

In Flanders Filed Museum & Vimy Memorial

  • 9 Hours
  • Strenuous Activity
  • #


  • Recognize the devastating impact of World War I, especially on Belgium.
  • Visit a memorial to the WWI troops killed in Belgium whose remains were never found.
  • Visit another war memorial that honors the Canadian troops killed in France in WWI.


Gain a deeper understanding of World War I by visiting a museum and two poignant memorials that capture the impact of this devastating conflict. At Menin Gate – through which hundreds of thousands of soldiers passed on the way to the battlefields – you will see the names of 55,000 of those soldiers who were killed and whose remains were never found. Standing before those names will be an emotionally moving experience. Browsing the Flanders Field Museum in the city of Ypres will add even greater insight into World War I, especially the exhibits describing the German invasion of neutral Belgium. The building that holds the museum was largely destroyed during the war and had to be reconstructed along with most of the city. Following free time to explore Ypres, you will cross the border into France to visit the Vimy Memorial, which commemorates the Canadian soldiers killed in France during WWI.

Helpful Hints

  • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
  • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
  • Warm, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes are recommended.