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コンシェルジュ スイート以上の客室では、
ご自宅を出発するときから、より完璧な旅を実現するために、アルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金をお選びください。
当社は柔軟性こそ究極のラグジュアリーだと考えています。そのために複数の料金オプションをご用意しました。オールインクルーシブクルーズ料金では、クルーズに含まれるラグジュアリーを楽しみながら、航空券は別で自由に手配することができます。あるいは、料金パッケージをアルティメット オールインクルーシブ*にアップグレードすれば、お好みのクラスの航空券(空席がある場合)、空港と港間のバスでの移動や、Blacklaneによる新しいプライベートカーサービスも提供されます。
プライベートバルコニーが付いた、居心地のよい隠れ家のようなスイートルームです。快適なヨーロッパ クイーンサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドに加え、贅沢なバス用品やインタラクティブな薄型テレビ、上質なバスローブとスリッパなど、さまざまなアメニティをご用意しています。親密な雰囲気のリビングエリアには、2名様での朝食やお祝いのシャンパンとグラス2つを置くのに最適なサイズのテーブルもあります。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーが付いた、居心地のよい隠れ家のようなスイートルームです。快適なヨーロッパ クイーンサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドに加え、贅沢なバス用品やインタラクティブな薄型テレビ、上質なバスローブとスリッパなど、さまざまなアメニティをご用意しています。親密な雰囲気のリビングエリアには、2名様での朝食やお祝いのシャンパンとグラス2つを置くのに最適なサイズのテーブルもあります。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズ Elite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プライベートバルコニーを備えた37㎡を超えるスイートは、ゆったりとしたスペースをお求めの方にぴったりのスイートルームです。ベッドルームも広々としており、Elite Slumber™ベッドはヨーロッパ キングサイズと大型。床から天井までの大きな窓からはオーシャンビューが望めます。ウォークインクローゼットやダブルシンクのバスルーム、高品質のバスアメニティも完備し、新たな冒険旅行への出発準備も快適に行えます。
プライベート バルコニー
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この優れたデザインのスイートで、快適なキングサイズのElite Slumber™ ベッドから生涯の思い出に残る美しい水平線の眺めをお楽しみください。コンシェルジュレベル以上のスイート限定のラグジュアリーなサービスもご利用いただけます。プライベートバルコニーで朝のコーヒーやスイート内の朝食を味わうのに最適な、イリー製エスプレッソマシンやカシミアブランケットといったアメニティをご用意しています。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズElite Slumber™ベッド
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
広く豪華なリビングルームには、エメラルドグリーンの贅沢なダイニングエリアがしっくりとなじんでいます。外はテーブルと椅子のあるプライベートバルコニーで、スイート内でのご朝食にぴったりです。プライベートベッドルームは広く快適で、落ち着きのある色使いとキングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドが快眠をお約束します。洋上での新しいご友人のおもてなしには2つのバスルームが役立ちます。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム1室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この豪華でスタイリッシュなスイートは、まさにSeven Sea Splendor®船上のパークアベニューです。リッチな色使い、最上級のファブリックとグランドピアノが洗練された快適な雰囲気を醸し出し、パーソナルバトラーが通常のご要望から特別なリクエストまで、すべて承ります。広々としたベッドルーム2室、バスルーム2室とトイレ1室、ゆったりとしたリビングルームに全面バルコニーを備えたスイートは、新しいご友人を招いてのおもてなしにも最適です。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム2室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
この豪華でスタイリッシュなスイートは、まさにSeven Sea Splendor®船上のパークアベニューです。リッチな色使い、最上級のファブリックとグランドピアノが洗練された快適な雰囲気を醸し出し、パーソナルバトラーが通常のご要望から特別なリクエストまで、すべて承ります。広々としたベッドルーム2室、バスルーム2室とトイレ1室、ゆったりとしたリビングルームに全面バルコニーを備えたスイートは、新しいご友人を招いてのおもてなしにも最適です。
ヨーロッパ キングサイズのElite Slumber™ベッドを備えた広々としたベッドルーム2室
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
12名様までのプライベートダイニングルーム「ザ スタディ」へのアクセス
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
12名様までのプライベートダイニングルーム「ザ スタディ」へのアクセス
高級シャンパンのウェルカム ボトル
プレミアム ワイン&リカーの10%割引
Take advantage of our best deals and start planning your unforgettable journey to the world's most inspiring destinations.
Visit some of the most emblematic buildings in Egypt, including the twin temples at Abu Simbel, the Great Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza, and explore Cairo’s icons as well as the world’s newest and largest archaeological museum. This is an excellent option for guests who have already visited Luxor.
Note: This program is limited to 40 guests. It involves extensive walking over uneven ground and is thus not suitable for guests with walking difficulties or for those who require a wheelchair.
Upon disembarking the ship at Safaga Port, you will meet the guide and depart for a one-hour drive to the Hurghada airport. A chartered plane will be waiting to take you to Abu Simbel, situated at the southernmost point of Egypt on the western shore of Lake Nasser, just a few kilometers from the border with Sudan.
