

Traditinal Irish Music Trail

  • 3 3/4 Hours
  • Strenuous Activity
  • #


  • ベルファスト市内のドライブで街全体のパノラマビューをご満喫いただきます。
  • 住宅地にある2つのパブでアイルランド伝統音楽のライブ演奏をお聴きください。
  • 演奏を聴きながら、アイルランドの地ビールやアイリッシュコーヒーを味わいましょう。


Walk the cobblestone streets of downtown Belfast, following the Traditional Music Trail to two pubs, where you will be treated to exclusive performances of Irish music. A panoramic drive through Belfast will prime you for the experience, as you will see cultural landmarks such as the Peace Walls and the Grand Opera House, a musical mainstay. Your professional musician guide will point out the sights in the Cathedral Quarter on the way to the pubs. The venues are located inside some of Belfast’s most historical buildings, which will lend an authenticity to the experience. As you sip a local beer or Irish coffee, you can expect to hear slow ballads and lively dance songs played on instruments such as fiddles, tin whistles and handheld drums known as bodhráns. The lyrics will likely tell stories with themes such as heartbreak, Irish nationalism or topics that may have been expressed on the Peace Walls.

Helpful Hints

  • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
  • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
  • This tour includes approximately 2 hours of moderate walking/standing; there will be some inclines, steps and cobblestone/uneven surfaces to negotiate. このツアーは車椅子をご利用のお客様にはお勧めしません。移動が不自由な方はそれぞれの体力や運動機能を慎重にご考慮ください。