

Wetlands Centre At Castle Espie

  • 3 1/2 Hours
  • Moderate Activity
  • #


  • Walk through wetlands that have been hailed for their restoration and sustainable design .
  • Follow a naturalist that will describe the extraordinary flora and fauna .
  • Watch countless species of birds, which are drawn to the wetlands’ diverse habitats .


Observe the wildlife, especially water birds, that flourishes in the diverse wetlands at Castle Espie on the shores of Strangford Lough. As an introduction to this beautifully restored avian reserve, you will follow a naturalist through the salt marshes, estuaries, tidal lagoons and woodlands. You can expect to see vast numbers of native and migratory birds, some of them rather exotic. While pausing at camouflaged bird hides that allow for up-close viewing, you may spot kingfishers, Brent geese, terns and countless songbirds such as linnets, a type of finch with an easy-to-recognize twittering call. It can be heartwarming and quite amusing to watch the newly hatched downy ducklings practice swimming and dive for food. Otters and butterflies are also abundant. The naturalist will help identify the various species and describe their characteristics. Time will also be allowed to browse an environmental art gallery and explore independently.

Helpful Hints

  • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing .
  • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes .
  • This tour includes approximately 1.5 hours of walking, plus any additional walking at the guests' discretion during free time. The sights on this tour are wheelchair accessible and therefore, it is available to wheelchair guests and those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. Comfortable, flat walking shoes, light clothing and a hat are recommended