Upon landing, you will dine at a restaurant before traveling to the village of Abu Simbel. Pharaoh Ramses II ordered the construction of two temples there more than 3,000 years ago. They were carved out of the sandstone rock on the west bank of the Nile River and feature four colossal statues of Ramses at the entryway.
To save these UNESCO World Heritage site temples from the rising waters of the Nile after the Aswan Dam was built in the mid-20th century, they were disassembled block by block and reconstructed on higher ground.
After viewing these awe-inspiring temples, you will board the awaiting plane for a two-hour flight to Cairo. You will then check into the Four Seasons hotel for the evening. A delightful dinner will be served at the hotel.
Following an early-morning breakfast at the hotel and check-out, you will drive into Old Cairo, where your first visit of the day will be a medieval Islamic fortress known simply as The Citadel. You will also see the adjacent Mosque of Muhammad Ali, which is often called the Alabaster Mosque due to the extensive use of that stone throughout the building. The mosque is the largest such structure built in Cairo during the first half of the 19th century and looks impressive even from a distance.
Next, you will visit the Grand Egyptian Museum, the world’s largest archaeological museum. Of all its priceless artifacts, the items from King Tutankhamen’s tomb are the highlight as this is the first time that the full collection has been displayed in one place. Other attractions include pieces from pre-historic times, from the ancient Greek and Roman periods in Egyptian history and the Grand Staircase, which is lined with statues, sphinxes and temples.
Following lunch at a nearby restaurant, you will visit one of the remaining wonders of the ancient world – the great Pyramids and the Sphinx.
The Giza Plateau consists of three major pyramids or tombs, built by the Pharaohs Cheops, his son Chephren and Chephern's son Mykerinus, where their mummified bodies would rest for eternity.
Situated in front of the pyramids of Chephren is the guardian of this ancient mortuary complex: the legendary Great Sphinx. This monumental statue with the body of a lion and head of a human was carved from a single piece of Giza plateau bedrock and is considered a national symbol of both ancient and modern Egypt.
At each site you will have ample time to walk around and take photos, although inside visits are not permitted. Please be aware that there will be vendors selling merchandise and camel rides, which you should do only at your own risk.
Following this enlightening visit, drive to the Cairo Airport for a flight to Hurghada. Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to the port of Safaga and re-board the ship.
Land Program Step by Step
The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Final itineraries with the most up-to-date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
Day 1 – timing subject to change based on final flight details
7:30am Disembark the ship in Safaga
7:45am Proceed to the port terminal for security screening
8:00am Depart for the drive to Hurghada airport
9:00am Arrive at Hurghada airport and check-in
10:00am Charter flight to Abu Simbel
12:00pm Arrive in Abu Simbel airport and proceed to lunch venue
12:30pm Lunch at a local restaurant
1:30pm Proceed to the Abu Simbel Temple
1:45pm Visit the Abu Simbel Temple
3:30pm Depart for the Abu Simbel airport
3:45pm Arrive at the Abu Simbel airport
4:00pm Charter flight to Cairo
6:00pm Arrive in Cairo airport and collect luggage
6:30pm Proceed to your hotel
7:30pm Check-in at your hotel
8:00pm Dinner at your hotel
Overnight at the Four Seasons Cairo or similar hotel
Day 2 - timing subject to change based on final flight details
7:00am Buffet breakfast at the hotel and check-out
8:00am Proceed to the Citadel and Mosque of Muhammad Ali
8:30am Visit the Citadel and Mosque of Muhammad Ali
9:30am Proceed to the Grand Egyptian Museum
10:15am Visit the Grand Egyptian Museum
12:15pm Proceed to lunch venue
1:15pm Lunch at the Marriott Mena House or similar venue
2:15pm Proceed to the Pyramids of Giza
2:30pm Visit the Pyramids of Giza
4:30pm Depart for the Sphinx airport
5:15pm Arrive at the Sphinx airport
6:00pm Charter flight to Hurghada
7:00pm Arrive in Hurghada and collect luggage
7:30pm Drive to Safaga
8:30pm Arrive at the port of Safaga and re-board the ship
Expected Weather
The average high-temperature is 39.2°C (102.6°F) and the average low-temperature is 20.2°C (68.4°F). Make sure to stay hydrated throughout your visit and wear protection from the sun.
What to Bring
Comfortable, light, loose clothing, good walking shoes, camera, hat and sunscreen.
Local Currency
Egyptian Pound, but USD are widely accepted.
220-240 V. Bring your own universal travel adaptor for electric devices as adaptors are not available at the hotel.
Domestic flights accommodate one piece of checked (23 kg/50 lbs.) and one carry on (8 kg/17 lbs.) per person. Should you exceed this allowance, you will be required to pay for any excess at the check-in counter.
Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)
1. Guests must obtain a doctor’s certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.
2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)
3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).
4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.
Documents and Visa Requirements
Passports are required to brought with you on this trip.
