
洋上のリージェント セブンシーズ クルーズの船洋上のリージェント セブンシーズ クルーズの船洋上のリージェント セブンシーズ クルーズの船

SAILSAFE™ 保健衛生対策プログラム

Our vision is to be the vacation of choice for everyone around the world. That's why we've enhanced our commitment to your well-being while cruising with our SailSAFE™ Health and Safety Program.




  • 現地の要件により、ワクチン接種の有無に関わらず、ご乗船に際して新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の検査は必要ありません。
  • 各目的地固有の要件がある場合は、出航の約30日前にすべてのお客様に要件に関する情報をお送りいたします。30日を超えるクルーズにつきましては、各国の入国条件は常に変化していますので、現地政府のウェブサイトにてご旅行に際して必要となるクルーズ前の検査といった追加要件をご確認ください。


  • We’ve designed an enhanced, staggered embarkation process and new check-in system to streamline check in for guests by allowing documents to be signed electronically.



Hand Sanitation

  • All guests will be encouraged to engage in frequent handwashing.
  • Hand sanitizer will be prominently placed and easily accessible throughout the ship.


  • Comprehensive enhanced cleaning and sanitation protocols have been implemented throughout the cruise experience.
  • Our 24/7 prevention schedule features continual disinfection of public areas and high-traffic touch points using EPA-approved disinfectants.
  • Guest accommodations will receive intensive non-toxic microbial disinfection daily.


  • お客様に清浄な空気をお届けするため、当社では医療レベルの濾過効果をもつエアフィルター、MERV 13またはHEPAを、各船上のHVACシステムのタイプに応じて設置いたしました。
  • The upgraded H13 HEPA air filters are capable of removing 99.9% of airborne pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus), the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • A new air treatment technology, bio-polar ionization, has been adopted to continuously disinfect the air in occupied spaces.


  • 新しいアップグレードされた機器、陸上の医療機関とのパートナーシップ、リモート医療機能、充実した相談や治療のオプションを導入することで、船上の医療機能を強化しました。
  • Onboard medical centers are abundantly stocked with common prescription medications, remedies, and virus-testing equipment.




  • We constantly monitor the health environment across the globe and will modify or cancel itineraries to affected areas as needed.
  • We recommend that all guests consult with local government websites to determine any additional requirements, including additional pre-cruise testing that may be required to travel.




    • If a positive case of COVID-19 occurs, we have various contact tracing methodologies to identify and notify those who may have been exposed.


    • We have developed a thorough mobilization and response plan focused on providing medical treatment, collaborating with local authorities and coordinating safe passage home for all guests and crew should the need arise.
    • We have established relationships with onshore medical institutions and enhanced our telemedicine consultation capabilities.



    • 乗船に際してワクチン接種を完了している必要はありますか?
      Regent Seven Seas Cruisesでは、現地の規制により、お客様は全員ワクチン接種の有無に関わらずご乗船いただけます。ワクチン接種が必要な場合は、出航の約30日前にお客様にお知らせいたします。

      In order to be considered fully vaccinated, unless otherwise noted, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency (EMA) and/or World Health Organization (WHO) authorized single brand vaccination protocol will be accepted, with the final dose having been received 14 days or more prior to embarkation. Vaccines include J&J Janssen, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca/Oxford (also known as Covishield and Vaxzervria), Sinopharm BIBP, Sinovac and Covaxin. These vaccines are listed as examples. Refer to FDA, EMA or WHO websites for full approved current list.

      A mixed vaccination combination of two doses of an FDA or EMA approved/authorized or WHO Emergency Use Listed (EUL) COVID-19 two-dose series with a minimum interval of 17 days will also be accepted. 注意:individuals receiving a Janssen COVID-19 vaccine before or after another COVID-19 vaccine are considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 14 days after receipt of the single dose of the Janssen vaccine.

      On certain sailings, due to local regulations, a guest who’s primary COVID-19 vaccination will be beyond 270 days at the time of disembarkation from their voyage must have a COVID-19 “booster” dose prior to embarkation to be fully vaccinated.

      Vaccination requirements for both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated guests will be highlighted to guests approximately 30-days prior to sailing.


      We are closely monitoring the evolving global public health environment and to the extent any itineraries are affected, we will notify impacted guests in a timely fashion and update our booking requirements. 常に変化している公衆衛生環境に基づいて、特定の国籍または国に対して追加の渡航制限が適用される可能性がありますので、お客様には最新の旅行要件を注視していただくことを強くおすすめいたします。

      新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)のワクチン接種証明は、ワクチン接種を実施した国の保健当局またはお客様がワクチン接種を受けた医療提供者のいずれかによって発行されたワクチン接種記録書の原本である必要があります。なお、ワクチン接種記録書を撮影した画像も受け付けます。Electronic vaccination records will be accepted for residents of countries where electronic documentation is the standard issued form. Confirmation email of vaccination appointment will not be accepted.


