

Spectacular Giants' Causeway

  • 6 Hours
  • Strenuous Activity
  • #


  • Explore the Giant’s Causeway, a geological wonder worthy of World Heritage site status.
  • Hear legends of the causeway’s formation and view exhibits that explain the geology.
  • Snap photos of Dunluce Castle, the seat of the MacDonnell clan


Drive along an immensely picturesque coastal road that leads to Dunluce Castle and the geological curiosity Giant’s Causeway. This epic stretch of highway offers some of the most beautiful vistas in Ireland, including the ruins of Dunluce Castle, where you will pause for photos. Once the headquarters of the MacDonnell clan, the castle was abandoned after part of it fell into the sea during a violent storm in 1639. Recent excavations have revealed the remains of an adjacent town from that period. Continuing on, you will soon arrive at the Giant’s Causeway, an area of more than 40,000 black basalt columns that volcanic activity created about 50 million years ago. According to legend, giants strode across the columns over the sea from Scotland, giving way to the causeway’s name. The columns look uniformly shaped, a geological occurrence so unusual that the columns have been deemed a UNESCO World Heritage site. The on-site visitor center further explains the geological formations.

Helpful Hints

  • Wear weather-appropriate clothing; include a light raincoat or umbrella.
  • Flat, comfortable walking shoes with a non-slip sole are required.
  • Bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen as needed.
  • This tour includes considerable walking over uneven surfaces and is not considered suitable for wheelchair guests or those with mobility concerns. The order of sites seen may vary.