At this time, visas are not required for US, EU and Canadian citizens, however, you should check with your local Egyptian Embassy for further or updated information prior to travel.
Four Seasons First Residence - Cairo
35 Charles de Gaulle, Oula, Giza District, Giza Governorate 12612
*We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.
Program Includes for guests
•1 night at The Four Seasons Cairo or similar (Deluxe Room)
•One breakfast, two lunches and one dinner
•Bottled water, tea, coffee, one soda or one bottle of beer/one glass of local wine with meals
•Entrance fees of all mentioned sites
•English-speaking guide throughout
•Economy-class flights per the itinerary (Business class flights not available)
Program Excludes for guests:
•Any meals or drinks not listed above
•Gratuities to drivers and guides
•Personal expenses
•Hotel incidentals including laundry, room service and mini bar
•Excess or overweight luggage on the flights
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel and natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation.
All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.
Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid-cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.
Price: $2,199 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
Indulge your senses with some of ancient history’s most renowned relics during this scenic and memorable tour of Egypt. The adventure begins with a journey to the world’s greatest open-air museum, Luxor City where you will be exploring the beauty and mystery of Egypt’s ancient temples and tombs. On the following day, fly to Cairo where your adventure continues with visits to the famous Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.
Special Note: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.
NOTE: This program involves extensive walking over uneven ground and is thus not suitable for guests with walking difficulties or for those who require a wheelchair.
Upon disembarking the ship in Safaga, you will be met by your guide and depart for the 3.5-hour drive to Luxor. Restrooms are available on the coach therefore no stops are planned along the way. Coaches are escorted along the way.
Upon arrival in Luxor the group will enjoy lunch before crossing the fabulous Nile River by motorboat and proceed to the West Bank area for a visit to the Valley of the Kings. It is here you will find the remarkable tombs of Egypt's ancient kings, their families and other Egyptian nobility. Note: there is a step or two down into the boat, the boat is fully covered but open on the sides.
Ample time is allotted here for you to fully explore this wonderful site. The ticket you receive will include entry to three tombs of your choice. The ground is uneven and there are many steps to enter each of the various tombs.
Next, it's on to Hatshepsut Temple where there will be a short photo stop. This awesome mortuary temple that was buried under sand for centuries was built by Hatshepsut, the only woman to rule as a Pharaoh. Built into the mountainside, it stands as an incredible monument to the powers held by the pharaohs.
A second photo stop follows at the Colossi of Memnon, two massive statues that originally flanked the entrance to Amenhotep III's mortuary temple. Although the temple itself was destroyed in an earthquake and most of its remnants have long since disappeared, these magnificent statues still stand guard today, albeit over an open field.
Finally, a visit will be made to the Luxor Temple. This renowned ancient structure was originally built during the reign of Amenophis the III, then expanded by Ramses II, who added a statue of himself and two obelisks. Today, only one of them remains at the Luxor Temple; the other one was given by Mohamed Ali to Louis Philippe in 1831 and is displayed at the Concorde in Paris to this day. After Alexander the Great rebuilt the sanctuary in the 4th century B.C., the Romans subsequently rebuilt portions of it and the Muslims built a mosque in the temple.
Note: Cameras and video cameras are permitted inside the Luxor Temple.
Following your visit to the Luxor Temple, you will be transferred to your hotel for check-in.
In the evening, enjoy a relaxed buffet dinner at your hotel.
After an early wake up call, breakfast boxes will be distributed by the hotel before proceeding to the Luxor Airport for a 60-minute flight to Cairo.
Upon arrival in Cairo, considered to be the largest city in Africa and the Middle East, the group will enjoy a buffet breakfast at a deluxe hotel before starting the day’s touring.
Your first visit of the day will be the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities. Opened in 1902, the museum has over 107 halls displaying the world's largest and richest collection of Egyptian antiquities, including statues, mummies, the priceless treasures of King Tutankhamen. NOTE: there are steps in the museum. Should the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) be open by the time this program takes place, the group will visit this museum instead. It will be the world’s largest archaeological museum with priceless artifacts and items from King Tutankhamen’s tomb.
After your museum visit, you will be visiting the only remaining wonders of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.
The Giza Plateau consists of three major pyramids or tombs, built by the Pharaohs Cheops, his son Chephren and Chephern's son Mykerinus, where their mummified bodies would rest for eternity.
Situated in front of the pyramids of Chephren, is the guardian of this ancient mortuary complex: the legendary Great Sphinx. This monumental statue, with the body of a lion and head of a human, was carved from a single piece of Giza plateau bedrock and is considered a national symbol of both ancient and modern Egypt.
At each site you will have ample time to walk around and take photos although no inside visits are permitted. Please be aware that there will be vendors selling merchandise and camel rides which you should do only at your own risk.
Lunch will be offered in a deluxe restaurant before drive back to Cairo Airport for the flight to Hurghada which is located approximately 60 km away from the port of Safaga.
