Mycenae
11:30am Guided visit of Mycenae
1:00pm Depart for lunch
1:15pm Lunch
2:45pm Continue to Nafplion
3:15pm Guided walk through Nafplion
4:45pm Return drive to Athens
7:15pm Arrive at your hotel
Evening at leisure, dinner on your own
Overnight at the Divani Caravel or similar hotel
*Note that guests on Grandeur's September 25 sailing will stay at the Divani Acropolis Hotel as Divani Caravel is not available
Day 4
AM Enjoy breakfast at your hotel
11:00am Official check out time at the hotel
TBA Transfer to the Athens International Airport
Luggage storage is available at the hotel for guests with late flights
Extra Nights:
•All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the same hotel used on the LAST NIGHT of your program.
•If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. Check-out time is 11:00am (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast are on your own after Day 4 of your program.
•All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure the cruise line has their most up to date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. If flight details are not received 14 days before your cruise start date, transfers will not be arranged.
•Should you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.
•Should you have a late departing flight you may wish to book an extra night so that you have occupation of your room until your departure. You will be asked to vacate your room by 11:00am. Day rooms can only be purchased directly through the hotel.
Expected Weather
Sunny and hot
July and August average 90 F during the day and 73 F in the evening
September average is 83 F during the day and 67 F in the evening
October average is 74 F during the day and 60 F in the evening
What to Bring
Sunglasses, hat, light loose clothing, comfortable walking shoes, cameras, chargers and sunscreen
220V. Bring a universal travel adaptor for electric devices.
Documents and Visa Requirements
A valid passport is required to travel to Greece
Divani Caravel
Leof. Vasileos Alexandrou 2, Athina 161 21, Greece
Phone: +30 21 0720 7000
Divani Acropolis (Grandeur's September 25 sailing)
Parthenonos 19, Athina 117 42, Greece
Phone: +30 21 0928 0100
*We will only substitute the hotel in unforeseen situations. If the hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes before departure, then the hotel listed in this program will be used.
Program Includes for guests:
•3 nights in Athens – standard double room – Divani Caravel or similar hotel
•Transfer from the hotel to the airport in Athens
•Deluxe chartered coach for day trips
•Professional and fully qualified English-speaking guide throughout
•Meals as listed in the itinerary including beverages (Kalyvia and Kolizeras)
•Entrance fees to all sites visited (Acropolis, Acropolis Museum, Ancient Corinth, Temple of Poseidon)
•Any applicable taxes
Please Note: Guests booking their own flights (independent of the cruise line) are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated departure information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, a departure transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.
Program Excludes:
Gratuities for guides and drivers
Any meals not listed above
Personal expenses and hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel and natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation.
Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.
Price: $1,399 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
Enjoy the freedom of exploring Positano and the town of Amalfi on your own, an experience that beautifully complements a guided walk through the excavated ruins of Herculaneum and a hands-on cooking class.
Note: This program includes walking for up to 2 hours over uneven ground at the ruins of Herculaneum, climbing steps and strolling the winding, hilly, terraced streets of Positano and Amalfi. Therefore, it is not recommended for guests who require the use of a wheelchair, walker or cane.
DAY 1 – April 23, 2025
After disembarking the ship in Salerno, you will travel towards Herculaneum, a summer resort for ancient Romans who appreciated its position overlooking the Bay of Naples. Like Pompeii, Herculaneum was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. It too was buried beneath mud and volcanic ash for centuries, until excavations began in the mid-18th century. As you walk among the remains that have been unearthed, you will see houses, shops, baths and even personal effects, some of them preserved intact.
You will then make a rest stop at a nearby factory where you can freshen up as well as watch cameos being made.
Continuing on, you will soon reach Cantine del Vesuvio, a family-owned winery whose vineyards blanket the slopes of Mount Vesuvius. The volcanic soil is exceptionally fertile as you will discover while walking through the estate’s organic garden.
Seeing the garden up-close will provide an excellent introduction to the hands-on cooking class that follows as you will prepare the dishes with ingredients fresh-picked from the garden, such as Piennolo heirloom tomatoes. Other ingredients such as lemons will be locally sourced.
After dining on the delectable lunch, you will drive along the awe-inspiring dramatic Amalfi Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage site. In time, you will stop in Positano, a former fishing village that has become a retreat for the wealthy and certainly one of the most famous towns along the Amalfi Coast.
Once you have checked into the boutique Hotel Poseidon, the remainder of the day will be at your leisure. You will enjoy complete access to the hotel’s L’Onda spa (services are an additional charge), the outdoor pool, restaurant and Il Tridende cocktail bar. The latter is a fine place for a romantic moment while watching the sunset. If you wish to explore further, Positano becomes even more magical at night.
