Set foot into seafaring Lerwick on a leisurely guided stroll that captures the unique history of this remote Shetlands outpost. Founded rather unofficially in the 17th century as a below-the-radar marketplace for passing herring ships, today this is the capital and administrative center of the Shetlands – and home to a third of its population. Chief harbor landmarks include the town’s trademark lodberries – flat rock piers built by early merchants so that goods could be unloaded directly into warehouses – and the old Tolbooth building, an award-winning restoration that now houses Lerwick’s lifeboat station. Atop a rise, you’ll encounter Shetland-style recycling: an upturned former ferry now serving as roof to a garage. A walk along a web of steep, narrow lanes leads to Town Hall – where the Shetland’s story is depicted in intricate stained-glass. A visit to Fort Charlotte is a study in multiple identities. Built high above Bressay Sound in 1782, it was armed for battle with guns at each of its five corners yet never found an enemy to shoot at. Over time the bastion went on to serve as a base for the Royal Navy Reserve, the town jail and courthouse, a customs house and a coast guard station.