Once you have arrived you will be met and transferred to Safaga where you will re-board the ship.
Land Program Step by Step:
Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
Day 1
8:30am Disembark the ship in Safaga
8:45am Proceed to the port terminal for security screening
9:00am Depart for the drive to Luxor. The drive is approximately 3. 5 hours. Restrooms are
available on the bus. No comfort stop is scheduled.
12:30pm Buffet lunch at a deluxe hotel.
1:30pm Proceed to visit the West Bank by motorboat
2:15pm Visit the Valley of the Kings
3:45pm Proceed to Hatshepsut Temple
4:00pm Photo stop at Hatshepsut Temple
4:10pm Proceed to the Colossi of Memnon
4:15pm Photo stop at the Colossi of Memnon
4:20pm Drive back to the East Bank
5:00pm Visit Luxor Temple
6:00pm Proceed to your hotel and check in
Optional: shopping with your guide for an hour
7-10pm Buffet dinner served at your hotel
Overnight at the Hilton Luxor or similar hotel
Day 2 - Timings subject to change based on flight details – below is a sample itinerary
4:00am Wake up call, breakfast box provided by the hotel
4:45am Proceed to the Luxor Airport
5:15am Arrive at the Luxor Airport
6:30am Fly to Cairo (Charter Flight details TBA and subject to change)
7:30am Arrive at the Cairo International Airport
8:15am Proceed for breakfast
8:45am Breakfast at deluxe restaurant
9:30am Proceed to the Egyptian Museum
9:45am Visit the Egyptian Museum
11:30am Proceed to the Pyramids area
12:15pm Visit the area surrounding the Pyramids and the Sphinx for photos
2:15pm Proceed for lunch – 15 min
2:30pm Lunch at a deluxe restaurant
3:30pm Drive to the Cairo Airport
4:30pm Arrive at the Cairo Airport
5:30pm Fly to Hurghada (Charter Flight details TBA and subject to change)
6:30pm Arrive in Hurghada
7:00pm Drive to Safaga port
8:00pm Arrive at Safaga port and re-embark the ship
Expected Weather:
The average high-temperature is 39.2°C (102.6°F) and the average low-temperature is 20.2°C (68.4°F). Make sure to stay hydrated throughout your visit and wear protection from the sun.
What to Bring:
Comfortable clothing, good walking shoes, camera, hat, sunscreen
Local Currency:
Egyptian Pound but USD are widely accepted
220- 240 V - Adaptors are not available at hotels, please make sure to bring your own should you require one
Luggage information:
Domestic flights accommodate one piece of checked (23 KG) and one carry on (8 kg) per person. Should
you exceed this allowance you will be required to pay at the check in counter for any excess.
Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)
1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.
2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)
3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).
4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.
Documents and Visa Requirements:
Passports are required to brought with you on this trip
At this time, Visas are not required for US, EU and Canadian citizens however you should check with your local Egyptian Embassy for further or updated information prior to travel
Hilton Luxor Resort & Spa or similar hotel
13 El Karnak El Gadid St, Luxor Governorate, Egypt
Tel: +2010 0600 1270
*We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.
Program Includes
•One night at Hilton Luxor Resort or similar (Partial Nile View Room)
•One breakfast, two lunches and one dinner
•Bottled water, tea, coffee, one soda or one bottle of beer/one glass of local wine with meals
•Entrance fees of all mentioned sites
•Private English-speaking guide from Safaga port and back
•Domestic economy class flights per the itinerary
Program Excludes
•Any meals or drinks not listed above
•Gratuities to drivers and guides
•Personal expenses
•Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar
•Excess or overweight luggage on the flights
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.
All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.
Price: $1,299 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
Explore the beauty and mystery of Egypt’s ancient temples and tombs during this memorable journey to Luxor.
Along the way, you will visit the Karnak, Luxor and Hatshepsut Temples, Colossi of Memnon and both the Valley of the Kings and the Queens.
Day 1
Upon disembarking the ship in Safaga, meet your guide and depart for the 3.5-hour drive to Luxor.
Upon arrival you will enjoy lunch then visit the Karnak temple.
Located about two miles north of the Luxor Temple but connected to it by an impressive avenue of sphinxes, the Karnak Temple was the most important sanctuary of ancient Egypt, and the heart of the cult of the god Amon. Each pharaoh added his own contribution to the temple over the ensuing 2,000 years.
The Ptolemies erected the massive first pylon you will see. Past the second pylon, which is guarded by a pair of huge statues of Ramses II, you will find the great hypo-style hall, the largest hall of any temple in the world. It spans 50,000 square feet and contains 134 enormous columns. You may notice that some of the columns still have traces of the brilliant paint that originally covered them. The third pylon leads to the centre court, and past the fourth pylon is the 97-foot-high obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut, carved from a solid piece of pink granite.
As you pass through successive pylons and courts, you will journey back in time until you reach the oldest part of the temple, built by the pharaohs of the middle kingdom around 2000 B.C. At the south end of the temple, you will find the sacred lake where ceremonial boats took part in the worship of Amon.
