It’s hard to imagine anything ‘secret’ in Italy’s beloved Tuscany region, but Porto Santo Stefano may qualify. It’s one of two main towns on the Monte Argentario peninsula (Porto Ercole is the other) that links to the mainland via three isthmuses. Rocca Spagnola, a military fortress built by the Spanish in the 16th century that’s undergone extensive renovations, overlooks the town’s historical center, but Porto Santo Stefano’s laid-back seafront is what draws summer crowds. Treat yourself to views of the whole of the Tuscan archipelago – Giglio, Montecristo and Elba and sometimes even Corsica in France – at the 18th-century Frati Passionisti convent.

港: ポルト サント ステーファノ

ポルト サント ステーファノ

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