Settle back in your seat and discover a thousand-year-old capital city named for the Norse god Thor. Tórshavn may be compact and removed from the rest of the world, but this bustling city must not have gotten that memo. Its central historic district, Tinganes, is alive with a vibrant jumble of trending shops, traditional black-and-red cottages with grass roofs, and sleek modern buildings with richly colored facades. It’s a highly picturesque combination, with a deceptively bigger-city feel that you’d expect. You’ll feel that even more when the coach heads above the harbor district and into newer sections of town. On a short visit to medieval Fort Skansin, originally built to ward off pirate raids, you can’t miss its lighthouse. You’ll also spot a pair of WWII-era artillery guns the Brits installed, nestled among far older Danish cannons. An uphill drive brings you to The Nordic House cultural center, an architectural symphony in glass and grass – and headquarters for the performing arts in the Faroes. Though begun as a Viking outpost, today’s Tórshavn is a capital city with all the trimmings.