NOTE: Cameras and video cameras are permitted inside the Karnak Temple free of charge.
Following Karnak Temple visit you will visit the Luxor Temple, which was originally built during the reign of Amenophis the III and then expanded by Ramses II, who added a statue of himself and two obelisks.
Today, only one of the statues remains at the Luxor Temple; Mohamed Ali gave the other one to Louis Philippe in 1831 and it is displayed at the Concorde in Paris. After Alexander, the Great rebuilt the sanctuary in the 4th century B.C., the Romans subsequently rebuilt portions of it, and then the Muslims built a mosque in the temple.
NOTE: Cameras and video cameras are permitted inside Luxor Temple free-of-charge.
Transfer to your hotel for check in before departing for a visit to the Luxor Museum.
This marvelous museum overlooks the west bank of the Nile River and has an amazing collection of ancient artifacts. Displays range from magnificent pharaonic art to items used in everyday life, such as pottery and jewelry, including a carefully selected assortment of items from the Theban temples and necropolis.
Back to your hotel, enjoy a buffet dinner before retiring for the evening.
Following a morning buffet breakfast, you will cross over the Nile to the West Bank to visit the Valley of the Kings, hidden in the foothills of the Gourma Mountains. More than 60 tombs of pharaohs and noble people have been excavated in this valley. The kings’ formal names and titles are inscribed in their tombs, along with their images and statues. Between the 18th and 20th dynasties, the kings abandoned the Memphis area and built their tombs in Thebes.
Enjoy a special visit to the longest and one of the most beautiful tombs in the valley known as Seti I Tomb. It is still recognized as an elaborately decorated monument from the times of Seti I and his son, Ramesses II.
The most fascinating aspects of the tomb are the well-crafted decorations that brought antiquity to vivid life.
Next you will visit King Tutankhamun's tomb where his mummy still rests, and if time permits, you may be able to have a look into one or two other tombs in the area.
NOTE: Mobile cameras, regular cameras and video cameras are not permitted inside Seti 1st & King Tut tombs.
Mobile cameras are allowed and free of charge inside other valley tombs.
Continuing on, enjoy a photo stop at the Hatshepsut Temple, whose unique design features a series of grand terraces extending up a cliff with rows of square granite columns blending in with the mountainside.
From here, you will proceed for a visit to Valley of the Queens where you will be visiting Queen Nefertari’s Tomb known for its lavish decoration and colors – it is one of the largest and most spectacular in the Valley of the Queens. Nefertari Meritmut was an Egyptian queen and the first of the great royal wife’s (or principal wife) of Ramses the great. The number of visitors here per day is limited and prior permission to visit must be requested.
This has been specially arranged for our group.
NOTE: There are a series of steps (up to 20 steps per chamber) to go down into the various tombs and the ground surrounding the tombs is uneven and dusty. It is also extremely hot here.
Mobile cameras, regular cameras and video cameras are not permitted inside Nefertari tomb.
Next, a photo stop will be made at the Colossi of Memnon. This structure was originally built as a mortuary temple in Thebes and guarded by two gigantic statues on the outer gates. All that remains today are the 75-foot-high, 1,000-ton statues of Amenhotep III. Though damaged by nature and ancient tourists, the statues are still impressive, nonetheless.
Finally, you will embark on a Dahabeya boat for a cruise along the Nile including lunch. Arriving at your hotel, you will check-out and depart for the 3.5-hours’ drive back to Safaga. Upon arrival, you will proceed directly to the pier and re-embark the ship.
Land Program Step by Step:
Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
Day 1
8:45am Disembark the ship in Safaga
Proceed to the port terminal for security screening
9:00am Depart for the drive to Luxor. The drive is approximately 3.5 hours. Restrooms are available on the bus. No comfort stop is scheduled.
12:30pm Buffet lunch at a deluxe hotel
1:30pm Proceed to Karnak Temple
1:45pm Visit Karnak Temple
3:30pm Proceed to Luxor Temple
3:45pm Visit Luxor Temple
4:45pm Proceed to your hotel for check in
Optional: shopping with your guide for an hour
6:45pm Proceed to the Luxor Museum
7:00pm Visit the Luxor Museum
8:00pm Drive back to the hotel
8:15pm Buffet dinner is served.
Buffet dinner will be served from 7:00pm to 10:00pm for those who opt out of the museum visit
Overnight at the Sonesta St. George Luxor or similar hotel
Day 2
6:00am Buffet breakfast at the hotel
7:00am Cross the Nile to the west bank
7:45am Visit the Valley of the Kings including Seti I Tomb and King Tut’s Tomb
9:45am Proceed to Hatshepsut Temple
10:00am Photo stop at Hatshepsut Temple
10:10am Proceed to the Valley of the Queens
10:15am Visit Nefertari’s Tomb
11:00am Proceed to Colossi of Memnon
11:05am Photo stop at Colossi of Memnon
11:10am Proceed to the cruise boat
11:30am Lunch on the Nile boat cruise
12:30pm Arrive at your hotel and check out
1:00pm Drive back to Safaga. The drive is approximately 3.5 hours.