      Test result documentation must be provided in English and must include the following information:

      • 旅行書類に記載されている氏名と一致するお客様の氏名
      • Your date of birth
      • 検査結果
      • The date the test sample was collected
      • The name of the test provider
      • 検査の種類の証明

      Regent Seven Seas Cruisesが主催するクルーズ前の地上プログラムに参加する場合、リージェントは乗船前に必要な検査要件を満たすために新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)検査を行ってくれますか?

      ご自宅出発前または旅行中に新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)検査を受けられる場所をお調べになりたい場合は、こちらをクリックして、渡航用検査会場を検索できるTest for Travelのウェブサイトにアクセスしてください。

    • Are face coverings required?
      At this time, face coverings are not required on board Regent ships.

      We will continue to update our face covering policy as protocols evolve and change as policies are subject to local oversight of authorities in the jurisdiction(s) in which the ships are sailing. Should local regulations change, guests may be required to wear face coverings with short notice.

      Please note, certain airlines and in-destination venues and public transport services may implement their own policies, independent to the local jurisdiction, and we therefore recommend guests to travel with a supply of face-coverings.

      What happens if I don’t comply with health and safety requirements?
      All guests and crew are required to comply with our health and safety requirements to protect everyone on board, at the terminal and at destinations we visit. Individuals who do not comply with requirements will be denied boarding or disembarked from the cruise.

      Guests should refer to the Cruise Ticket Contract issue for their cruise for complete details.

      Will I be required to take a COVID-19 test to disembark the ship? Will you offer testing to meet travel requirements for guests flying back to countries that require negative COVID-19 test results to re-enter the country post-cruise?
      For those guests whose country requires a COVID-19 test (PCR or Antigen) to return home, COVID-19 tests are the guest’s responsibility to arrange and pay for.

      • Should guests require assistance finding a COVID-19 testing location prior to departing home or while traveling, please click here to visit the Test for Travel website.

      Regent Seven Seas Cruisesが主催するクルーズ終了後の地上プログラムに参加する場合、リージェントはクルーズ終了後に帰国するために必要な国固有の検査要件を満たすために新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)検査を行ってくれますか?
      For those guests whose country requires a COVID-19 test (antigen or PCR) to return home after a post cruise land program, COVID-19 tests are the guest’s responsibility to arrange and pay for.

      Should guests require assistance finding a COVID-19 testing location prior to departing home or while traveling, please click here to visit the Test for Travel website.


      現地当局が必要と判断した場合、お客様は航海中に新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の検査を求められる場合があります。Guests would be responsible for the cost.

      If I test positive for COVID-19 during a cruise and have to quarantine onboard during my cruise, will I receive a refund?
      Guests who are quarantined onboard during their cruise and/or disembarked due to a positive COVID-19 test, immediate travel party or close contact as defined above should submit an insurance claim for trip interruption.

      What happens if I test positive for COVID-19 during my cruise or at disembarkation?
      Guests will only be tested while on board if they report symptoms consistent with COVID-19, and it is deemed a medical necessity by the ship’s doctor, unless testing is required to disembark due to local public health requirements.

      If a guest tests positive for COVID-19 while on board, contact tracing will be performed in cooperation with the Security and Surveillance Team.

      お客様に何らかの症状が認められた場合は、船内の医療チームによる治療を自費で受けていただき、その後お客様はご自身のスイートで隔離されます。ご注意:Anti-viral Covid-19 therapeutics are readily available onboard and will be charged to the guests’ account. The length of their quarantine will depend on the severity of case, the number of days left in the voyage and if the guest(s) is symptomatic/asymptomatic. If the medical condition of the patient continues to deteriorate, the onboard medical team will determine proper course of action to safely disembark the guest(s) depending on the location of the vessel, and will engage Guest Relations team for follow up. Hospital and/or medical treatment after disembarkation will be at the guest’s expense.

      無症状の場合は、お客様はご自身のスイートで隔離されます。The length of their quarantine will depend on the severity of the case, the number of days left if the voyage and whether the guest remains asymptomatic or becomes symptomatic.

      Will all guests traveling in the same suite be required to quarantine if one member of the party tests positive during the cruise or at disembarkation?
      Guests traveling in the same suite as the confirmed COVID-19 positive case are considered close contacts and will receive an Antigen test for COVID-19. If the Antigen test is positive, a confirmatory PCR test will be given. If the Antigen test is negative, or if after a positive Antigen test the confirmatory PCR test is negative, the close contact will be able to continue to cruise. If the confirmatory PCR test is positive, the close contact will be quarantined and/or disembarked per standard operating procedure.

      If a guest receives a positive COVID-19 test and is required to quarantine by local officials after disembarkation, Regent Seven Seas Cruises will not be responsible for any COVID-19 related costs and therefore we strongly encourage guests to purchase travel insurance that includes coverage for COVID-19.

    • Can I explore on my own while in port?
      Guests are free to explore ports of call on their own or as part of a Regent organized excursion. Please keep in mind that this is dependent on local health authorities and the evolving regulations, which are subject to change.