DAY 2 - April 24, 2025
Following breakfast at the hotel, either meet your guide for a walking tour of the town or enjoy a morning of free time to do whatever you wish. You may do nothing more ambitious than sit on the terrace with a cappuccino and crispy fogliatella pastry or head into Positano to wander about on your own.
By mid-day, you will depart for the town of Amalfi, following the Amalfi Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage site hailed for its physical beauty and biodiversity. The narrow road winds along the rocky cliffs overlooking the sea, with each twist and turn offering new and breathtaking vistas of the Italian Riviera.
Upon arriving in the town of Amalfi, you will have free time to shop, dine or visit landmarks such as the Cathedral of Saint Andrew, which characterized by a striped Byzantine façade.
Afterwards, you will drive to Salerno to re-board the ship.
Land Program Step by Step
The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program details including timings indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Final itineraries with the most up-to-date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
8:00am Disembark in Salerno, meet local guide and depart for Herculaneum
9:15am Arrive and visit the archeological site Herculaneum
11:15am Rest stop at a cameo craft shop and continue to Mt. Vesuvius
12:00pm Hands-on cooking class and lunch at Cantine del Vesuvio
4:00pm Drive to your hotel in Positano
5:45pm Check-in at your hotel
Evening at leisure and dinner on your own
Overnight at Hotel Poseidon or similar hotel
8:30am Breakfast at your hotel
9:30am Meet your guide for a walking tour of Positano or free time
12:30pm Depart for the town of Amalfi following the Amalfi coastline
1:30pm Visit the town of Amalfi with free time to browse further
4:30pm Drive to Salerno
5:45pm Approximate return to the port of Salerno
Expected Weather
Average daytime temperature in April is 67 F / 19 C
What to Bring
Comfortable walking shoes, light jacket for the evening, hat, sunscreen, camera, bathing suit, charger and an umbrella.
Local Currency
220 volts. Bring a universal travel adaptor for electric equipment.
One overnight bag per person.
Documents and Visa Requirements
A passport that is valid at least 6 months after travel is required.
Hotel Poseidon
Address Via Pasitea 148
Phone: +39 089811111
*We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.
Program Includes for guests
•One night at the Hotel Poseidon or similar (Superior room) including breakfast
•English speaking escort throughout
•Cooking class with lunch on Day 1
•Entry to Herculaneum
Program Excludes for guests
•Gratuities for drivers and guides
•Hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service
•Lunch on both days
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include: inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.
All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.
Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.
Price: $1,599 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
細部にいたる気配りやアート感覚に満ちた盛り付けまで、Seven Seas Splendor™のすばらしさは、毎日のお食事にも現れています。当社のシェフたちが、名品の数々を心を込めてお作りし、グルメなお客様の舌を喜ばせます。
ラグジュアリーな旅はホリスティックな体験です。心も身体も活力を取り戻し、より満足感のあるウェルビーイングをもたらします。Serene Spa & Wellness™は、世界各地からアイデアを得た、美と健康とウェルネスを目指す安らぎのオアシスです。心身を癒し、活力を回復するトリートメントやサービスをご用意しています。
料金およびカテゴリーの残室数は、予告なしに変更されることがあります。各客室カテゴリーの空室状況については、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesまでお問い合わせください。旅程および寄港地は、天候、その他の要因により、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesの単独裁量によって随時変更される可能性があります。
クルーズ代金に関する規定および条件については、こちらをクリックしてください。記載の料金には、航空券諸税、燃油サーチャージ、各種手数料が含まれています。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のアルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金には、航空券、ホテル、送迎、利用可能な場合はプライベートカーサービスのクレジットが含まれます。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のオールインクルーシブクルーズ料金には、ホテル、送迎(可能な場合)が含まれます。表示された航空代金および空席状況は航空券の購入、発券まで変更される可能性があります。料金は2名様1室利用のお一人様分で、すべての割引が適用されています。航空会社によっては、受託手荷物や優先搭乗、座席指定優先サービスなどを含む(ただし、これらに限定されない)個人的費用が別途課される場合があります。
すべての旅程は変更される可能性があります。また、地図上に記載されている航路のラインは必ずしも船の実際の航路は示していません。表示料金は、1部屋2名様ご利用の場合の大人お一人様あたりの料金で、特に明記がない限り、米ドル建てで表示されています。ご旅行条件、クルーズの旅程、Regent Seven Seas Cruises社(RSSC)の責任、健康診断書あるいは旅行に必要な書類、責任の制限などについて、詳しくはご利用の旅行代理店担当者までご連絡いただくか、当サイト内の問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。To read our full Terms & Conditions, including our Ticket Contract and Insurance Information, visit www.rssc.com/legal.