Restrooms are available on the bus. No comfort stop is scheduled.
4:30pm Arrive back in Safaga and rejoin the ship
Expected Weather:
Average high-temperature is 39.2°C (102.6°F) and the average low-temperature is 20.2°C (68.4°F). Make sure to stay hydrated throughout your visit and wear protection from the sun.
What to Bring:
Comfortable clothing, good walking shoes, camera, hat, sunscreen
Local Currency:
Egyptian Pound but USD are widely accepted
220- 240 V - Adaptors are not available at hotels, please make sure to bring your own should you require one
Luggage information:
A light carry-on is suggested for this one-night stay
Documents and Visa Requirements:
Passports are required to brought with you on this trip
At this time, Visas are not required for US, EU and Canadian citizens however you should check with your local Egyptian Embassy for further or updated information for your nationality prior to travel
Hotel addresses:
Sonesta St. George Hotel Luxor
Gazirat Al Awameyah, Luxor Governorate
Phone: +2095 238 2575
*We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.
Program Includes for guests
•1 night at Sonesta St. George Hotel Luxor or similar - (Royal club floor – Side Nile View Room)
•One breakfast, two lunches and one dinner
•Bottled water, tea, coffee, one soda or one bottle of beer/one glass of local wine with meals
•Entrance fees of all mentioned sites
•English-speaking guide from Safaga port and back
Program Excludes for guests:
•Any meals or drinks not listed above
•Gratuities to drivers and guides
•Personal expenses
•Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.
All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.
Price: $899 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
One of the best-known structures in the world, Agra’s fabled Taj Mahal will awe your senses and forever capture your heart. Considered to be the finest example of Mughal architecture, the Taj Mahal is a glistening mass of white marble and semi-precious stones set amid impeccably landscaped grounds. This program includes the opportunity to visit two UNESCO world heritage sites: the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort both of which are legacies from Mughal times.
Special Note: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC), CPAP breathing machines or scooters should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour. The program is manageable for guests with mobility restrictions as long as they are travelling with someone to assist. Guests must be able to get on and off the tour coaches with little to no assistance. There will be various steps to negotiate at the hotels and sites visited (2-30 steps) and wheelchair ramps are not always available although most sites have them. Only the base of the Taj Mahal mausoleum is accessible to wheelchairs.
DAY 1 – April 15, 2027
After disembarking the ship in Cochin, you will proceed to the airport for a flight to Delhi. A lunch box will be provided at the airport. Light refreshments will be served during the flight.
On arrival, transfer to your hotel for dinner and overnight.
DAY 2 – April 16,2027
After breakfast, check out and depart for Agra via the Yamuna Expressway. Sit back, relax and take in the vistas of India’s vast rural farming countryside along the way.
Agra, the city of Taj Mahal was one of the grand cities of South Asia. With the arrival of the Mughals in 1526 led by Babur, Agra entered a completely new era during the reign of emperors Akbar, Jehangir and Shah Jahan. Akbar made it a great center for learning, art, commerce and culture. Its cosmopolitan bazaars and its strategic location on the river Jamuna, was altogether a worthier setting for the focus of an empire.
Arrive in Agra and check-in to the renowned Oberoi Amarvilas which boasts uninterrupted views of the Taj Mahal. Voted as one of the top hotels of the world, its classical architecture is complemented by elaborate Mughal gardens, terraced lawns, fountains, reflection pools and pavilions. Every room has a frontal view of the Taj Mahal.
Enjoy lunch and some time at leisure before departing for the World Heritage Agra Fort, credited to Emperor Akbar, India’s great visionary. His sons and theirs added to this imposing structure situated by the banks of the Yamuna River. The astonishing palaces, mosques and audience halls contained within its massive walls of red sandstone became once more a monumental mission of the Mughal Empire embellished by the artistic fusion of Islamic and Hindu traditions.
Return to your hotel and just prior to dinner, enjoy a short cultural show featuring the classical dance form of Kathak. This royal courtroom dance arose from the fusion of Hindu and Muslim cultures during the Mughal era. It is characterized by rhythmic footwork, spectacular spins, mime and gestures that are a dramatic representation of themes from Persian poetry synthesized with Hindu mythology. Dinner at the hotel will follow.
Note: The Taj Mahal is not open on Friday's
DAY 3 – April 17, 2027
This morning you will discover the Taj Mahal at dawn. Coffee, tea, juices and rolls are served in the lobby prior to your departure.
With its incredible lacy white grandeur, it is perhaps the most perfect architectural monument in the world. In memory of his wife, the great Mughal emperor Shah Jehan planned this most extravagant and incomparable monument built for love. Although amazingly graceful from any angle, it is the close-up detail, which is really astounding.
Following your morning visit, return to your hotel for breakfast.
