On this scenic drive you’ll explore an ancient Viking village site, visit a wool-knitting center, cross the moors and meet a famous pony or two. Far north and close enough to Norway to speak Scottish with a Scandinavian accent, the Shetlands have been dramatically shaped by the sea – and only somewhat tamed by the hearty people who live here. Your drive down through Mainland, largest of the 100-island archipelago, will offer stunning vistas of the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea. At Jarlshof, you’ll independently explore the remnants of a community of stone houses where Norsemen resided in the 7th century; hidden for centuries, a violent storm in 1905 uncovered this remarkable site. At the Hoswick Visitor Center, you’ll be introduced to Shetland history and culture through interpretive displays and demonstrations of the Islanders’ traditional knitting skills – with the opportunity to browse a wide variety of original cashmere and lambs’ wool items offered for sale. Of course, no trip to these islands is complete without a chance to meet a few delightful and inquisitive Shetland ponies. Sporting shaggy coats and flowing manes, they’ll likely show up looking for treats as your coach stops for photos.