Morning and afternoon options following breakfast and lunch:
•Visit the Tomb of Itmad-Ud-Daulah in the old city, the first Mughal structure pioneering the extensive use
of `pietra dura’, the inlay work of marble, so characteristic of the Taj Mahal. This mausoleum is small and squat when compared to the Taj, but the more human scale has its own attraction, and the skillfully patterned surface of the tomb is exquisite.
•At the hotel, Agra’s leading astrologer will be available for consultation. Appointments for an analysis of your personal horoscope can be made at the Regent Seven Seas Hospitality desk
•Take a look at some of Agra’s famous shopping including Kohinoor, erstwhile jewelers to the Mughal court, featured in National Geographic. Old emerald necklaces, enamel, jewelry, silver, pocket watches in Gold and silver, textiles and embroidery form part of their private collection. The Marble Inlay factories steeped in this decorative art culture are also a specialty of Agra.
Later in the day, re-visit the Taj Mahal at sunset where the monument appears to change its hue, tinted by the glow of the setting sun.
Return to your hotel for dinner and overnight.
Day 4 – April 18, 2027
After breakfast, check out and drive to the Delhi airport for a flight to Mumbai. A restroom stop will be made along the way. Lunch will be served at the Delhi airport.
Upon arrival in Mumbai, transfer to the pier where you will re-board the ship.
Land Program Step by Step:
Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direct flights are never guaranteed. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.
9:30am Disembark in Cochin, clear immigration and customs and transfer to the airport
12:00pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security
Lunch box served at Cochin airport
2:00pm Flight from Cochin to Delhi (flight details TBA and subject to change) Light refreshments will be served during the flight
5:20pm Arrive in Delhi and transfer to your hotel
6:45pm Arrive at the hotel and check-in
From 7:30pm Dinner at your hotel
Overnight at the Oberoi Gurgaon or similar hotel
From 7:00am Breakfast at the hotel
9:00am Drive to Agra via the Yamuna Expressway
1:00pm Arrive in Agra, check in, lunch and time at leisure
4:30pm Visit Agra Fort
6:30pm Return to the hotel
7:00pm Classical Kathak dance performance
From 7:30pm Dinner at your hotel
Overnight at the Oberoi Amarvilas or similar hotel
5:00am Tea, coffee, juices are served in the lobby
5:30am Sunrise visit of the Taj Mahal
From 7:00am Breakfast is served at the hotel
Morning options:
9:30-12:00 noon (a) Tour of Itmad-Ud-Daulah
9:30-12:00 noon (b) Shopping shuttle on the hour to the marble inlay factory and local markets
9:30-12:00 noon (c) Appointments with Agra’s famous astrologer
From 12:30pm Lunch at the hotel
Afternoon options:
2:00-4:30pm (a) Tour of Itmad-Ud-Daulah
2:00-4:30pm (b) Shopping shuttle on the hour to the marble inlay factory and local markets
2:00-4:30pm (c) Appointments with Agra’s famous astrologer
4:45pm Visit the Taj Mahal and stay on until sunset.
7:00pm Return to the hotel
From 7:30pm Dinner at your hotel
Overnight at the Oberoi Amarvilas or similar hotel
From 7:00am Breakfast at the hotel
9:00am Check out and drive to Delhi airport. Restroom stop enroute
1:00pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security Lunch served at Delhi airport
3:15pm Flight from Delhi to Mumbai (flight details TBA and subject to change)
Light refreshments served during the flight
5:20pm Arrive in Mumbai and transfer to the pier
7:30pm Arrive at the pier and reboard the ship
Steps on tour:
Taj Mahal
•Six steps at the entryway
•Six steps at the mosque
•Twenty-two steps to access the main tomb in the mausoleum
•Wheelchair accessible only up to the base of the mausoleum (tomb not wheelchair accessible)
Tomb of Itmad–Ud–Daulah:
•One or two easy steps plus ramps at different locations which are accessible by wheelchair
Expected Weather:
Delhi and Agra: Days are sunny and hot with temperatures between 30° to 35°C (86° to 95°F). The evenings get a bit cooler between 25° to 30°C (77° to 86°F).
What to Bring:
Casual wear for the day. Also, important is sun block, hat, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. As the Taj Mahal is also a mausoleum there are certain religious customs to be observed. As a token of respect, it is customary to remove your footwear before entering. Avoid tops with spaghetti straps and short shorts for ladies – knee length shorts are okay for ladies and gents.
Indian Rupees.
US Dollars are widely accepted
220 – 240 volts. Hotel rooms are equipped with converters however we recommend you bring your own travel adaptors for electric devices as a backup.
Proposed Aircraft type (subject to change):
Air India – Airbus A319 – All Economy seats
IndiGo : Airbus 320 – All Economy seats
Light luggage would be most suited for this trip. A maximum of 1 suitcase is permitted per person and one carry-on with a maximum of 7 kgs (15 lbs). Checked suitcases are not to weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) per airline regulations. Any luggage exceeding this amount will be subject to fees payable by the guest directly to the airline at the time of check-in.
Power banks and electronic equipment must be carried in hand luggage, not permitted in checked luggage
No sharp items are permitted in hand luggage i.e. scissor, nail cutter/file, razors
Liquids more than 100 ml are not permitted in hand luggage
Satellite phones and E-cigarettes are banned in India and need to be left on board the ship
Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights in India (as per Airline regulations):
1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.
2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)
3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least 1 month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).
4. Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.
Guests brining a scooter will need to advise our Reservations team in advance. Specific details regarding the scooter will be required (as advised to us by the Indian airlines) including model, model number, a photo, maximum speed, ground clearance, turning radius, overall length & width of the base, seat type, weight, battery weight, battery requirements, maximum range per charge, battery charger information, battery type (detachable or not), maximum weight capacity, color.
Documents and Visa Requirements:
It is essential to have a valid Indian Visa in advance of this trip.
Guests must bring their passport with them
VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.
Failure to have the required documents ahead of time will result in denial of travel and guests will have to pay for any expenses incurred in order to not proceed with the program.
The above information is subject to change and serves as a guide only. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our guests that it is the ultimate and sole responsibility of the guest to ensure they meet the entry requirements for each destination.
If traveling internationally, the countries you are flying to and/ or connecting through may have different document requirements and as such we encourage you to visit the government and airport websites of every country you will be traveling to throughout the journey to familiarize yourself with their requirements for your nationality.
Delhi: The Oberoi Gurgaon
443, Udyog Vihar, Phase V, Gurgaon – 122 016, Haryana
Phone: (+91 124) 483 1234
Agra: Oberoi Amarvilas
Taj East Gate Road, Agra 282001, India
Phone: +91 562 2231515
*We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure, then you will be staying at the hotels listed in this program.
Program Includes:
•1 night at the Oberoi Amarvilas Delhi including breakfast – Deluxe room
•2 nights at Oberoi Amarvilas in Agra including breakfasts – Premium room
•Transfers, sightseeing and road journeys using air-conditioned deluxe coaches
•Unlimited mineral water will be provided in the bus
•Lunches and dinners inclusive of house wines, beer, mineral water, sodas
•Economy class flights per the itinerary - Direct flights are not guaranteed
•Entrance fees and camera and video charges at the Taj Mahal monument
•Kathak dance performance
•Local fortuneteller
•The services of an accompanying Tour Manager throughout the entire program
Not Included:
•Any meals or beverages not listed in the itinerary
•Personal expenses
•Gratuities to drivers and guides
•Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service
•Excess or overweight luggage
•Indian visa
Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.
All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.
Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.
Price: $3,999 per guest based on double occupancy.
Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.
細部にいたる気配りやアート感覚に満ちた盛り付けまで、Seven Seas Splendor™のすばらしさは、毎日のお食事にも現れています。当社のシェフたちが、名品の数々を心を込めてお作りし、グルメなお客様の舌を喜ばせます。
ラグジュアリーな旅はホリスティックな体験です。心も身体も活力を取り戻し、より満足感のあるウェルビーイングをもたらします。Serene Spa & Wellness™は、世界各地からアイデアを得た、美と健康とウェルネスを目指す安らぎのオアシスです。心身を癒し、活力を回復するトリートメントやサービスをご用意しています。
料金およびカテゴリーの残室数は、予告なしに変更されることがあります。各客室カテゴリーの空室状況については、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesまでお問い合わせください。旅程および寄港地は、天候、その他の要因により、Regent Seven Seas Cruisesの単独裁量によって随時変更される可能性があります。
クルーズ代金に関する規定および条件については、こちらをクリックしてください。記載の料金には、航空券諸税、燃油サーチャージ、各種手数料が含まれています。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のアルティメット オールインクルーシブ料金には、航空券、ホテル、送迎、利用可能な場合はプライベートカーサービスのクレジットが含まれます。「2-for-1」(お1人様料金でお2人様ご利用)のオールインクルーシブクルーズ料金には、ホテル、送迎(可能な場合)が含まれます。表示された航空代金および空席状況は航空券の購入、発券まで変更される可能性があります。料金は2名様1室利用のお一人様分で、すべての割引が適用されています。航空会社によっては、受託手荷物や優先搭乗、座席指定優先サービスなどを含む(ただし、これらに限定されない)個人的費用が別途課される場合があります。
すべての旅程は変更される可能性があります。また、地図上に記載されている航路のラインは必ずしも船の実際の航路は示していません。表示料金は、1部屋2名様ご利用の場合の大人お一人様あたりの料金で、特に明記がない限り、米ドル建てで表示されています。ご旅行条件、クルーズの旅程、Regent Seven Seas Cruises社(RSSC)の責任、健康診断書あるいは旅行に必要な書類、責任の制限などについて、詳しくはご利用の旅行代理店担当者までご連絡いただくか、当サイト内の問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。To read our full Terms & Conditions, including our Ticket Contract and Insurance Information, visit www.rssc.com/legal.